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Have HTTP404 errors when Edge dev tools are open #869

xorcus opened this issue Nov 16, 2017 · 6 comments

Have HTTP404 errors when Edge dev tools are open #869

xorcus opened this issue Nov 16, 2017 · 6 comments


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xorcus commented Nov 16, 2017

see also:
see also: #858

1. create a test directory and install web components pollyfills in there (installs v1.0.17)

$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ npm install -g serve
$ npm install -g bower
$ bower install --save webcomponents/webcomponentsjs
  1. create a test.html page loading the pollyfills with feature detection, as suggested at (correcting webcomponents-lite.min.js to webcomponents-lite.js)
<!DOCTYPE html>
(function() {
  if ('registerElement' in document
      && 'import' in document.createElement('link')
      && 'content' in document.createElement('template')) {
    // platform is good!
  } else {
    // polyfill the platform!
    var e = document.createElement('script');
    e.src = '/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js';
  1. run the web server (depending on the version, serve serves at port 3000 or 5000)
$ serve .
  1. open the test.html page in Edge browser with Console view in Dev Tools open:
  1. Check the browser console - lists 71 issues:
HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
Current window: localhost/test.html
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/%20[synthetic:util/global]
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/%20[synthetic:util/defineproperty]
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/%20[synthetic:es6/symbol]
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/%20[synthetic:es6/util/makeiterator]
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/%20[synthetic:es6/util/arrayfromiterator]
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-hi-sd-ce-pf-index.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/scoping-shim.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/custom-style-interface.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/document-watcher.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/style-cache.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/style-properties.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/style-info.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/style-transformer.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/css-parse.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Patch/Element.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/CustomElementState.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Patch/Interface/ChildNode.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Utilities.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Patch/Node.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Patch/Document.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Patch/Interface/ParentNode.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Patch/HTMLElement.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/CustomElementRegistry.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Deferred.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/DocumentConstructionObserver.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/CustomElementInternals.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/attach-shadow.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/logical-tree.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/observe-changes.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/asap.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/then.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/promise/resolve.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/-internal.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/utils.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/enumerator.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/promise.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/utils.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/flush.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/innerHTML.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/native-tree.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/patch-accessors.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/logical-mutation.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/patch-events.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/array-splice.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/patch-builtins.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/style-settings.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/style-util.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/apply-shim-utils.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/document-wait.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponents-platform/webcomponents-platform.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/template/template.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/promise/all.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/promise/race.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/es6-promise/lib/es6-promise/promise/reject.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/src/promise.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/html-imports/src/html-imports.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/src/pre-polyfill.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/native-methods.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/%20[synthetic:es6/util/arrayfromiterable]
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadydom/src/shadydom.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Patch/Native.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/AlreadyConstructedMarker.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/custom-elements.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/src/Patch/DocumentFragment.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/common-regex.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/style-placeholder.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/template-map.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/src/common-utils.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/node_modules/@webcomponents/shadycss/entrypoints/scoping-shim.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/src/post-polyfill.js
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:5000/bower_components/src/unresolved.js
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Any updates on this issue from either side?

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xorcus commented Dec 13, 2017 via email

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This appears to be fixed now. I can inspect the website in Edge without any errors.

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Is this fixed? I'm still getting these errors in version webcomponentsjs@2.1.3, and in Microsoft Edge 40.15063.674.0

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@cjwainwright Have you found a solution yet?

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@jangobel No, sorry. Due to other different issues with this polyfill, have ended up using the custom elements polyfill from WebReflection, so not looked into this further.

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5 participants