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Route Class Documentation

Benyamin Khalife edited this page Jul 3, 2023 · 11 revisions

The Route class is part of the Webrium namespace and is responsible for handling routing in web applications.

Source Method

Route::source(array $route_file_names): void

This method takes an array of route file names and includes them from the routes directory. Each route file should contain respective routing code for a specific part of the application.

In the Webrium framework, the method is used in the public/index.php , and other path files can be added to it by editing it.


Route::source(['web.php', 'api.php']);

In this example, the web.php and api.php files will be included from the routes directory.

HTTP Verb Methods

These methods are used to define routes with corresponding HTTP verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). They take the URL path, handler (controller or closure), and optional route name as arguments.

Route::get(string $url, string|callable $handler, string $route_name = ''): void
Route::post(string $url, string|callable $handler, string $route_name = ''): void
Route::put(string $url, string|callable $handler, string $route_name = ''): void
Route::delete(string $url, string|callable $handler, string $route_name = ''): void
Route::any(string $url, string|callable $handler, string $route_name = ''): void


// route with GET method
Route::get('/users/{id}', function($id){
    // implementation
}, '');

// route with POST method
Route::post('/users', 'UserController->store');

// route with PUT method
Route::put('/users/{id}', 'UserController->update');

// route with DELETE method
Route::delete('/users/{id}', 'UserController->delete');

Group Method

The group method is used to categorize routes. You can define the same prefix for them. Middleware can also be defined for it to control user access to the routes.

The group method contains two parameters. The first parameter can receive a string type or an array including prefix and middleware properties, If the first parameter is a string, it is considered as a prefix. and a function is created in the second parameter to define the paths in it :

Route::group('admin', function(){
    Route::get('post/list', 'IndexController->showPostList');

You can create the first parameter as an array and define the prefix and middleware for it :

function checkIsAdmin(){
    return true;

Route::group(['prefix'=>'admin', 'middleware'=> 'checkIsAdmin' ], function(){

The middleware value can be of boolean type or the name of the function or it can be created directly in that function. Finally, when the value received by the middleware is true, it gives access to the paths inside it Also, middleware can contain an array of values as mentioned above

Some more examples of group :

Route::group(['prefix'=>'admin', 'middleware'=> ['checkIsAdmin'] ], function(){
Route::group(['middleware' => function () {
    // Middleware logic here
    return true; // or false
}], function () {
    // Routes for this group
Route::group(['middleware' => [$is_admin, $is_login]], function () {
    // Routes for this group

getRouteByName Method

This method takes a route name string and returns the URL of the corresponding route. If the route is not found, an error message will be generated.

Route::getRouteByName(string $route_name): string


$url = Route::getRouteByName('');
// returns '/users/{id}'

setNotFoundRoutePage Method

This method sets the handler for when a page is not found (404 error). The handler can be a callable function or a string in the format of ControllerClass->methodName.

Route::setNotFoundRoutePage(callable|string $handler): void


    echo "404 page not found";

executeControllerMethod Method

In special cases, if we want to execute a method in a controller by ourselves, we can do this by using the executeControllerMethod method, which receives two parameters, the first parameter contains a string in the format ControllerClass->methodName, and the second parameter is optional. and if your method has parameters, you can define and value those parameters

Route::executeControllerMethod(string $handler_string, array $params = []): mixed


$result = Route::runController('UserController->show', ['id' => 1]);

run Method

This method implements the routing logic by matching the requested URL with the defined routes. If a match is found, the corresponding handler is executed. If no match is found, a 404 error message is displayed. This function is called by default in the Webrium framework

Route::run(): void