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[READ-ONLY] The `Crypt` component provides PHP methods for generating random numbers and strings, also, password hashing and password hash verification and methods for encryption and decryption of strings. (master at Webiny/Framework)


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Crypt Component

The Crypt component provides methods for generating random numbers and strings, also, password hashing and password hash verification and methods for encryption and decryption of strings. Internally it uses cryptographically secure methods.

Disclaimer: The library was not reviewed by a security expert.

Install the component

The best way to install the component is using Composer. This library requires that you also add a repository to your composer.json file.

composer require webiny/crypt

For additional versions of the package, visit the Packagist page.

Using Crypt

class MyClass
    use Webiny\Component\Crypt\CryptTrait;

    function myMethod()
        $this->crypt()->encrypt('to encrypt', 'secret key');

Generate random integers

To generate a random integer you just have to pass the range to the Crypt instance:

    $randomInt = $crypt->generateRandomInt(10, 20); // e.g. 15

Generate random strings

When you want to generate random string, you have several options. You can call the general generateRandomString method, or you can call generateUserReadableString method to get a more user-readable string that doesn't contain any special characters. There is also a method called generateHardReadableString that, among letters and numbers, uses special characters to make the string more "harder". Here are a few examples:

    // generate a string from a defined set of characters
    $randomString = $crypt->generateRandomString(5, 'abc'); // e.g. cabcc

    // generate a string that contains only letters (lower & upper case and numbers)
    $randomString = $crypt->generateUserReadableString(5); // A12uL

    // generate a string that can contain special characters
    $randomString = $crypt->generateHardReadableString(5); // &"!3g

Password hashing and validation

    // hash password
    $passwordHash = $crypt->createPasswordHash('login123'); // $2y$08$GgGha6bh53ofEPnBawShwO5FA3Q8ImvPXjJzh662/OAWkjeejAJKa

    // (on login page) verify the hash with the correct password
    $passwordsMatch = $crypt->verifyPasswordHash('login123', $passwordHash); // true or false

Encrypting and decrypting strings

    // encrypt it
    $encrypted = $crypt->encrypt('some data', 'abcdefgh12345678');

    // decrypt it
    $decrypted = $crypt->decrypt($result, 'abcdefgh12345678'); // "some data"

Crypt config

There are three different internal crypt libraries that you can choose from:

  1. OpenSSL - this is the default library
  2. Sodium - library that utilizes paragonie/halite internally for password hashing, password verification, encryption and decryption. Please note that this library is highly CPU intensive.
  3. Mcrypt - this is the depricated library which will be removed once we hit PHP v7.2

To switch between libraries, just set a different Bridge in your configuration:

    Bridge: \Webiny\Component\Crypt\Bridge\Sodium\Crypt

and then in your code just call:


Custom Crypt driver

To create a custom Crypt driver, first you need to create a class that implements \Webiny\Component\Crypt\Bridge\CryptInterface. Once you have implemented all the requested methods, you now need to change the Bridge path inside your component configuration.


To run unit tests, you need to use the following command:

$ cd path/to/Webiny/Component/Crypt/
$ composer.phar install
$ phpunit


[READ-ONLY] The `Crypt` component provides PHP methods for generating random numbers and strings, also, password hashing and password hash verification and methods for encryption and decryption of strings. (master at Webiny/Framework)







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