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Describe a SyDEVS-Simulation with a .yaml and run it without to recompile SyDEVS and SyDEVS-yaml. Write your Nodes and compile them once and change the connection and settings on the fly!


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This Framework can be used to create and describe a simulation with a .yaml file and run it without the need to recompile every time a change is needed.

This project was created to be a connecting peace between a GUI and SyDEVS and to eliminate the need to recompile the source code every time connection between nodes or settings of nodes change.

It will be used in my master thesis, so not all functionalities are implemented and tested to its hearts content. Please be aware of this. If you have idea, problems i want to invite you to create a issue!

In difference to SyDEVS this project is a C++17 project.

The idea

At the beginning there were two usecases.

  1. A library of Nodes are given to a user and the user can change and rearrange the nodes as he please. To run this simulation there is no need to generate C++ Code and compile it. Only a .yaml/.yml will be generated and this library provides method to run it.
  2. In addition to 1. Nodes can be completely written in LUA and loaded and run on the fly.

What can SyDEVS-yaml?

As stated above the implementation is not complete and tested. So you can lockup here if the feature is currently implemented

  • Create GenericNodes
    • GenericAtomicNode - Class generic_atomic_node
    • GenericCollectionNode - Class generic_closed_system
  • Link Ports in and with a GenericCollectionNode
  • Load and Run .lua for each Node and the GenericInteractivSystem(generic_interactic_system)
    • set/get the value of the Ports of current Port.
    • check if a new Value is set at a Port
    • Set Initial values for the flow_input ports for the main generic_closed_system

What SyDEVS-yaml can't do

Currently the following things are not implemented or a not in current focus of my work:

  • Manny quality of life function of SyDEVS are currently not callable from LUA. An Example are the sydevs/core/units.h and sydevs/core/quantity.h
  • Use the run_simulation.h to run a normal simulation. The stubs are created, but aren't implemented yet.
  • Every thing which is printed in lua ignore the given output stream

What will come?

For the use in my master thesis these feature are bound to implemented - probably:

  • Register your own, in C++ written Nodes, and use them within the the .yaml
    • Within this, there will be the option to declare config_parameter. These will also be settable with in the .yaml
  • Run a normal simulation with the SyDEVS-yaml
  • Set the log level
  • Initialize the value of ports within in the .yaml
  • Change the name of the main composite_node/generic_closed_system

Example / How to use .yaml

In the folder example there is a really simple example. The simulation it self only use two atomic nodes. One which counts up every second and the other one which sum up all the values of the counter up till now.

Paths, if they are relative paths, always interpreted from the point of the file. It the path is in C++, the it will be use the path of the executable and a path in the .yaml with use the path of the .yaml as its root.

The example use the following files, and the SyDEVS-yaml.

- example
| - counter
| | - lua
| | | - adder.lua
| | | - counter.lua
| | | - simulation.lua
| | - s.yaml
| - main.cpp

The main.cpp is really small. It only set the path to s.yaml and start the simulation

#include <generics/run_simulation.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace sydevs;

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
    sydevs::generics::realtime rt("example/s.yaml");
    rt.mainloop(20_s, 0, std::cout, true); //duration of the simulation, seed, ostream for the output, if update_time_synchronization
    return 0;


In theory SyDEVS-yaml can use any datatype which is avaliable in C++, if no node is involved that use lua. The ports of the generic_closed_system/composite_node, which are used to initialize the inner nodes over the flow ports. The value of these Ports can be set with lua or with the .yaml.

When data is written or read from a port with in lua or with the help of the .yaml file, then only these following datatypes are available:

C++ Datatype Name in SyDEVS-yaml Value in .yaml Description
int64 / int64_t int 12 Integer
float64 / double double OR float 12.0 OR 12 Floating point number with double precision
std::string string "String" OR String Char array / String
bool bool true OR false Boolean (true/false)
duration duration See the folowing expanation! SyDEVS Type - see the folowing expanation!

The type duration need to be different defind in the .yaml. The value of the key time_precision can be the same as the other time_precision. For more information look in the API documentation of SyDEVS for the scale.h.

init_ports: # Same as 3 seconds 
  - name: init
    type: duration
    multiplier: 3
    time_precision: unit

Describe a simulation with .yaml

Bare minimum

The YAML-file is a little bit bigger so i will divide it in section. All node names must be uniq in the simulation! The port names must be uniq only in the same node.

Before i describe the example. I will show you what is the complete minimum to create a runnable simulation:

name: 'bouncing_ball'
count_agent: 2
lua: 'lua/simulation.lua'
time_precision: unit
simulation_main_node: 'main'
  - name: 'main'
    time_precision: unit

Every simulation must have a composite_node with the name main. In this node the other nodes will be placed and ports linked. Currently there is no way to replace this node with a note of an other type.

The Example

The first thing in the configuration the the simulation itself:

name: 'bouncing_ball' # currently ignored
count_agent: 1 # currently ignored
lua: 'lua/simulation.lua' # main use is to set the init value of the ports
time_precision: unit
simulation_main_node: 'main' # must be a name of a collection_node! Currently IGNORDED!
real_time: true # currently ignored

A generic_atomic_node with the name adder and the lua file adder.lua can be described as follow:

  - name: 'counter' # name of the node
    time_precision: unit
    lua: 'lua/counter.lua'
    ports: # The number of ports is not limited
      - port_type: flow # port_type
        direction: input # port_direction
        data_type: int # currently ignored
        name: "starter" # name of the port
      - port_type: message
        direction: input
        data_type: int
        name: "adder"
      - port_type: message
        direction: output
        data_type: int
        name: "result"

And with a secound node counter the YAML looks likes this:

name: 'bouncing_ball'
count_agent: 2
lua: 'lua/simulation.lua'
time_precision: unit
simulation_main_node: 'main'
real_time: true
  - name: 'counter'
    time_precision: unit
    lua: 'lua/counter.lua'
      - port_type: flow
        direction: input
        data_type: int
        name: 'starter'
      - port_type: message
        direction: output
        data_type: int
        name: 'counter'

The last thing is the describe the main composite_node with its ports and link the ports of main with the ports of the atomic_node we described beforehand.

The declaration of the node is similar to the other nodes. A composite_node has no lua file, because it cant run any code.

  - name: 'main'
    time_precision: unit
    nodes: # List all node names with are IN this node. Only the listed will be initialized
      - adder
      - counter
    ports: # This Ports can be used in the simulation.lua / interactive_system
      - port_type: flow # This type of port must be set with a value to create the simulation! 
        direction: input
        data_type: int
        name: 'init'
      - port_type: message
        direction: output
        data_type: int
        name: 'adder'
      - port_type: message
        direction: output
        data_type: int
        name: 'counter'

Now we need to describe the connection between the ports. For this SyDEVS-yaml use a special syntax.


For Example main.init > counter.starter links the Port init of the node main with the port starter of the node counter. SyDEVS-yaml will check if the ports can be connected, otherwise a exception will be thrown, but it will not check if the type of the ports are compatible!

Now we come to the part where we add the node, which will use the class adder_node. For this, we add a new node under the key own_node. The description of the node is basically the same, only the key lua will be replaced with the key class. The value of the key class in the .yaml is the same as the key in the REGISTER() function of the cpp class! Every other thing is the same as the other nodes. Where and why the REGISTER function is used? The anwser you can find here.

 own_nodes: # Every self written node lives here
  - name: 'adder' # Name of the Node - use this when reference the node in this file
    class: adder_node # Same name as in the REGISTER("adder_node", generic_own_node, const std::string&, const node_context&, node_config);
    time_precision: unit
      - port_type: flow
        direction: input
        data_type: int
        name: "starter"
      - port_type: message
        direction: input
        data_type: int
        name: "adder"
      - port_type: message
        direction: output
        data_type: int
        name: "result"

After this the complete yaml file look like this:

name: 'bouncing_ball'
count_agent: 2
lua: 'lua/simulation.lua'
time_precision: unit
simulation_main_node: 'main'
real_time: true
  - name: 'counter'
    time_precision: unit
    lua: 'lua/counter.lua'
      - port_type: flow
        direction: input
        data_type: int
        name: 'starter'
      - port_type: message
        direction: output
        data_type: int
        name: 'counter'
  - name: 'main'
    time_precision: unit
      - adder
      - counter
      - port_type: flow
        direction: input
        data_type: int
        name: 'init'
      - port_type: message
        direction: output
        data_type: int
        name: 'adder'
      - port_type: message
        direction: output
        data_type: int
        name: 'counter'
      - main.init > counter.starter
      - main.init > adder.starter
      - counter.counter > adder.adder
      - adder.result > main.adder
      - counter.counter > main.counter

Use LUA in the simulation

SyDEVS-yaml make the following object/things from SyDEVS callebal from lua.


  • generic_port
    • set_port(PORT_NAME, PORT_VALUE)
    • port_received(PORT_NAME)
    • get_string_port(PORT_NAME)
    • get_int_port(PORT_NAME)
    • get_double_port(PORT_NAME)
    • get_duration_port(PORT_NAME)
    • get_bool_port(PORT_NAME)

The ports of the current node is in the object ports and for example a port can be set with the following command:


Import is the It represent the std::any with is used in the inner code of SyDEVS-yaml. VALUE can be a string, int or double.

  • scale - from sydevs/core/scale.h with the following representations already translated to lua:
scales = {
    yocto =,
    zepto =,
    atto =,
    femto =,
    pico =,
    nano =,
    micro =,
    milli =,
    unit =,
    kilo =,
    mega =,
    giga =,
    tera =,
    peta =,
    exa =,
    zetta =,
    yotta =
  • duration - a quantity from sydevs/core/quantity.h - the function name are identical to SyDEVS
    • fixed_at(SCALE)
    • multiplier
    • precision
    • to_number

Write your own node in C++ and use it

You cann find a full functional class here and how the .yaml file need to be edit to use your own class.

The Header

class adder_node : public generic_own_node {
    REGISTER("adder_node", generic_own_node, const std::string&, const node_context&, node_config);

        // Constructor/Destructor:
        adder_node(const std::string& node_name, const node_context& external_context, node_config config);
        ~adder_node() override = default;

        // Attributes:
        scale time_precision() const override;


        // Event Handlers:
        duration initialization_event() override;
        duration unplanned_event(duration elapsed_dt) override;
        duration planned_event(duration elapsed_dt) override;
        void finalization_event(duration elapsed_dt) override;

Your node is a derived from generic_own_node and is basically a atomic_node from SyDEVS with a bit of sprinkle on top. Everything that a atomic_node can, your node can also do. Only how the read and write the ports ist different.

So your node inherit from generic_own_node:

class adder_node : public generic_own_node {
    REGISTER("adder_node", generic_own_node, const std::string&, const node_context&, node_config);

And the first thing to do, is to Register your node at SyDEVS-yaml. You only need to change the first parameter. Change the string to everything you want. It just need to be the same as the key class in the .yaml.

own_nodes: # Every self written node lives here
  - name: 'adder' # Name of the Node - use this when reference the node in this file
    class: adder_node # Same name as in the REGISTER("adder_node", generic_own_node, const std::string&, const node_context&, node_config);
    time_precision: unit

The signature of the constructor should not be changed!

        // Constructor/Destructor:
        adder_node(const std::string& node_name, const node_context& external_context, node_config config);
        ~adder_node() override = default;

For the following function you can consult the SyDEVS documentation for how you can implement them.

    // Attributes:
    scale time_precision() const override;


    // Event Handlers:
    duration initialization_event() override;
    duration unplanned_event(duration elapsed_dt) override;
    duration planned_event(duration elapsed_dt) override;
    void finalization_event(duration elapsed_dt) override;

To read or write to a port you need to use the following functions. The port_name is the same as in the .yaml config of your node.

// Read the port as the type ReturnType
// For example
std::string value = get_port_as<std::string>("input_port1");

// To write a port just use the set_port function. 
// The value need to be casted to std::any!
set_port(port_name, value_casted_to_std::any)

What can be and the future

Currently LUA is used a truly generic simulation. If C++ and Clang is used instead functionalities of SyDEVS can be used without a problem. LUA it self was just used to get this project going.

Projects used in this project


Describe a SyDEVS-Simulation with a .yaml and run it without to recompile SyDEVS and SyDEVS-yaml. Write your Nodes and compile them once and change the connection and settings on the fly!








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