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Laravel E-Commerce / Cart

Laravel E-Commerce / Cart

Русский | English

Cart Laravel
2.x 8.x
1.x 7.x


$ composer require webdevrus/laravel-cart
  1. Migrations
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="WebDevRus\LaravelCart\Providers\CartServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
$ php artisan migrate
  1. Configuration
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="WebDevRus\LaravelCart\Providers\CartServiceProvider" --tag="config"
  1. Specify trait HasCart in model User.

namespace App\Models;

use WebDevRus\LaravelCart\Traits\HasCart;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasCart;



use WebDevRus\LaravelCart\Facades\Cart;


// Add item
    'product_id' => 1,
    'quantity' => 3,
    'price' => 500,

// Remove item
    'product_id' => 10,

// Get item by index

// Get cart

// Clear cart

At the output Cart::get() we get the contents of such a structure

    "items" => [
        0 => [
            "price" => 500
            "quantity" => 3
            "product_id" => 1
    "total_count" => 1
    "total_price" => 1500
    "total_quantity" => 3

If in config/cart.php key merge set true, then after user authorization, cart from session will merged with the cart database.

Examples of expanding functionality

For example, create a helper-class in the App\Helpers namespace and name it Cart.

He must inherit the main helper-class — Helper.


namespace App\Helpers;

use WebDevRus\LaravelCart\Helpers\Helper;

class Cart extends Helper

Don't forget to indicate this in the config/cart.php

'session' => [
    'helper' => \App\Helpers\Cart::class,

'database' => [
    'helper' => \App\Helpers\Cart::class,

Example #1

Let's say we need to add a new type of output: instead of the available ones array and objectJSON.

Go to config/cart.php and change the key output

 * Specify the value json
'output' => 'json',

Let's create a method toJson() in App\Helpers\Cart

public function toJson(array $array): string
    return json_encode($array);

And now Cart::get() will return a string on JSON.

Example #2

In the helper-class you can create two methods — before() and after().

before() — called before the cart is formed .

after() — called after the cart has been formed and formatted.

Let's say we need to add a product model to the items in the cart. The after () method is suitable for us, because after before () the model object can be transformed.

In this case, the code will look something like this:

 * @param array|object $cart
 * @return void
public function after(&$cart)
    $items = data_get($cart, 'items');
    $model = \App\Models\Product::whereIn('id', Arr::pluck($items, 'product_id'))->get();

    foreach ($items as $i => $item) {
        $product = $model->firstWhere('id', data_get($item, 'product_id'));
        data_set($cart, "items.{$i}.product", $product);

At the output we get the cart type array or object with a product model for each position.


$ composer test