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web application for the genderspace project (not yet published)

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genderspace-web 🌌

Welcome to genderspace-web. At its heart, this platform is a resource primarily built with transgender individuals in mind. While it's open to everyone within the LGBTQIA+ community 🏳️‍🌈, the features and tools are largely centered around the unique experiences of transgender folks.

Proposed Features 🛠

1. Voice Training System 🎙

A simple, practical approach to:

  • Help users practice pronunciation.
  • Analyze elements like tone, pitch, and resonance.
  • Opportunities for peer feedback in the future.

2. HRT Progress Tracker

Please Note: This is an auxiliary tool and does not replace medical advice.

  • Users can log their HRT experiences over time.
  • Capture physical and emotional changes.
  • Option to track blood levels, compared to general benchmarks.

3. Community Hub 💬

A space for genuine connections and shared experiences:

  • Moderation tools to ensure a safe environment 🛡.
  • Users have the ability to report any concerns ⚠️.
  • Customizable profiles to express oneself 🎨.

4. Discord Bot 🤖

Still in the conceptual stage, aiming for better community integration.

System Requirements 💻

Compatible with modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or OperaGX.

Collaboration 🤝

If you're skilled in Android, iOS, or Flutter and resonate with this project, I'd appreciate collaboration. My work and progress can be tracked on GitHub.

Privacy & Data 🔐

Rest assured, data privacy is paramount. Utilizing top-tier encryption and ensuring no direct identification. All servers are hosted in the EU for robust data protection.

License 📜

This project is under a unique license. Any modifications or distributions must have explicit written permission.

Installation (Ubuntu)

Setting Up genderspace-web on Ubuntu


Ensure you have the following installed:

  • PHP (version 8.2)
  • Composer
  • Node.js (version 16)
  • npm
  • SQLite
  • Git
sudo apt update
sudo apt install php8.2 php8.2-sqlite3 composer nodejs npm sqlite3 git

Clone the Repository:

git clone
cd genderspace-web

Setup PHP & Composer:

Copy the environment configuration file:

cp .env.example .env

Install PHP dependencies:

composer install

Generate an application key:

php artisan key:generate

Database Setup:

Create a SQLite database:

mkdir -p database
touch database/database.sqlite

Migrate the database:

php artisan migrate --force

Setup Node.js & npm:

Install the Node.js dependencies:

npm install

Compile the assets:

npm run build

Directory Permissions:

Ensure that the storage and bootstrap/cache directories are writable:

chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache

Running the Application:

You can use Laravel's built-in server to run the application:

php artisan serve

Visit in your browser to see the running application.

Additional Notes:

  • If you encounter issues related to missing PHP extensions, you can install them using apt. For example, for the dom extension, you'd run sudo apt install php8.2-xml.

  • Ensure you have the doctrine/dbal package installed for certain database operations:

composer require doctrine/dbal