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Upgrading your site to version 3.0 from 2.4

Tyler Rubach edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 6 revisions

Steps to upgrade your site to version 3.0

  1. Make sure you have a backup of your site and (if possible) test this upgrade out on a non-production/dev site first.

  2. Start by making sure you're on the latest 2.4 release of the framework. If you're not on the latest 2.4 release, update your site one minor version at a time (e.g. 2.2 -> 2.3 -> 2.4) using the upgrade instructions.

  3. Change the default directory permissions to writable.

chmod 755 ~/illinois_framework/docroot/sites/default
  1. Upgrade your framework to 3.0 by running the composer command in the ~/illinois_framework directory:
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer require web-illinois/illinois_framework_profile:^3.0 --update-no-dev -o -W
  1. Upgrade the rest of your site's modules and dependencies using:
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update -W --no-dev -o
  1. After getting the latest updates, you'll want to run Drupal's database update by opening your browser and going to: <yourSiteURL>/update.php.

NOTE: Trying to run Drupal's database update by running drush updb will likely throw an error. An update hook in the profile enables the bootstrap5 theme, and drush will complain about the theme not being enabled.

  1. Finally, rebuild the cache and import the latest config settings by running:
drush cr; drush ccr; drush config-distro-update -y

Congratulations, you should now be upgraded to 3.0!