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Workflow for COV mutation analysis

  • Updated on: Feb 7, 2021

Haplotype pipeline

  • Command interface: --help --help
  • Show contries with 1000 or more genomes: --topmost
  • Export iso & var for a country: --country India # default sample size & var freq: at most 100 per month; at least 0.5% var frequency --country India --freq_cut 0.01 # change minimum freq --country India --per_month 200 # change most number per month
  • Filter on a locus: --country India --locus S
  • Filter on missense: --country India --missense
  • Combine options: --country Inida --missense --locus S

Step 1. GISAID download, parsing into database, update browser

  • Personnel: Edgar & Lia

  • Tools: Python, Perl, SQL & JavaScripts

  • Outputs:

    • Relational database populated
    • Genome browser updated
  • Main tables & schema:

    • Annotation: human_anno; vgeo
    • Variants: cv_snp; cv_del; cv_ins
    • Genotype: acc_hap; hap_chg

Step 2. Export isolate EPIs & high-frequency variants (cutoff: derived allele frequency >= 0.1%)

  • Personnel: Lily

  • Tools:

    • <country name>
  • Main queries:

select a.acc, a.col_date, b.area, from human_anno a, vgeo b where a.need is true and a.geo_id=b.geo_id and a.acc != %s and a.acc != %s and = %s order by col_date;`
select acc, chg from acc_hap a, hap_chg b where a.hid = b.hid and acc in %(l)s;
  • Outputs:

    • iso.tsv (isolates, geo, collection dates)
    • var.tsv (variants with consequence calls and frequency/counts)
  • TO DO:

    • implement command-line options (for continent & country)
    • standardize dates

Step 3. Export vcf.gz file

  • Personnel: Weigang
  • Script: --iso <iso.tsv> --var <snp.tsv>
  • Main queries:
select * from cv_snp where concat(alt, site) = %s;
select * from cv_del where del = %s;     
select * from cv_ins where ins = %s;
select acc, chg from acc_hap a, hap_chg b where a.hid = b.hid and acc in %(l)s;
  • Outputs:
    • country.vcf (gzip to vcf.gz)

Step 4. Mutation analysis

  • Personnel: Saymon, Lily & Desiree
  • Scripts & tools: vcftools, bcftools, ldhat, hapview, TCS, RStudio
  • Outputs:
    • time series of maf (> 1% in a country)
    • syn & nonsyn diversity (ps & ps) per gene
    • recombination analysis: linkage maps, ldhat, hapview
    • haplotype networks: TCS & tcsBU