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Optimizing Evaluation Protocol for Robust Reading Challenges


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Optimizing Protocol for Robust Reading Challenges

Existing protocols for Robust Reading Challenges (RRCs) have three limitations:

  1. Greedy searches for correspondences that satisfy match criteria can limit the performance on complex data sets, such as those with overlapping ground truth annotations.
  2. Cascaded verification of geometric (IoU) and textual (string match) contraints for end-to-end tasks can also limit performance when either ground truth annotations or predicted regions overlap.
  3. Removing predictions that overlap with ground truth regions marked as "don't care" before the correspondence search also limits performance by irrevocably eliminating them from consideration.

This work addresses these issues by unifying the correspondence matching stage of evaluation in an optimization framework that can also be tied to the chosen performance metric.

Details may be found in the accompanying paper:

Weinman, J., Gómez Grabowska, A., and Karatzas, D. (2024). Counting the corner cases: Revisiting robust reading challenge data sets, evaluation protocols, and metrics. In 18th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2024). To appear.


After cloning the repository, install the requirements via conda or pip.


conda env create -f conda-environment.yaml
conda activate rrc-evaluation

Note that Python 3.9.18 is specified as the version currently running on the RRC server (for consistency).


pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Format

Whereas each RRC (i.e., ICDAR13, ICDAR15, MLT, ArT, LSVT, HierText, OOV) has its own format for specifying ground truth, we have simplified their commonalities into a single universal JSON file format:

{ "IMG_KEY": 
    { "points": [[x0,y0], [x1,y1], ... [xN,yN]],
      "text": "Transcription",
      "ignore": false }

There is a unique key (i.e., "IMG_KEY") for each test image that refers to a list of word data in that image. Data for each word is comprised of a mapping containing the bounding polygon coordinates of the word in the image ("points") and the textual transcription annotation in Unicode ("text"), if applicable. The additional boolean flag "ignore" indicates the marked region as a "don't care" that will be discounted in evaluation. The "text" field is ignored in that case.

The prediction file format is identical except there is no "ignore" field.

Detection-only tasks may also safely omit the "text" field from both ground truth and prediction files.


To run the evaluation we need a ground truth file, a prediction file, and the task (i.e., detection-only or end-to-end). The variety of additional protocol configuration options can be revealed with the help flag --help or -h.

Defaults optimize for the F-score; in the end-to-end it uses case-sensitive exact string matching and 1-NED for string evaluations.

Detection Examples

This example uses the organizers' baseline submission (OpenCV 3.0 + Tesseract) for the 2015 End-to-End Focused Scene Text Challenge on the ICDAR13 data set.

The command

python ./ --gt data/icdar13_test.json --pred data/icdar13_baseline.json --task det

produces the output

{"recall": 0.5736095965103599, "precision": 0.7769571639586411, "fscore": 0.6599749058971143, "tightness": 0.8563325673619869, "quality": 0.5651580055613616, "tp": 526, "total_pred": 677, "total_gt": 917, "total_tightness": 450.43093043240515}

To optimize for Panoptic Quality (PQ) "quality", one might instead use the IoU-based correspondence optimization---Equation (12) in the accompanying paper:

python ./ --gt data/icdar13_test.json --pred data/icdar13_baseline.json --task det --score-fun iou

which in this case produces a small increase in the "quality" measure.

{"recall": 0.5736095965103599, "precision": 0.7769571639586411, "fscore": 0.6599749058971143, "tightness": 0.8565077882758576, "quality": 0.5652736469675046, "tp": 526, "total_pred": 677, "total_gt": 917, "total_tightness": 450.5230966331011}

Recognition Examples

This example uses the organizers' baseline submission (OpenCV 3.0 + Tesseract) for the 2015 End-to-End Incidental Scene Text Challenge.

The command

python ./ --gt data/icdar15_test.json --pred data/icdar15_baseline.json --task detrec

produces the output

{"recall": 0.03514684641309581, "precision": 0.13419117647058823, "fscore": 0.055703929797787106, "tightness": 0.7674982332585365, "quality": 0.04275266770535915, "char_accuracy": 1.0, "char_quality": 0.04275266770535915, "cned": 0.028649921507064365, "tp": 73, "total_pred": 544, "total_gt": 2077, "total_tightness": 56.027371027873166, "total_rec_score": 73.0}

These results are relatively poor because the competition's string match functions are more lenient than the script defaults. To connect them, load the example external module (usable for both icdar13_test.json and icdar15_test.json).

With this module

python ./ --gt data/icdar15_test.json --pred data/icdar15_baseline.json --task detrec --external-module icdar15

the improved output is produced

{"recall": 0.05055368319691863, "precision": 0.19301470588235295, "fscore": 0.08012209080503624, "tightness": 0.7633869582634346, "quality": 0.06116415918936332, "char_accuracy": 1.0, "char_quality": 0.06116415918936332, "cned": 0.0417329093799682, "tp": 105, "total_pred": 544, "total_gt": 2077, "total_tightness": 80.15563061766063, "total_rec_score": 105.0}

Note that "char_accuracy" is 1 in both cases because it is measured over the true positives, which by default are constrained to have matching strings. To get a sense of the overall character accuracy, one could use the 1-NED based correspondence optimization---Equation (11) in the accompanying paper---which optimizes for the overall complementary normalized edit distance ("cned") measure used by ArT and LSVT (distinct from the tightness-aware PCQ measure):

python ./ --gt data/icdar15_test.json --pred data/icdar15_baseline.json --task detrec --external-module icdar15 --score-fun cned --no-string-match

which produces output

{"recall": 0.12084737602311026, "precision": 0.46139705882352944, "fscore": 0.19152995040061047, "tightness": 0.7177377496347613, "quality": 0.1374682755881916, "char_accuracy": 0.7638230213849394, "char_quality": 0.10500143360435002, "cned" 0.0808943368639746, "tp": 251, "total_pred": 544, "total_gt": 2077, "total_tightness": 180.1521751583251, "total_rec_score": 191.7195783676198}

It is important to recognize that in this case the recall, precision, and F-score represent detection measures, because exact string matching was not required for correspondence.

To optimize for PCQ we can use the IoU*CNED correspondence optimization---Equation (13) in the accompanying paper:

python ./ --gt data/icdar15_test.json --pred data/icdar15_baseline.json --task detrec --external-module icdar15 --score-fun iou*cned --no-string-match

which happens to yield the same result in this case:

{"recall": 0.12084737602311026, "precision": 0.46139705882352944, "fscore": 0.19152995040061047, "tightness": 0.7177377496347613, "quality": 0.1374682755881916, "char_accuracy": 0.7638230213849394, "char_quality": 0.10500143360435002, "cned": 0.0808943368639746, "tp": 251, "total_pred": 544, "total_gt": 2077, "total_tightness": 180.1521751583251, "total_rec_score": 191.7195783676198}


If you make use of this repository in your own research, we would appreciate a citation to the aforementioned accompanying paper:

@inproceedings{ weinman2024counting,
   authors = {Weinman, Jerod and Gómez Grabowska, Amelia and Karatzas, Dimosthenis},
   title = {Counting the corner cases: Revisiting robust reading challenge data sets, evaluation protocols, and metrics},
   booktitle = {18th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ({ICDAR} 2024)},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   publisher = {Springer},
   location = {Athens, Greece},
   year = {2024}
   note = {To appear}


Optimizing Evaluation Protocol for Robust Reading Challenges







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