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KingDom.js: A lightweight DOM manipulation library


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KingDom.js: A lightweight DOM manipulation library

KingDom.js is a lightweight, utility-driven JavaScript library designed to simplify DOM manipulation, event handling, and dynamic content management in your web projects. With a fluent and intuitive API, KingDom.js empowers developers to write cleaner and more efficient code when interacting with the Document Object Model (DOM).


You can install KingDom.js using a package manager like npm or yarn:

npm install @webarthur/kingdom

You can also include KingDom.js in your project by downloading the file and linking it directly in your HTML or by importing it into your JavaScript modules. Download KingDom.js and include it in your HTML file:

<script src="path/to/kingdom.js"></script>


KingDom.js exposes a set of utility functions that can be used to perform common DOM manipulation tasks. Below are examples of how to use each function:

  • get(target): Accepts a CSS selector string or an existing DOM element and returns the selected element(s).
  • each(target, callback): Iterates over a collection of elements selected using a CSS selector and executes the callback function for each element.
  • on(target, event, callback): Attaches an event listener to the specified element. Provides a convenient shorthand for common events:
  • update(target, content, type='html'): Updates the content of an element. type can be 'html' or 'text'.
  • show(target): Makes an element visible by removing the d-none class (assuming a Bootstrap-like class naming convention).
  • hide(target): Hides an element by adding the d-none class.
  • append(target, code, position = 'beforeend'): Appends content (string or element) to an existing element at a specified position.
  • set(target, attribute, value): Sets or retrieves an attribute value for an element.
  • setStyle(target, style, value): Sets a CSS style property for an element. You can pass an object for multiple styles.
  • create(tag, attributes = {}, parent, position = 'beforeend'): Creates a new DOM element with the specified tag, attributes, and optional parent and position for insertion.
  • remove(target): Removes an element from the DOM.
  • toggle(target, className = 'd-none', force): Toggles a CSS class for an element, optionally adding or removing it based on a force flag.
  • exists(target, parent = document): Checks if an element exists in the DOM.
  • dispatch(target, event): Dispatches a custom event on an element.
  • load(src, props = {}, parent = document.head): Loads a script or stylesheet from the specified source with optional properties and parent element.


Adding Event Listeners

Using on() to attach an event listener to the specified element.

import { on } from '@webarthur/kingdom'

// Attaches a callback to button on click event
on('#button-id', 'click', () => {
  console.log('Button clicked!')

// Attaches a callback to window on load
on('load', () => {
  console.log('Page loaded!')

Updating Element Content

Using update() topdate the content of an element.

import { update } from '@webarthur/kingdom'

update('#myDiv', 'New content here')

Showing and Hiding Elements

import { hide, showw } from '@webarthur/kingdom'

hide('#element-id') // Hide element
show('#element-id') // Show element

Toggling Classes

import { toggle } from '@webarthur/kingdom'

toggle('#element-id', 'my-class')

Creating and Appending Elements

import { get, create } from '@webarthur/kingdom'

// Get container ref
const container = get('#container-id')

// Create new div and append to container
const newDiv = create('div', { 
  class: 'my-new-div', 
  text: 'Hello, world!' 
}, container)

Removing Elements


Loading External Resources

load('path/to/script.js') // Load an external JavaScript file
load('path/to/style.css') // Load an external CSS file


Contributions to KingDom.js are always welcome! Whether it's bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests, all contributions help make KingDom.js better for everyone.


KingDom.js is open source and released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


KingDom.js: A lightweight DOM manipulation library







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