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a simplified small-c compiler frontend, including a lexical analyzer and a syntax analyzer


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Simple Small C Compiler

CS308 Compiler Principles (A) Course Project

Name: Wenhao Zhu

Student ID: 5130309717


A simplified compiler frontend, including a lexical analyzer and a syntax analyzer, for Small-C, which is a C-like language containing a subset of the C programming language. Besides, it also implements a code generator to translate the intermediate representation, which is produced by syntax analyzer, into LLVM instructions.

Using Flex, Bison and LLVM


  • lex.l Lexical Analyzer
  • parser.y Syntax Analyzer
  • Node.h Node declaration
  • Node.cpp Node implement
  • syntax_tree.h Tree structure and IR gen declaration
  • syntax_tree.cpp Tree structure and IR gen implement
  • Makefile make to easy compile the compiler, and make clean to delete useless files
  • shell script for easy test, test input is based on 7 given testcases, output is llvm IR code in testcase-output-IR


1.Quick test with testcase using scripts

$ chmod +x
$ ./

Detail of the shell script is:

$ make;
$ ./scc testcase-input/arth/  			  	testcase-output-IR/arth.ll
$ ./scc testcase-input/fib/  				testcase-output-IR/fib.ll
$ ./scc testcase-input/gcd/                 testcase-output-IR/gcd.ll
$ ./scc testcase-input/io/          		  	testcase-output-IR/io.ll
$ ./scc testcase-input/if/                   testcase-output-IR/if.ll
$ ./scc testcase-input/queen/             testcase-output-IR/queen.ll
$ ./scc testcase-input/struct/           testcase-output-IR/struct.ll
$ make clean;

All the testcase output will be saved at testcase-output-IR. Then you're free to use llvm runtime to excute IR codes. For example:

$ lli arth.ll

ATTENSION! As llvm IR syntax rules changes with version. My code generation is based on llvm 3.5. I've test that llvm-3.7 or higher does not support the current IR code. Thus, you may need to run:

$ lli-3.5 arth.ll

2.Run test manually

$ make

1. Input from command line and output on command line

$ ./scc

You are required to input your code. And the output of IR code will be will be print in command line and saved in file NVM_RC_VERSION=

2. Input from file and output on command line

$ ./scc   inputPath

Output of IR code will be print in command line and saved in file NVM_RC_VERSION=

3. Input from file and output to file

$ ./scc   inputPath   outputPath


1. Syntax Error Handling

If there is a syntax error, the compiler will return which line and what input causes the error. For example:

int mian(

Error: syntax error at line 2
Parser does not expect }

2. Semantic Error Handling

I have done some of the semantic error detection.

Operand type checking

As operation like dot or [], we will first checking whether the operation is valid for the object. For example,:


int main()
	int x;
	x.get = 5;
	return 0;

Parsing Complete!
Error: Semantic error at line 4
Expected rules: EXPS: ID DOT ID
only struct can  be used as first parameter of Dot
Declaration checking

It maintain a symbol table the know whether the symbol has been declared. For example:


int main()
	return p;

Parsing Complete!
Error: Semantic error at line 3
Expected rules: EXPS: ID ARRS
not found symbol:p
Resevered word handling

This is implemented by the flex and yacc, as there are reserved words ,It will generate error during the building of the tree.

Break and continue checking

Break and continue can only be used in a for-loop. A stack is used to maintain if program is inside a for loop, and each time there meets the token will first check the stack. For example:


int main()
	return 0;

Parsing Complete!
Error: Semantic error at line 3
Expected rules: STMT: BREAK ;
break must be in for statement

3. Code Optimization

As there maintain a symbol table, for unused function declaration, the internal Tree Node will be directly removed for dead code elimination. As the same, unused struct declaration are also eliminated by removing the Node.

4. Tree Structure Printing

As mentioned in project 1, I don't use pre-order to print the parse tree. Instead, I use complicated functions to print a more distinct and clear tree structures for sake of beauty and more intuitive sense of the parse tree.

ATTENSION!! As I print the parse tree in lines for beauty, like this:

              EXTDEF              EXTDEFS
                 |                   |
SPEC      FUNC        STMTBLOCK      ϵ
  |         |             |
  |    |-|---|---| |---|----|---|
  |    |     |         |    |
  |    |     |         |    |
 int main    ϵ         ϵ    ϵ

Thus, the output parse is very wide when the input code is complex.

You may need MonoDevelop under Ubuntu or some other text editors to open the output, otherwise some text editors like sublime text3 will automatically create a new line for wide output which may affect the beauty. Or you can just input fewer codes to see the output.

5. Timer

The compiler will get the total time for the procedure. You can analysis the efficiency with the clock time.

InputFile -> testcase-input/queen/
Parsing Complete!
Translation Complete!
Total time spent: 2.74ms

InputFile -> testcase-input/struct/
Parsing Complete!
Translation Complete!
Total time spent: 1.11ms

A Little More Details


Lexical Analyzer

A lexical analyser has been implemented in this part. It reads the source codes of SMALLC and separates them into tokens. The work is done using FLEX and the related file is "lex.l"

Read and Write

Since most of the details of TOKENS and Operators are given to us in the project requirement, I will not talk about them in the report. Instead, I will show you how to deal with read and write tokens. They are also very simple:

read 			{ yylval.string = strdup(yytext); return (READ);}
write 		    { yylval.string = strdup(yytext); return (WRITE);}

Syntax Analyzer

In this step, I performed the syntax analysis using YACC and the file name is "parser.y".

Precedence of IF and IF ELSE Statement

There exists a conflict in the implementation of "IF LP EXP RP STMT" and "IF LP EXP RP STMT ELSE STMT", and the former one should have a lower precedence than the latter one. Here is the implementation:

%nonassoc ELSE

Error Message

The error message is done together with generating the parse tree. Once an error occurs during the procedure, the parse process will shutdown and report the just-found mistake:

int yyerror(const char *msg)
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s at line %d\n", msg,yylineno);
	fprintf(stderr, "Parser does not expect '%s\n'",yytext);

It will show you the line number of the error and its error text.

Semantic Analyzer & IR Generation

In this section, I have implemented the Semantic Analyzer & IR Generation together with the formation of the parse tree.

Tree Generation

The Parse Tree Generation is based on the construction of different kinds of Node and implements its codegen function. For example, some of the different variables of Node and there usage are shown in the table below:

Contained By Variable Name Usage
All int mi_LineNum Line Number, used by error message
NodeType Type of the node, e.g. Expression, Statement, Declaration
Name Different uses in different variables, e.g. function name
Expression ExpressionType The type of expression, e.g. binary_operator
bool ValueExpression Whether it is an L-Value Expression
... ... ...

Register Allocation

According some reference book, the algorithm is shown below, a little bit like FIFO:

  1. Maintain a set freeRgSetfor free registers .
  2. whenever regFree is called, then the specific register will be add to freeRgSet
  3. whenever regAllocate is called, then return the first element of freeRgSet. If there are no valid reg then return a newly created name.

Intermediate Representation

These are all related to llvm documents. And implements through code-gen functions in all inherits of Node class.

read %s = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @__isoc99_scanf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32* %s)
write %s = call i32 (i8*, ...)* @__isoc99_scanf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32* %s)
continue, break br label %%%s
return ret i32 %s
.... ....
## Other

All related information can be also found on my github.

Any problem happens to my code(can't run.. etc), plz contact me at

请用 lli-3.5 执行IR代码, 有问题的话, 可以联系我远程演示= =


As there are some people sending me email for help. I just copy the reply here.

1.Fail to execute the compiled IR code (under testcase-output-IR folder)

I presume that your LLVM version is greater than or equal to 3.6?

As I have written in README, the code generator is based on the syntax rules of LLVM 3.5, however, since LLVM 3.6, it doses not compatible with any previous version.

Under Arch Linux distribution, LLVM has two versions, the latest(3.9) and 3.5. I guess other Linux / OSX distributions have the same situation.

Under Ubuntu, you may try to install llvm-3.5 and run the IR code by lli-3.5 xxxcode.ll.

2.Fail to compile the compiler

You can just check the Makefile to see the related instructions.

scc: lex.yy.o header.h syntax_tree.h syntax_tree.cpp Node.h Node.cpp common.h
    $(CC) -o $@ $(CPPFLAGS) Node.cpp syntax_tree.cpp -g -ly -ll

If the failure occurred during compiling ssc, this is probably caused by missing dependent libs.

Try $(CC) -o $@ $(CPPFLAGS) Node.cpp syntax_tree.cpp -g, it may also work.


a simplified small-c compiler frontend, including a lexical analyzer and a syntax analyzer







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