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W3 Access Protocol





The W3 protocol governs user interactions within self-certified Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)-based namespaces. Access to these namespaces, for simplicity referred to as spaces, is authorized through delegated capabilities in UCAN format.

Here we define the protocol for delivering authorized delegations to their audience.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119.


Space access is represented as a signed authorization in UCAN format. It is not enough to issue the UCAN authorization, the issuer needs some channel to deliver it to an audience.

We propose a protocol where an implementation can act as a delivery channel.


Message Channel

At the very high level signed authorization is a message addressed to a specific recipient (audience). The implementer of this protocol represents a message channel allowing the sender (issuer) to send a message and allowing the recipient (audience) to receive messages sent to them.

Shared Space

Alice has set up a space for sharing photos with her family and friends. She wants to authorize her partner Bob with write access so he can also upload photos. She wants to authorize her less tech savvy parent Mallory with just read access so she can look at photos but not add or delete them.

In this scenario Alice delegates upload/add capability to Bob and upload/list capability to Mallory. The application used by Alice leverages the access protocol to send issued delegations to Bob and Mallory. Applications used by Bob and Mallory leverage the access protocol to receive messages sent to them, transparently gaining access to the space that Alice has shared access to.

Multi-device Access

Alice has created a new space for storing photos on her laptop and uploaded some photos. Later she picks up her phone and logs in with her account to upload some photos to her space.

In this scenario after the space is created the access protocol is used to delegate full authority over to Alice's account. Later, when Alice logs in on her phone her account receives delegated capabilities over the access protocol, thereby gaining access to the space.


UCANs MUST be encoded with an IPLD codec. DAG-CBOR is RECOMMENDED.



Name Description
Principal The general class of entities that interact with with a UCAN. Listed in the iss or aud field
Issuer Principal sharing access. It is the signer of the UCAN. Listed in the iss field
Audience Principal access is shared with. Listed in the aud field


Namespace or space for short is an owned resource that can be shared. It corresponds to the asymmetric keypair and is identified by the did:key URI.

A space is always listed in the with field of the UCAN capability.


The owner of the space is the holder of its private key. The space owner can share limited or full access to their space via a UCAN delegation issued by the space did:key and signed with the space's private key.


Access is defined in terms of UCAN delegation, where the level of the access is denoted by the set of capabilities delegated.

Example in DAG-JSON

Space owner authorizes did:key:zBob (aud field) by delegating store/* capabilities (can field) for did:key:zSpace space (iss field).

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:zSpace",
  "aud": "did:key:zBob",
  "att": [
      "can": "store/*"
      "with": "did:key:zSpace",
  "prf": [],
  "fct": [],
  "exp": 1740357624,
   "s": {"/": {"bytes": "7aED...A0"}},


IPLD Schema

type Access union {
  | AccessDelegate   "access/delegate"
  | AccessClaim      "access/claim"
  | AccessRequest    "access/request"
} representation inline {
  discriminantKey "can"

Access Delegate

The access/delegate capability MAY be invoked by an authorized agent to send a set of delegations to their respective audiences.

Access Delegate Example

The following example illustrates did:key:zAlice invoking access/delegate capability with, requesting it to send a delegation from access example to their audience.

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:zAlice",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:zAlice",
      "can": "access/delegate",
      "nb": {
        "delegations": { "bafy...prf1": { "/": "bafy...prf1" } }
  "prf": [],
  "exp": 1705622469,
   "s": {"/": {"bytes": "7aED...A0"}},
Delegate IPLD Schema
type AccessDelegate struct {
  with AgentDID
  nb Delegate

type Delegate struct {
  delegations { String: &UCAN }

type AgentDID = string
Delegate with

The with field MUST be set to the did:key identifying the space where delegations will be stored.

An implementation MAY deny a request if the specified space has no capacity to store the supplied UCANs, or if the space does not have the access/delegate capability provisioned.

The protocol intentionally does not prescribe how to transfer linked UCANs leaving it up to implementations.

w3up implementation REQUIRES all linked UCANs be bundled in the invocation.

Please note that all the following DIDs could be different from one another

  1. Issuer of the linked delegations (in the nb.delegation)
  2. Issuer of the invocation.
  3. Space where delgations will be stored

In other words, a delegation MAY be sent by anyone, it does not have to be the issuer of the delegation. Sent delegation MAY be delegating capability to a resource different from the space where sent delegation will be stored.

Delegate nb.delegations

This field MUST be set to a set of UCAN IPLD Links represented by an IPLD Map. Map keys SHOULD be their corresponding values encoded as strings. It is RECOMMENDED to use base32 encoding.

The protocol intentionally does not specify how to transfer linked UCANs leaving it up to the implementations to decide.

w3up implementation REQUIRES that all linked UCANs be bundled with the invocation.

Delegate Receipt

The implementation MUST respond with UCAN Receipt. On success result MUST be a Unit (empty IPLD Map) type.

On failure, the result MUST have a message string field describing the error.

Access Claim

The access/claim capability MAY be invoked by an authorized agent to receive the capabilities that were delegated to the audience corresponding to the with field.

Access Claim Example

The following example illustrates did:key:zBob invoking access/claim capability with requesting delegations where did:key:zBob is an audience like one in the access example.

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:zBob",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:zBob",
      "can": "access/claim",
  "prf": [],
  "exp": 1705622469,
   "s": {"/": {"bytes": "7aED...A0"}},

Access Claim Schema

type AccessClaim struct {
  with DID

type DID = string

Access Claim with

The with field MUST be set to the DID identifying the audience of the delegations.

Access Claim Receipt

The implementation MUST respond with a UCAN Receipt. On success, the result MUST include the set of UCAN IPLD Links represented as an IPLD Map where keys SHOULD be corresponding values encoded as strings. It is RECOMMENDED to use base32 encoding for the keys.

The protocol intentionally does not specify how to transfer linked UCANs leaving it up to implementations.

⚠️ w3up implementation currently is incompatible as it sends binary encoded UCANs as values of the map as opposed to links.

Access Request

The access/request capability MAY be invoked by a user agent / application to get access to the required capabilities.

⚠️ w3up implementation currently does not support this capability.

Access Request Example

User [agent] did:key:z6Mkk...xALi (with field) is requesting authorization from alice@web.mail account (aud field) on a space with following capabilities:

  • store/add where size is greater or equal than 1024.
  • store/list
  • store/get
  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:z6Mkk...xALi",
  "aud": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:z6Mkk...xALi",
      "can": "access/request",
      "nb": {
        "can": {
          "store/add": [
            {">=": {"size": 1024}}
          "store/list": [],
          "store/get": []
  "prf": [],
  "exp": 1685602800,
  "s": {
    "/": {
      "bytes": "7aEDQJbJqmyMxTxcK05XQKWfvxG+Tv+LWCJeE18RSMnciCZ/RQ21U75LA0uFSvIjdqnF5RaauZTE8mh2ZYMBBejdJQ4"

Access Request Schema

type AccessRequest struct {
  can   { Ability: [Clause] }
type Ability = string

type Clause union {
  # Logic combinators
  "not":  Clause
  "or":   Clause
  "and":  Clause
  # Predicates
  ">":    CompareClause
  "<":    CompareClause
  ">=":   CompareClause
  "<="    CompareClause
  "="     CompareClause
  "!="    CompareClause
  "like"  LikeClause
} representation keyed

type CompareClause = { Attribute: Compare }
type Compare union {
  | CompareClause       map
  | Float               float
  | Int                 int
  | String              string
  | Bytes               bytes
  | Link                link
} representation kinded

type LikeClause { Attribute: Like }
type Like union {
  | LikePattern         string
  | LikeClause          map
} representation kinded

# Similar to SQLite like pattern
# - Any except for "%" and "_" characters matches itself.
# - An underscore "_" matches any single character.
# - A percent "%" symbol matches any single character.
type LikePattern = string

Requesting Principal

The resource (with field) MUST be set to the DID of the principal requesting an authorization.

ℹ️ It should be noted that the resource specified in the with field of the authorization request is NOT REQUIRED to be the same as the issuer of the request.

Authorizing Principal

The [audience] (aud field) MUST be set to the account DID from which the authorization is being requested.

ℹ️ Implementations MAY choose to support requests from non account principals if they choose so.

Requested Capabilities

The nb.can field MUST be an IPLD Map describing requested capabilities. Keys of nb.can map MUST be abilities requested. Values of the nb.can map MUST be constraints that capability corresponding to the key SHOULD satisfy. All requested capabilities SHOULD be for the same resource space.

Access Authorize


⚠️ Has been deprecated in favor of access request

The access/authorize capability MAY be invoked by a user agent / application to get access to the required capabilities.

Access Authorize Example

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:z6Mkk...xALi",
  "aud": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:z6Mkk...xALi",
      "can": "access/request",
      "nb": {
        "iss": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
        "att": [{"can": "store/add"}]
  "prf": [],
  "exp": 1685602800,
  "s": {
    "/": {
      "bytes": "7aEDQJb...dJQ4"

Access Authorize Schema

type AccessAuthorize struct {
  iss   DID
  att   [CapabilityRequest]

type CapabilityRequest struct {
  can   Ability
type Ability = string

Authorization Requesting Principal

The resource (with field) MUST be set to the DID of the principal requesting an authorization.

Authorization Authorizing Principal

The [nb.iss] MUST be set to the account DID from which the authorization is being requested.

Authorization Level

The nb.att field MUST be an array of objects. Each object in nb.att field MUST have the can field set to the requested ability. All requested abilities SHOULD be for the same resource space.

Usage Patterns

Access across multiple devices

Alice installs the w3up program and runs it the first time. The program asks what email address to use for the account. Alice types alice@web.mail. The program derives a did:mailto:web.mail:alice DID and requests authorization from it. Next the program invokes an access claim capability and discovers that the account has no space so it creates a new keypair and a corresponding space did:key:zAliceSpace, provisions it and after confirmation from Alice sets up space recovery by delegating full authority to Alice's account:

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:zAliceSpace",
  "aud": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:zAliceSpace",
      "can": "*"
  "prf": [],
  "exp": null,
  "s": {
    "/": {
      "bytes": "7aEDQJb...dJQ4"

The program invokes an access delegate capability with the account delegation so it can be received anywhere that Alice logs in with her account.

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:zAliceSpace",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:zAliceSpace",
      "can": "access/delegate",
      "nb": {
        // Map of delegation links to be stored for their audiences.
        "delegations": { "bafy...prf1": { "/": "bafy...prf1" } }
  "prf": [{ "/": "bafy...prf1" }],
  "exp": null,
  "s": {
    "/": {
      "bytes": "7aEDQJb...dJQ4"

When Alice runs the w3up program on her other device, and logs in to her account, the program invokes an access authorize capability to get access on this device.

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:zAli",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:zAli",
      "can": "access/authorize",
      "nb": {
        "iss": "did:mailto:web.mail:alice",
        "att": [{"can": "*"}]
  "prf": [],
  "exp": null,
  "s": {
    "/": {
      "bytes": "7aEDQJb...dJQ4"

When the invocation is received, the service sends an authorization confirmation email to alice@web.mail. Alice clicks the link in the email to approve the requested authorization. The service then issues an attestation proving that Alice has authorized requested authorization to did:key:zAli (an agent DID on new device).

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "",
  "aud": "did:key:zAli",
  "att": [
      "with": "",
      "can": "ucan/attest",
      "nb": {
        "proof": { "/": "bafy...auth" }
  "prf": [],
  "exp": null,
  "s": {
    "/": {
      "bytes": "7aEDQJb...dJQ4"

In the background, the new device polled access claim and once the request was authorized it received the delegation from an account along with an attestation from the service proving that Alice has authorized it. This allows the new device to access the space.

Sharing access with a friend

Alice wants to share access to her space with her friend Bob. She does not know if Bob has ever heard of, but she knows his email address allowing her to delegate capabilities:

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:zAliceSpace",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:zAliceSpace",
      "can": "store/list"
  "prf": [],
  "exp": 1685602800,
  "s": { "/": { "bytes": "7aEDQJb...dJQ4" } }

...and the access delegate capability allows her to send the delegation so it can be claimed by Bob.

  "v": "0.9.1",
  "iss": "did:key:zAliceSpace",
  "aud": "",
  "att": [
      "with": "did:key:zAliceSpace",
      "can": "access/delegate",
      "nb": {
        // Map of delegation links to be stored for their audiences.
        "delegations": { "bafy...prf1": { "/": "bafy...prf1" } }
  "prf": [{ "/": "bafy...prf1" }],
  "exp": 1685602800,
  "s": { "/": { "bytes": "7aEDQJb...dJQ4" } }

When Bob runs the w3up agent the first time and authorizes as, the program invokes the access claim capability and collects all capabilities available to the account, including the one sent by Alice, gaining access to her space.