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A Django Ninja api for our first Rasa Chatbot for the Internet Computer.


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A Django Ninja api for our first Rasa Chatbot for the Internet Computer

The live deployment can be found at

The full application consists of 3 GitHub repositories:

  1. dapp-0
  2. dapp-0-django
  3. dapp-0-bot



git clone
cd dapp-0-django


Create this pre-commit script, file .git/hooks/pre-commit


# Apply all static auto-formatting & perform the static checks
export PATH="$HOME/miniconda3/envs/dapp-0-django/bin:$PATH"
/usr/bin/make all-static

and make the script executable:

chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

django-server identity

The API makes authenticated calls to canister_motoko, using a dedicated django-server identity.

  • We used dfx to create the dfx identity django-server, with the command:

    dfx identity new django-server
    # The private key is stored in the file:
    # ~/.config/dfx/identity/django-server/identity.pem
  • We used dfx to specify that this identity uses our regular cycles wallet, with the commands:

    # Issue these commands from the dapp-0 repository
    dfx identity --network ic use django-server
    dfx identity --network ic set-wallet aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaa-aaa  # Replace with your wallet id !
    # Verify it is all ok
    dfx identity --network ic get-wallet
    # Reset identity to default
    dfx identity --network ic use default
  • We base64 encoded the pem file into a single line with the command:

    base64 -w 0 ~/.config/dfx/identity/django-server/identity.pem
  • We pass this value into our Django application via the environment variable IC_IDENTITY_PEM_ENCODED

    • Locally, store it in src/.env

    • In Github, store it in a secret

    • In Digital ocean, store it as an encrypted environment variable

  • We extract it as usual in the file src/project/

  • We figured out the principal of this identity by calling the whoami method.

    • We updated the value for _django_server_principal in the smart contract of the dapp-0 repository:

      # file: dapp-0/src/backend/motoko/
      public func is_django_server(p: Principal) : Result.Result<(), Http.StatusCode> {
          let _django_server_principal : Principal = Principal.fromText("xxxx-xxxx-...");
  • Now we can use use ic-py to make authenticated calls from the django python code to the protected APIs of the smart contract that is running in the motoko_canister on the Internet Computer.


Download MiniConda and then install it:


Create a conda environment with NodeJS & Python:

conda create --name dapp-0-django python=3.9
conda activate dapp-0-django

# Install the python packages
make install-python-dev


Start PostgreSQL cluster

# Start
make docker-services-up

# View logs
make docker-services-logs

# Stop
make docker-services-down

Create database

Option 1: with Makefile

This option uses psql of docker-service under the hood.

make docker-services-up
make docker-services-db-create

Option 2: with pgAdmin4.

  • Register the PostgreSQL cluster as a new server, with values as defined in docker-services/.env-db

  • Create a new database with name django-server

Configure Django


Create the environment file, dapp-0-django/src/.env, by copying dapp-0-django/src/.env-template.

It looks like this:

# You can use this command to create the SECRET_KEY & SECRET_JWT_KEY:
#  $ openssl rand -base64 32
# If doing it manually, avoid these symbols in the key, because they cause trouble 
# when setting it as environment variable in GitHub, Cloud or as Makefile variables
# (-) #
# (-) &
# (-) $
# (-) !



# local




# local

# production (IC Canisters or DigitalOcean Apps)

# See README section `django-server` identity


We trigger a migration to create our database tables:

python src/ makemigrations
python src/ migrate

Start the Django server

Use one of the following options:

Django's runserver from command line

 make run-with-runserver

Production mode

To run with uvicorn behind gunicorn, as we do in production:

make run-with-gunicorn-local

Wing IDE

With django's runserver:

  • Set src/ as the main entry point

  • Click on run, edit the launch configuration, and set the environment to use port 8001, because dfx local network already uses port 8000

    Run Arguments: runserver

With uvicorn webserver:

  • To debug in Wing Pro, make src/ the main entry point (Right Click > ...), and debug as usual

    • Verify the Debug/Execute tab in Project Properties from the Project menu:

      • Main Entry Point: full path to

      • Debug Child Processes: Always Debug Child Processes

      *(without this, Wing Pro will not stop at breakpoints)


We run the django-server on port 8001, because port 8000 is already in use by the local IC network.

When configured to use the IC mainnet for internet identity:


To test the health end-point of the running Django server:

make smoketest

To verify all static checks, that everything starts up properly and that the health endpoint works:

make all-test