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Laravel Quiz Application API


1.1.Admin routes

POST | admin/auth - Admin authentication

'name' => 'required',
'password' => 'required',

GET|HEAD | admin/questions - List of all questions in the admin panel
POST | admin/questions - Store the question with answers

'question_text' => 'required | unique:questions',
'language_id' => 'required | exists:languages,id',
'answers' => 'array | between:4,4',
'answers.[].answer_text' => 'required',
'answers.[].is_right' => 'required | boolean',

GET|HEAD | admin/questions/{questions} - get question by ID
PUT|PATCH | admin/questions/{questions} - update question by ID

'question_text' => 'required | unique:questions,question_text', (current ID ingnored)
'language_id' => 'required | exists:languages,id',
'answers' => 'array | between:4,4',
'' => 'sometimes | numeric',
'answers..answer_text' => 'required',
'answers..is_right' => 'required | boolean',

DELETE | admin/questions/{questions} - delete question by ID
GET|HEAD | admin/questions/language/{lang_id} - get questions by language
GET|HEAD | admin/languages - List of all languages
POST | admin/languages - Store new language

'name' => 'required | unique:languages',
'slug' => 'required | unique:languages'

PUT|PATCH | admin/languages/{languages} - Update language by ID

'name' => 'required | unique:languages',
'slug' => 'required | unique:languages'

GET|HEAD | admin/languages/{languages} - Get language by ID
DELETE | admin/languages/{languages} - Delete language by ID
GET|HEAD | admin/public_rooms - Returns array of active and public rooms

1.2.Players routes

POST | auth - authentication OR registration a new user

'name' => 'required',
'email' => 'required | email | unique:users',

1.3.Room routes

POST | room/create - create new room

'is_public' => 'required | boolean'

GET|HEAD | room/join/{id} - join to room by ID (exists socket event)
GET|HEAD | room/leave/{id} - leave room by ID (Not used, but suddenly you need)
GET|HEAD | room/isAdmin/{id} - is user admin of the room
GET|HEAD | room/public_rooms - get not started public rooms

1.4.Quiz Process routes

POST | quiz/start_quiz - start quiz by room ID (exists socket event)

user should be the room admin
'room' => 'required | numeric',
'stepsCount' => 'required | numeric',
'lang' => 'required | numeric',

POST | quiz/start_private_quiz - start quiz by room ID and user's quiz (exists socket event)

user should be the room admin
'room' => 'required | numeric',
'stepsCount' => 'required | numeric',
'quiz_id' => 'required | numeric',

GET|HEAD | quiz/get_players/{roomID} - get all room players by ID
POST | quiz/check_results - Send answer to check (exists socket event).

'room' => 'required | numeric',
'step' => 'required | numeric',
'question' => 'required | numeric',
'answer' => 'required | numeric',
'time' => 'required | numeric',

POST | quiz/check_private_results - Send answer to check (exists socket event).

'room' => 'required | numeric',
'step' => 'required | numeric',
'question' => 'required | numeric',
'answer' => 'required | numeric',
'time' => 'required | numeric',

1.5.Private Questions routes

POST | private/questions/{quiz_id} - store new private question

'question_text' => 'required',
'answers' => 'array | between:4,4',
'answers.[].answer_text' => 'required',
'answers.[].is_right' => 'required | boolean',

PUT|PATCH | private/questions/{quiz_id}/{question_id} - update private question

'question_text' => 'required',
'answers' => 'array | between:4,4',
'answers.[].id' => 'sometimes | numeric',
'answers.[].answer_text' => 'required',
'answers.[].is_right' => 'required | boolean',

DELETE | private/questions/{quiz_id}/{question_id} - delete private question
GET|HEAD | private/questions/{quiz_id}/{question_id} - get private question

1.6.Private Quizzes routes

GET|HEAD | private/quizzes - get all user's quizzes
POST | private/quizzes - store new user's quiz

'quiz_name' => 'required',

GET|HEAD | private/quizzes/{quizzes} - get one private quiz with questions
PUT|PATCH | private/quizzes/{quizzes} - update user's quiz

'quiz_name' => 'required',

DELETE | private/quizzes/{quizzes} - delete user's quiz

2.Socket Events

Emits to subscribe

RoomChanges - room changes

'data' => [
'user' => Username,
'type' => Leave or Join,

SendQuestion - send question from server

'data' => [
'question' => Question Text, // string
'answers' => Answers Array

SendIntermediateResults - send intermediate results from server

'data' => [
'results' => Results Array

PlayerAnswered - fire when player answer the question

'data' => [
'player' => Player Name

Emits to send

startQuiz - start quiz

var data = {
'room' : id,
'stepsCount': number,
'lang': id,
'user' : token (without 'Bearer')

startPrivateQuiz - start private quiz

var data = {
'room' : id,
'stepsCount': number,
'quiz_id': id,
'user' : token (without 'Bearer')

sendResult - send answer to check

var data = {
'room' : id,
'user' : token ,(without 'Bearer')
'step' : number,
'question' : id,
'answer' : id,
'time' : milliseconds };

sendPrivateResult - send answer to check in private quiz

var data = {
'room' : id,
'user' : token ,(without 'Bearer')
'step' : number,
'question' : id,
'answer' : id,
'time' : milliseconds };

joinRoom - join to room

var data = {
'room' : id,
'user' : token (without 'Bearer')


Quiz app laravel,






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