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SSR with Next.js and Firebase Hosting/Cloud Functions


This example uses firebase-tools as a devDependency which is run from the node_modules/.bin/ folder via yarn. Yarn will run scripts from either the package.json or binary scripts from node_modules/.bin/. npm run does not check the .bin folder for executables, so if you use npm you will either have to change the scripts to explicitly run the firebase binary from node_modules/.bin/ or install firebase-tools globally and remove it from the devDeps list.


yarn install

Login to Firebase CLI

This is used as a dev-dependency instead of a global install. I've found this to be a much nicer dev experience.

yarn fblogin

Next.js Development

Standard Next.js development with Hot-module Reloading etc

yarn dev

Local Testing

Unfortunately I have been unable to get any combination of

firebase serve --only functions,hosting

to work as expected. This issue is where solutions are being explored and they will be shared here and on the Next.js repo's similar issue when discovered.

In the meantime you'll just have to do a full deployment and test online. The new project structure of v2.0.0 and partial deployments reduces the deployment time significantly so this is not too bad. I'm continually looking into a solution to this.

Deploy to Firebase

You will need to connect the project to your Firebase project. Edit the name in .firebaserc or run firebase init and choose not to override any files.

Deploy Hosting resources and the rewrite Cloud Function

yarn deploy-app

Deploy functions not used for the SSR

Deploy all functions specified in the function group. Edit this script to add more function groups. - see Partial deploys docs for how to use function groups.

yarn deploy-funcs

Deploy everything to Firebase

yarn deploy-all

Clean dist Folder

yarn clean


SSR with Next.js and Firebase Hosting / Cloud Functions








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