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Vuer is a Vue 3 / Vuetify single page app that uses a Drupal instance running the Drupal Outline module as a backend. The app provides an improved interface for Drupal content editors using the Vuetify / Material Design Component library. Planned features related to content editing include drag and drop, undo/redo, copying nodes between Drupal servers, workflow integration, automation of bulk content editing and importation, etc.

For a quick introduction to Vuer, check out the Introducing Vuer PDF file in the docs directory.

Primary capabilities supported:

  • An app based content editing interface for Drupal.
  • An app based administrative interface for Drupal.
  • A more efficient way to publish a "book" of content.

A Drupal Outline is conceptually similar to a Drupal Book, except that an Outline may contain references to any Drupal entity type, not just nodes. An Outline is composed of Outline Entries organized in a hierarchy. An Entry is by default just a title and a long text field for simple content. Optionally, an Entry can represent any Drupal entity, which is accomplished using Drupal's Entity Reference capability. Each Outline has a single top level Entry called the Root Entry.

The Drupal Outline module is based on the Drupal Core Taxonomy module, where a Vocabulary is an Outline, and a Term is an Entry. One difference is that the Taxonomy module supports Terms having more than one parent, whereas an Entry can have only one parent. Another difference is that Terms can have custom fields, whereas Entries do not support custom fields. This is because an Entry can reference any Drupal Entity type, including ones that have custom fields, and thus custom fields are not needed for the Entries themselves.

Vuer was built using the Drupal DruxtJS module, which provides integration with Vue's Nuxt.js framework. The Drupal GraphQL module is used for communication between the Vuer app and the Drupal back end. There is also a node.js app that provides support for Druxt pre-rendering and Pupetteer for screen scraping.

Vuer supports editing of Drupal entities using Druxt editing components, see Note that the Druxt components use JSON API, rather than GraphQL, for communication with the Drupal backend.

Pupetteer is planned for screen scraping of Drupal node editing pages. The screen scaping technology is useful for automating repetitive content editing tasks. Screen scraping also makes possible communication to Drupal when functionality is needed is not provided by the json api or graphql api configuration. For example the screen scraper could scrape the Drupal Admin UI Site Status page periodically and cache the output so that the current status information is instantly available to app users.

Project setup

These must be installed globally prior to installation: git, node, npm, vue cli, and optionally composer and lando/docker.

Before installation, make sure you have Drupal account set up with git access, SSH Key, and your global git user/email set.

Step 1: Clone and install the Vue project

git clone
cd vuer
npm i

At this point you can run the app, as it is pointed to a test back-end located on

npm run serve

If you want a full Drupal installation for your local development environment, continue with the steps that follow.

Step 2: Initialize Drupal

Mac OSX:bash npm run init:drupal:mac (requires composer.phar in /usr/local/bin)

Windows:bash npm run init:drupal:windows

Step 3: Set Drupal GraphQL and Druxt Permissions

-- Access DruxtJS JSON:API resources

Step 4: VS Code Configuration

  • In the top level vuer directory:
mkdir .vscode
cp scripts/vscode/launch.json .vscode

Running the App

Start Drupal:

npm run drupal

Start the the Vuer app:

npm run serve

Check Drupal status:

cd packages/drupal
lando drush status

Rebuild or Reinitialize Lando / Reinstall Drupal

If Lando/Drupal are not working / broken in some way, go to the ../packages/drupal directory try a Lando rebuild:

lando rebuild

To reinitialize Lando and reinstall Drupal:

lando destroy
lando poweroff
lando start
lando site-setup


  • api
    • Simple express api server
    • Can use puppeteer
  • drupal
    • Drupal environment running in Docker/Lando
    • Only generated when following the Initialize Drupal development server instructions above
  • vuer-fe
    • Main vuer client/application front end
    • Requires drupal server to function

General repository commands

root level

  • build <package>: runs build on all packages. Accepts <package> parameter to target specific packages
  • clean: Cleans node_modules from all packages
  • init:drupal: Initializes Drupal development server
  • lint: Runs lint on all packages
  • lint:fix: Runs lint --fix on all packages
  • serve <package>: Runs serve on all packages. Accepts <package> parameter to target specific packages
  • drupal: Starts drupal development server. Requires lando to function

api package

  • serve: Starts Express api server

vuer-fe package

  • build: Compiles and minifies outline client for production
  • lint: Lints and fixes outline client files
  • serve: Compiles and hot-reloads outline Vuer client for development


Planned Features

  • Drag and Drop
  • Undo/Redo
  • Forward/Back
  • Puppeteer for scraping node edit forms.

Long Term Features

  • Taxonomy Editing
  • Menu Editing
  • Migrate module support for migrating Books to Outline
  • Dynamic loading of children

See the file for a more complete roadmap.