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Z Intern Drag and Drop (dnd) Notes

Carol Chung edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 6 revisions
  • need to retest previous logic to get the file data. from notes appears it was possible but there was some conflict to use it

purpose: this is a follow up note to issue #1571 because the current solution implementation is not really clean

  • ideally: it would have been preferred to use the HTML Drag and Drop API

    • write listener/handler for 2nd image dnd event
    • get 2nd file info from the latest dnd event
    • update the file input field via JS for 2nd file info
  • through testing, it was possible to detect:

    • when the 2nd image dnd event occurred
    • also if the file input field is currently filled at the time of the 2nd dnd event
  • through testing, it is currently NOT possible to detect:

    • 2nd image file data from the dnd event (see first 2 links in Resources section as the cause); it appears only Chrome is currently supporting the DataTransfer API's items property (which gives access to the dragged files data)
      • (update 072117) these are my notes from the time of testing, which are not totally clear to me (but I'll look again at what this means early next week)
      • "look at showUploadPreview() 1 instead of preventDefault() for drag/drop, try to capture the file uri for the 2nd drag/drop event" "test a (first choice route results)
      • 1 if do 2 prevent defaults, I can get the file uri but this prevents a 2nd drag drop response; 2 if I do any fewer prevent defaults, I cannot get the file uri at all (and the 2nd drag drop updates the browser url to the file url)"
    • at the time of this writing, this concept was only tested on FF

Stubbed out Code

  • see
  • this branch does not include the non working DataTransfer API code to get items/file data but it provides a skeleton for dragover and drop event(s) handling; currently combined to prevent a 2nd drag/drop from filling the entire browser win

Suggestions for Further Exploration

  • MikeT has made mention of the FileReader API for dragged file detection; it is conceivable to maybe combine the drag/drop handlers with FileReader API for a better solution to #1571; I did not explore the use of the FileReader API during testing
