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Get Maven 2.0 and make sure the bin directory of Maven is accessible via the command line. Set
the environment variable JAVA_HOME to your JDK directory ( e.g. c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6... ).
open up a command line and either execute dev-setup.bat or This will install
the dependencies into your local maven repository as well as create an eclipse project. Open
eclipse and import the project. In order for eclipse to find the dependencies you have to set
the variable M2_REPO which is usually located in your $homedirectory/.m2/repository. You can
set the variable in eclipse via window->preferences->Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables. 

The class quantum.Quantum is the main class of the project. You can create a run configuration for it
via the apropriate eclipse means. Note that you have to specify the parameter -Djava.library.path=lib/
as your vm parameter in the run configuration. This is true for all executable classes in the package
quantum.test too. 

To create a signed webstart jar as well as a zip file version of the complete game simply
execute the or pack.bat file from a command line within the quantum directory. the
resulting jars and zip file will be placed in the target folder. the webstart jar is signed
and named quantum.jar. For the webstart version place this jar together with the files 
bsh-2.04b.jar and vorbisspi-1.03.jar from the lib directory into your web directory. put
the following content into a file ending with .jnlp

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp codebase="" href="quantum-webstart.php">
		<homepage href=""/>
		<description>Quantum - A Free Realtime Strategy Game</description>
		<description kind="short">Quantum - A Free Realtime Strategy Game</description><offline-allowed/>
		<j2se href="" version="1.5+"/>
		<property name="sun.java2d.noddraw" value="true"/>
		<jar href="quantum.jar" main="true"/>
		<jar href="bsh-2.04b.jar" main="false"/>
		<jar href="vorbisspi-1.03.jar" main="false"/>
		<extension name="jogl" href="" />
	<application-desc main-class="quantum.Quantum"/>

make sure to replace the codebase and href in the jnlp tag with whatever you got. Also, you server
has to send the appropriate mime-type to the browser so webstart is started on the client. 

The zip file version contains all resources, dlls and a compound jar containing all dependencies. currently
there is a bug in maven that includes the jar class files twice into the jar. you can remove those manually
after the packaging stage. i have not yet found a work around for that problem.


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