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Example Template Using Express

var Framework = require('webex-node-bot-framework'); 
var webhook = require('webex-node-bot-framework/webhook');

var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();

// framework options
var config = {
  webhookUrl: '',
  token: 'Tm90aGluZyB0byBzZWUgaGVyZS4uLiBNb3ZlIGFsb25nLi4u',
  port: 80

// init framework
var framework = new Framework(config);

// An initialized event means your webhooks are all registered and the 
// framework has created a bot object for all the spaces your bot is in
framework.on("initialized", () => {
  framework.debug("Framework initialized successfully! [Press CTRL-C to quit]");

// A spawn event is generated when the framework finds a space with your bot in it
// You can use the bot object to send messages to that space
// The id field is the id of the framework
// If addedBy is set, it means that a user has added your bot to a new space
// Otherwise, this bot was in the space before this server instance started
framework.on('spawn', (bot, id, addedBy) => {
  if (!addedBy) {
    // don't say anything here or your bot's spaces will get 
    // spammed every time your server is restarted
    framework.debug(`Framework created an object for an existing bot in a space called: ${}`);
  } else {
    // addedBy is the ID of the user who just added our bot to a new space, 
    // Say hello, and tell users what you do!
    bot.say('Hi there, you can say hello to me.  Don\'t forget you need to mention me in a group space!');

// say hello
framework.hears('hello', (bot, trigger) => {
  bot.say('Hello %s!', trigger.person.displayName);
}, '**hello** - say hello and I\'ll say hello back');

// echo user input
framework.hears('echo', (bot, trigger) => {
  bot.say('markdown', `You said: ${trigger.prompt}`);
}, '**echo** - I\'ll echo back the rest of your message');

// get help
framework.hears('help', (bot, trigger) => {
  bot.say('markdown', framework.showHelp());
}, '**help** - get a list of my commands', 0); // zero is default priorty

// Its a good practice to handle unexpected input
// Setting a priority > 0 means this will be called only if nothing else matches
framework.hears(/.*/gim, (bot, trigger) => {
    bot.say('Sorry, I don\'t know how to respond to "%s"', trigger.message.text);
    bot.say('markdown', framework.showHelp());
}, 99999); 

// define express path for incoming webhooks'/framework', webhook(framework));

// start express server
var server = app.listen(config.port, () => {
  framework.debug('Framework listening on port %s', config.port);

// gracefully shutdown (ctrl-c)
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
  framework.stop().then(() => {

Websocket Example

Buttons and Cards Example

Restify Example