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feat(ui): upgrade RMWC (#2400)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* fix(app-apw): form usages

* fix: bring back `AWS_ELASTIC_SEARCH_DOMAIN_NAME` env var support

* fix: revert `AWS_ELASTIC_SEARCH_DOMAIN_NAME` support

* feat: add react-properties package (#2499)

* fix(react-properties): use babel config from project-utils

* fix: add missing slash

* fix: add missing `advancedAccessControlLayer` property

* fix: ensure `WCP_PROJECT_ENVIRONMENT_API_KEY` env var

* feat(pulumi): add support for remote resources

* chore(pulumi): reformat with prettier

* fix: rename `PulumiRemoteResource` to `PulumiAppRemoteResource` [no ci]

* fix: add error handling

* chore(release): publish v5.29.0-beta.0 🎉 🚀

* chore: update package versions (webiny-versions)

* chore: update yarn.lock

* fix(cypress): add a short wait to fix flaky test

* fix(pulumi): process resource handlers at config stage

* feat(pulumi-aws): add an AWS OpenSearch module

* feat(pulumi-aws): add production features to ElasticSearch module

* chore(release): publish v5.29.0-beta.1 🎉 🚀

* chore: update package versions (webiny-versions)

* chore: update yarn.lock

* fix(serverless-cms-aws): replace require with import [no ci]

* docs: replace `runProgram` with just `run` [no ci]

* chore: update `example.env`

* fix: convert `run` back to sync method

* chore: run prettier

* chore(release): publish v5.29.0-beta.2 🎉 🚀

* chore: update package versions (webiny-versions)

* chore: update yarn.lock

* chore(release): publish v5.29.0 🎉 🚀

* chore: update package versions (webiny-versions)

* chore: update yarn.lock

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* chore: update `jest` and `ts-jest` packages

* ci: enable running Cypress tests on PRs [no ci]

* ci: test Jest retries

* chore: add Jest setup file and globally set `jest.retryTimes(5);`

* ci: test Cypress retries

* ci: test Cypress retries

* fix: update ts-jest

* fix: add `@jest-environment jsdom`

* chore: set `"jsx": "react"`

* chore: update yarn.lock

* chore: run prettier

* chore: properly merge `setupFilesAfterEnv`

* chore: update babel-jest

* test: undo temporary change

* test: add `@jest-environment jsdom`

* refactor(api-headless-cms): optional chaning in checks (#2512)

* fix: unset default transform rules and remove obsolete name prop

* chore: add a void package for types

* fix: disable @types/jsdom package because of conflicts

* test(api-apw): disable tenant link verification

* test(react-properties): setup nanoid mocks

* fix(cwp-template-aws): add missing .babelrc file

* feat(project-utils): use retries to delete indexes on snapshot errors (#2513)

* fix: use handlers for the `projectAppParams.pulumi` parameter

* fix: use handlers for the `projectAppParams.pulumi` parameter

* feat: export Pulumi app types

* feat(api-apw): cms workflow (#2450)

* feat(api-mailer): package to send e-mails from the system (#2514)

* feat(cwp-template-aws): add apw to user projects (#2523)

* fix(app-headless-cms): revisions cache update on publish (#2525)

* chore: remove WCP project ID

* feat: assign WCP project ID via WCP_PROJECT_ID

Usually, the ID is set via webiny.project.ts, but, for dev/testing purposes, we want to be able to set the WCP project ID via an env var too.

* fix: improve error messages

* feat: reorganize code and add support for WCP_PROJECT_ID env var

* chore: run prettier

* feat: typescript to 4.7.4 (#2527)

* ci: change permission-level to "write"

* feat: decouple Page Editor and introduce a Block Editor (#2529)

* feat(api-headless-cms): combine cms contexts and graphqls (#2528)

* refactor(api-apw): remove unnecessary cms code (#2530)

* test(api-headless-cms): header parameter plugin (#2532)

* feat(api-headless-cms): correct endpoint types (#2533)

* fix(app-page-builder): resurrect "click-to-add" element (#2534)

* fix(api-headless-cms): locale error when system not installed (#2537)

* feat: bring back APW into Webiny Projects (#2535)

* fix: bring back APW into Webiny projects

* chore: update yarn.lock

* fix: correct import of `AdvancedPublishingWorkflow`

* chore: regenerate TS configs

* fix(cli-watch-command): correct glob generation

* fix: remove empty if statement

* fix: correct glob generation

* fix: bring back APW into Webiny projects

* fix: bring back APW into Webiny projects

* chore: update yarn.lock

* fix: correct import of `AdvancedPublishingWorkflow`

* chore: regenerate TS configs

* fix: remove `AdvancedPublishingWorkflow` from template's `App.tsx` file

* fix(app-page-builder): improve editor core (#2536)

* ci(cleanup): add EventBridge cleanup script

* feat(ui): upgrade rmwc/base, use npm package

* chore(ui): update components

* fix(app-page-builder, app-form-builder): update other packages

* fix(app-admin): resolve tslib to fixed version due to version clashes

* fix(api): rebase & fix conflicts

* fix(settings): add back typescript to resolutions

* chore(ui): update material components

* fix(project-utils): turn off webpackImporter

* fix(material): resolve material versions

* fix(ui): upgrade material-components-web

* fix(app-admin): fix grid layout issue

* fix(app-admin): correct font on body tag

* fix(app-admin): restore installer grid height

* fix(ui): resolvem aterial select to latest vesion

* fix(ui): update select styles

* fix(ui): rm ChipIcon, responding to review comments

* fix(ui): rm ChipIcon, responding to review comments

* fix(app-admin): update select styles

* fix(ui): add tslib as explicit dependency

* fix(package json): tidy resolutions, update lockfile

* fix(packagejson): pin tslib

* fix(packages): add tslib as explicit

* fix(ui): restore secondary button styles

* feature(app-admin-rmwc): Add Portal to overlaysHOC

* fix(app-admin): update select input caret style

* fix(lockfile): sync lockfile

* chore(ui): prettify code

* fix(ui): rm tslib from main package.json

* chore(ui): move tslib to dependencies from devDependencies :face_palm:

* fix(app-page-builder): add defaultValue & beforeChange to select

* chore(packages): rm spurious file

* fix(ui): move tslib to admin app dependencies

* fix(ui): autofil label position

* fix(ui): rm grid-gap from splitView

* fix(app-page-builder): fix zoom select styles

* fix(app-page-builder): icon positioning fix

* fix(app-admin-rmwc): fix portal rendering issue

* fix(lockfile): rebase on next, resolve peer dependencies correctly

* fix(ui): pass data-testid as props to input component

* fix(cypress): update installation script selectors

* fix(ui): remove forked rmwc packages

* fix(app-admin-rwmc): synchronise dependencies

* fix(cypress): update login tests, add testid to some views

* fix(cypress): update selectors for uploadImage.spec

* fix(cypress): update selectors and test

* fix(cypress): update form builder tests

* fix(cypress): add testids to fieldRenderers

* fix(cyperss): update contentEntries tests

* fix(app-headless-cms): add testids to inputs

* fix(cypress): update content models tests

* fix(cypress): update search and sort models

* fix(cypress): i18n createLocale updates (wip)

* fix(cypress): update i18n tests

* fix(cypress): update account tests

* fix(cypress): update createMenu test

* fix(cypress): pb menu items tests

* fix(cypress): update menus, users tests

* fix(cypress): update security admin group test

* fix(cypress): update pb menus list test

* fix(cypress): update pb categories tests

* fix(lockfile): nuke lockfile and reinstall

* fix(cypress): rebase on next, resolve issues

* fix(lockfile): rebase on next, replace lockfile

* fix(packagejson): unpin pretty-format

* fix(app-page-builder): set default value for page zoom

* fix(ui): correct chip icon margins

* fix(app-admin): fix ui issue with SEO settings meta tags

* fix(appformbuilder): update input label

* chore(package): rm tslib from package.json :ta_da:

* fix(cypress): update failed pipeline tests

* fix(cypress): update downshift selectors

* feat(ui): upgrade rmwc/base, use npm package

* chore(ui): update components

* fix(app-page-builder, app-form-builder): update other packages

* fix(app-admin): resolve tslib to fixed version due to version clashes

* fix(api): rebase & fix conflicts

* fix(settings): add back typescript to resolutions

* chore(ui): update material components

* fix(project-utils): turn off webpackImporter

* fix(material): resolve material versions

* fix(ui): upgrade material-components-web

* fix(ui): resolvem aterial select to latest vesion

* fix(ui): update select styles

* fix(ui): rm ChipIcon, responding to review comments

* fix(ui): rm ChipIcon, responding to review comments

* fix(app-admin): update select styles

* fix(ui): add tslib as explicit dependency

* fix(package json): tidy resolutions, update lockfile

* fix(packagejson): pin tslib

* fix(packages): add tslib as explicit

* fix(ui): restore secondary button styles

* feature(app-admin-rmwc): Add Portal to overlaysHOC

* fix(app-admin): update select input caret style

* fix(lockfile): sync lockfile

* chore(ui): prettify code

* fix(ui): rm tslib from main package.json

* chore(ui): move tslib to dependencies from devDependencies :face_palm:

* chore(packages): rm spurious file

* fix(ui): move tslib to admin app dependencies

* fix(app-admin-rmwc): fix portal rendering issue

* fix(lockfile): rebase on next, resolve peer dependencies correctly

* fix(ui): remove forked rmwc packages

* fix(app-admin-rwmc): synchronise dependencies

* fix(cyperss): update contentEntries tests

* fix(cypress): update content models tests

* fix(cypress): update search and sort models

* fix(cypress): i18n createLocale updates (wip)

* fix(cypress): update i18n tests

* fix(cypress): pb menu items tests

* fix(cypress): update menus, users tests

* fix(cypress): update pb menus list test

* fix(lockfile): nuke lockfile and reinstall

* fix(cypress): rebase on next, resolve issues

* fix(lockfile): rebase on next, replace lockfile

* fix(packagejson): unpin pretty-format

* chore(package): rm tslib from package.json :ta_da:

* fix(cypress): update downshift selectors

* fix: menuItems Cypress tests

* fix: better child button handling

* fix: searchAndSortCategories Cypress tests

* chore: formatting

* fix: pageListMenuItemType Cypress tests

* chore(ui): rebase, format code

* fix(cypress): fix remaining 2 tests

* fix(cypress): improve flaky test

* fix(cypress): add pb page publish button testid

* fix(cypress): select element correctly

* chore(cypres): wait for type to finish to reduce flakiness

* fix: cypress cross-origin tests

* chore: code review and commands order

* chore: commands order

* fix(cypress): force click confirm delete

* fix(ui): use template literals for css

Co-authored-by: Bruno Zorić <>
Co-authored-by: Adrian Smijulj <>
Co-authored-by: Pavel Denisjuk <>
Co-authored-by: webiny-bot <>
Co-authored-by: Leonardo Giacone <>
  • Loading branch information
6 people committed Jul 25, 2022
1 parent fdc8449 commit 575a290
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 1,196 changed files with 28,288 additions and 16,613 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .adiorc.js
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module.exports = {
dependencies: [
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .eslintignore
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,5 @@
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/cleanup.yml
Expand Up @@ -27,3 +27,6 @@ jobs:
--max-wait-retries 100
--access-key-id ${{ env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
--secret-access-key ${{ env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
- name: Run EventBridge Cleanup
run: yarn && node ./.github/workflows/cleanup/cleanupEventBridge.js
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/cleanup/aws-nuke.yml
Expand Up @@ -34,3 +34,5 @@ resource-types:
- DynamoDBTable
- CloudWatchEventsRule
- CloudWatchEventsTarget
- SQSQueue
- EventBus
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/cleanup/cleanupEventBridge.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
const EventBridge = require("aws-sdk/clients/eventbridge");

const eventbridge = new EventBridge({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION || "eu-central-1" });

async function deleteEventBusRules(eventBus) {
const { Rules } = await eventbridge.listRules({ EventBusName: eventBus.Name }).promise();
for (const rule of Rules) {
const { Targets } = await eventbridge
.listTargetsByRule({ EventBusName: eventBus.Name, Rule: rule.Name })

if (Targets.length > 0) {
await eventbridge
Ids: => t.Id),
Rule: rule.Name,
EventBusName: eventBus.Name

await eventbridge.deleteRule({ Name: rule.Name, EventBusName: eventBus.Name }).promise();

async function deleteEventBus(eventBus) {
console.log(`[${eventBus.Name}] Trying to delete...`);

await deleteEventBusRules(eventBus);

return eventbridge
.deleteEventBus({ Name: eventBus.Name })
.then(() => {
console.log(`[${eventBus.Name}] Deleted!`);
return true;
.catch(err => {
console.log(`[${eventBus.Name}] Error: ${err.message}`);
return false;

(async () => {
let nextToken;
let count = 0;
while (true) {
const { EventBuses, NextToken } = await eventbridge
.listEventBuses({ NextToken: nextToken })

nextToken = NextToken;

const results = await Promise.all(
EventBuses.filter(bus => bus.Name !== "default").map(deleteEventBus)

count += results.filter(Boolean).length;

if (!nextToken) {

console.log(`Deleted ${count} EventBus resources.`);
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/experiments.yml
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name: Experiments

branches: [poc/*, experiment/*, experiments/*, rd/*, r&d/*]
branches: [poc/*, experiment/*, experiments/*]

NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=4096
Expand Down

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