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You can achieve responsive page rendering by offloading long running blocking calls from HTTP request processing to external worker processes. Websauna uses Celery for asynchronous task processing. Celery allows asynchronous execution of delayed and scheduled tasks.

Make sure you have installed Websauna with celery extra dependencies to use tasks:

pip install websauna[celery]

See :ref:`installing_websauna` for more information. Websauna requires Celery 4.0 or newer.

Websauna configures Celery using :ref:`websauna.celery_config` directive in INI settings.

Celery is configured to use :term:`Redis` as a broker between web and task processes. Unless you want to add your own scheduled tasks you do not need to change websauna.celery_config setting.

Celery runs separate long running processes called workers to execute the tasks. Furthermore a separate process called beat needs to be run to initiate scheduled tasks. Below is an example how to run Celery on your development installation.

Use :ref:`ws-celery` command to run Celery. ws-celery is a wrapper around celery command supporting reading settings from :ref:`INI configuration files <config>`.

To launch a Celery worker:

To launch a Celery beat do:

Below is a run-celery.bash script to manage Celery for local development:

# Launch both celery processes and kill when this script exits.
# This script is good for running Celery for local development.

set -e
set -u

trap 'pkill -f ws-celery' EXIT

# celery command implicitly overrides root log level,
# let's at least state it explicitly here
ws-celery company/application/conf/development.ini -- worker --loglevel=debug &
ws-celery company/application/conf/development.ini -- beat --loglevel=debug &

# Wait for CTRL+C
sleep 99999999

You need to register your tasks with Celery. You do this by decorating your task functions :py:func:`websauna.system.task.tasks.task` function decorator. The decorated functions and their modules must be scanned using self.config.scan() in :py:meth:`websauna.system.Initializer.configure_tasks` of your app Initializer class.

Websauna uses a custom :py:class:`websauna.system.task.celeryloader.WebsaunaLoader` Celery task loader to have request object available within your tasks. This allows you to access to dbsession and other implicit environment variables. Your tasks must have bind=true in its declaration to access the Celery task context through self argument.


from websauna.system.task.tasks import task
from websauna.system.task.tasks import RetryableTransactionTask

@task(base=RetryableTransactionTask, bind=True)
def my_task(self: RetryableTransactionTask):
    # self.request is
    # self.request.request is websauna.system.http.Request
    dbsession = self.get_request().dbsession
    # ...

One generally wants to have tasks runs only if HTTP request execution completes successfully. Websauna provides :py:class:`websauna.system.task.tasks.ScheduleOnCommitTask` task base class to do this.

If your task does database processing use :py:class:`websauna.system.task.RetryableTransactionTask` base class. It will mimic the behavior of pyramid_tm transaction retry machine. It tries to retry the transaction few times in the case of :ref:`transaction serialization conflict <occ>`.

Delayed tasks run tasks outside HTTP request processing. Delayed tasks take non-critical actions after HTTP response has been sent to make the server responsive. These kind of actions include calling third party APIs like sending email and SMS. Often third party APIs are slow and we don't want to delay page rendering for a site visitor.

Below is an example which calls third party API (Twilio SMS out) - you don't want to block page render if the third party API fails or is delayed. The API is HTTP based, so calling it adds great amount of milliseconds on the request processing. The task also adds some extra delay and the SMS is not shoot up right away - it can be delayed hour or two after the user completes an order.


All task arguments must be JSON serializable. You cannot pass any SQLAlchemy objects to Celery. Instead use primary keys of database objects.

Example of deferring a task executing outside HTTP request processing in

from websauna.system.task.tasks import task
from websauna.system.task.tasks import RetryableTransactionTask
# ...

@task(base=RetryableTransactionTask, bind=True)
def send_review_sms_notification(self: RetryableTransactionTask, delivery_id: int):

    request = self.get_request()

    dbsession = request.dbsession
    delivery = dbsession.query(models.Delivery).get(delivery_id)
    customer = delivery.customer

    review_url = request.route_url("review_public", delivery_uuid=uuid_to_slug(delivery.uuid))

    # The following call to Twilio may take up to 2-5 seconds
    # We don't want to block HTTP response until Twilio is done sending SMS.
    sms.send_templated_sms_to_user(request, customer, "drive/sms/review.txt", locals())

Then you can schedule your task for delayed execution in

def my_view(request):
    delivery = request.dbsession.query(Delivery).get(1)
    send_review_sms_notification.apply_async(args=(,), tm=request.transaction_manager)

You also need to scan in Initializer:

class MyAppInitializer(Initializer):
    """Entry point for tests stressting task functionality."""

    def configure_tasks(self):

Scheduled task is a job that is set to run on certain time interval or on a certain wall clock moment - e.g. every day 24:00.

Here is an example task for calling API and storing the results in Redis. In your package create file and add:

from trees.btcaverage import RedisConverter

from websauna.system.core.redis import get_redis
from websauna.system.task import task
from websauna.system.task import TransactionalTask

@task(name="update_conversion_rates", base=TransactionalTask, bind=True)
def update_btc_rate(self: TransactionalTask):
    request = self.get_request()
    redis = get_redis(request)
    converter = RedisConverter(redis)

Another example can be found in :py:mod:`websauna.system.devop.backup`.

Your project INI configuration file has a section for Celery and Celery tasks. In below we register our custom task beside the default backup task

# ...
websauna.celery_config =
        "broker_url": "redis://localhost:6379/3",
        "accept_content": ['json'],
        "beat_schedule": {
            # config.scan() scans a Python module
            # and picks up a celery task named test_task
            "update_conversion_rates": {
                "task": "update_conversion_rates",
                # Run every 30 minutes
                "schedule": timedelta(minutes=30)

Often it is necessary that you store the result of a task. E.g.

  • Long running tasks processing background batch jobs whose results get displayed in web UI
  • Delayed tasks need to report if they succeeded or failed

It is best to store a result of a task in :ref:`SQLAlchemy model <models>` (complex results) or :ref:`Redis` (simple results that can be regenerated).

Here is an example task.

First we have a function that executes a long running batch job calc_seo_assets. It returns the result as Python dictionary that gets stored as JSON in Redis.

Example rebuild_seo_data:

from websauna.system.core.redis import get_redis

# This is our example SQLAlchemy model for which we need to perform
# long running tasks, one per item
from myapp.models import Asset

def rebuild_seo_data(request, asset: Asset):
    """Rebuild daily SEO data for an asset item. """
    key_name = "asset_seo_{}".format(asset.slug)"Building asset SEO %s", key_name)
    # Execute some very long running function
    data = calc_asset_seo(request, asset)

    # Store results in Redis as JSON
    redis = get_redis(request)
    redis.set(key_name, json.dumps(data))
    return data

We have several items for which we need to run this job. We iterate them in a Celery scheduled tasks that gets called twice in a day:

from websauna.system.task.tasks import task, WebsaunaTask
from websauna.system.http import Request
from websauna.system.model.retry import retryable

# This is our example SQLAlchemy model for which we need to perform
# long running tasks, one per item
from myapp.models import Asset

def _build_seo_data(request: Request):
    """Build SEO data for all assets in our database.

    We declare the function body as a separete function from the task function, so
    that this function can be called directly from ws-shell for manual testing.
    dbsession = request.dbsession

    # Because doing calculations for individual jobs can be time consuming,
    # we split our jobs over several transactions, so that we do not hold
    # database locks for a single asset unnecessarily

    def _get_ids():
        # Get all assets that have website set, so we know we can build SEO data for them
        asset_ids = [ for asset in dbsession.query(Asset).all() if asset.other_data.get("website")]
        return asset_ids

    def _run_for_id(id):
        asset = dbsession.query(Asset).get(id)
        rebuild_seo_data(request, asset)

    # Transaction 1
    ids = _get_ids()

    # Transaction 2...N
    for id in ids:

@task(name="data.build_seo_data", queue="data", bind=True, time_limit=60*30, soft_time_limit=60*15, base=WebsaunaTask)
def build_seo_data(self: WebsaunaTask):
    """Individual asset graphs.

    This task is listed in Celery schedule in production.ini.

After the task is run (by Celery or manually) the data is available in Redis and you can use it in :ref:`views` in the front end:

import json
from websauna.system.core.redis import get_redis

def fetch_seo_data(request, asset: Asset) -> dict:
    """Get SEO data build in the background task.

    :return: If data is not yet build return None, otherwise return decoded resuls.
    key_name = "asset_seo_{}".format(asset.slug)

    redis = get_redis(request)
    data = redis.get(key_name)

    if data:
        return json.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
        return None

def my_view(request):
    seo = fetch_seo_data(self.request, self.asset)
    return seo

See also


Because tasks are not served over HTTP endpoint, requests do not have URL information available in them. You need to set :ref:`websauna.site_url <websauna_site_url>` in configuration if you want to expose URLs generated within tasks.

See :py:meth:`websauna.system.http.utils.make_routable_request`.

Below is a functional example for sending messages to a Slack channel, so that you don't block HTTP response with slow Slack API.

"""Send Slack messages.

Asynchronous Slack caller. Must be explicitly enabled in the settings to do anything.

In your ``settings.ini``:

    slack.enabled = true

You need to a create a Slack app to get a token.

In your ``secrets.ini``:

    token = xxx

from pyramid.settings import asbool
from slackclient import SlackClient
from websauna.system.core.utils import get_secrets
from websauna.system.task.tasks import ScheduleOnCommitTask
from websauna.system.task.tasks import task

def get_slack(registry):
    secrets = get_secrets(registry)
    slack = SlackClient(secrets["slack.token"].strip())
    return slack

def slack_api_call(request, method, kwargs):
    """Also serve as mock patch point."""

    # Do not send anything to Slack unless explicitly enabled in settings
    if not asbool(request.registry.settings.get("slack.enabled", False)):

    slack = get_slack(request.registry)
    slack.api_call(method, **kwargs)

@task(base=ScheduleOnCommitTask, bind=True)
def _call_slack_api_delayed(self: ScheduleOnCommitTask, method, dispatch_kwargs):
    """Asynchronous call to Slack API."""
    request = self.get_request()

    slack_api_call(request, method, dispatch_kwargs)

def send_slack_message(request, channel, text, immediate=False, **extra_kwargs):
    """API to send Slack chat notifications from at application.

    You must have Slack API token configured in INI settings.


    .. code-block:: python

        send_slack_message(request, "#customers", "Customer just ordering #{}".format(

    If you do not want deferred action and want to do a blocking Slack API call e.g. for testing:

    .. code-block:: python

        send_slack_message(request, "#customers", "Foobar", immediate=True)

    Message goes only out if the transaction is committed.

    kwargs = dict(channel=channel, text=text)

    if immediate:
        slack_api_call(request, "chat.postMessage", kwargs)
        _call_slack_api_delayed.apply_async(args=["chat.postMessage", kwargs],

Testing this with

import transaction

from xxx.slack import send_slack_message

def test_slack_send_message(test_request):
    """We can send messages to Slack asynchronously."""

    slack_message_queue = []

    def _test_dispatch(request, method, kwargs):
        slack_message_queue.append(dict(method=method, kwargs=kwargs))

    with mock.patch("tokenmarket.slack.slack_api_call", new=_test_dispatch):
        with transaction.manager:
            # This generates delayed task that is not send until the transaction is committed.
            send_slack_message(test_request, "#test-messages", "Foobar")

    # Celery eats exceptions happening in the tasks,
    # so we need to explicitly tests for positive outcomes of
    # any functions using Celery, regardless if Celery is in eager mode
    # or not
    msg = slack_message_queue.pop()
    assert msg["method"] == "chat.postMessage"
    assert msg["kwargs"]["channel"] == "#test-messages"
    assert msg["kwargs"]["text"] == "Foobar"

Sometimes you run to issues of not being sure if the tasks are being executed or not. First check that Celery is running, both scheduler process and worker processes. Then you can check the status of Celery queue.

Start shell or do through IPython Notebook:

ws-shell ws://my/app/conf/production.ini

How many tasks queued in the default celery queue:

from celery.task.control import inspect
i = inspect()

Print out Celery queue and active tasks:

from celery.task.control import inspect
i = inspect()
for celery, data in i.scheduled().items():
    print("Instance {}".format(celery))
    for task in data:
    print("Queued: {}".format(i.scheduled()))

print("Active: {}".format(

First stop worker.

Then start worker locally attacthed to the terminal with --purge and it will drop all the messages:

ws-celery  ws://my/app/conf/production.ini -- worker --purge

Stop with CTRL+C.

Start worker again properly daemonized.