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Calico as a libnetwork plugin.

This demonstration uses Docker's native libnetwork network driver, available in the Docker (experimental channel)[] alongside the Docker 1.7 release. Docker's experimental channel is still moving fast and some of its features are not yet fully stable.


This demonstration makes some assumptions about the environment you have. See Environment Setup for instructions on getting an appropriate environment.

If you have everything set up properly you should have calicoctl in your $PATH, and two hosts called calico-01 and calico-02.

Starting Calico services

Once you have your cluster up and running, start calico on all the nodes

On calico-01

sudo calicoctl node

On calico-02

sudo calicoctl node

This will start a container on each host. Check they are running

docker ps

You should see output like this on each node

vagrant@calico-01:~$ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                            NAMES
39de206f7499        calico/node:v0.5.3   "/sbin/my_init"        2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                                                         calico-node

Creating networked endpoints

The experimental channel version of Docker introduces a new flag to docker run to network containers: --publish-service <service>.<network>.<driver>.

  • <service> is the name by which you want the container to be known on the network.
  • <network> is the name of the network to join. Containers on different networks cannot communicate with each other.
  • <driver> is the name of the network driver to use. Calico's driver is called calico.

So let's go ahead and start a few of containers on each host.

On calico-01

docker run --publish-service srvA.net1.calico --name workload-A -tid busybox
docker run --publish-service srvB.net2.calico --name workload-B -tid busybox
docker run --publish-service srvC.net1.calico --name workload-C -tid busybox

On calico-02

docker run --publish-service srvD.net3.calico --name workload-D -tid busybox
docker run --publish-service srvE.net1.calico --name workload-E -tid busybox

By default, networks are configured so that their members can communicate with one another, but workloads in other networks cannot reach them. A, C and E are all in the same network so should be able to ping each other. B and D are in their own networks so shouldn't be able to ping anyone else.

On calico-01 check that A can ping C and E.

docker exec workload-A ping -c 4 srvC
docker exec workload-A ping -c 4 srvE

Also check that A cannot ping B or D

docker exec workload-A ping -c 4 srvB
docker exec workload-A ping -c 4 srvD

To see the list of networks, use

docker network ls

IPv6 (Optional)

IPv6 networking is also supported. If you are using IPv6 address spaces as well, start your Calico node passing in both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the host.

For example:

calicoctl node --ip= --ip6=fd80:24e2:f998:72d7::1

See the IPv6 demonstration for a worked example.