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WELD-2356 remove gae, glassfish, tomcat-embedded and jetty-embedded
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tremes committed Mar 30, 2017
1 parent 1265588 commit 2e83eb4
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Showing 29 changed files with 30 additions and 1,201 deletions.
147 changes: 12 additions & 135 deletions docs/reference/src/main/asciidoc/gettingstarted.asciidoc
Expand Up @@ -172,33 +172,17 @@ of WildFly (or Apache Tomcat).
Next, make sure the `GLASSFISH_HOME` environment variable is set to
point to the GlassFish installation.

Now switch to the example directory again and create a new GlassFish
domain for the example.
Now switch to the `GLASSFISH_HOME` directory and deploy the example.

[source, console]
$> cd examples/jsf/numberguess
$> mvn glassfish:create-domain
$> ./bin/asadmin
asadmin> deploy /path/examples/jsf/numberguess/target/weld-numberguess.war

You are now ready to deploy the example by running:

[source, console]
$> mvn package glassfish:deploy

Once the command completes the application is available at

The example is deployed using the `maven-glassfish-plugin`. For more
information about the plugin see the[plugin documentation]

There are alternative ways of,deploying applications to GlassFish either
by using the http://localhost:4848[GlassFish Admin Console] or the
`asadmin` command.

The reason the same artifact can be deployed to both WildFly and
GlassFish, without any modifications, is because all of the features
being used are part of the standard platform. And what a capable
Expand All @@ -221,13 +205,13 @@ your application might require some additional configuration as well
(see <<_tomcat>> and <<_jetty>> for more info).

Let's give the Weld servlet extension a spin on Apache Tomcat. First,
you'll need to download Tomcat 7.0.50 or later from[] and extract
you'll need to download Tomcat 8.0.42 or later from[] and extract

[source, console]
$> unzip
$> unzip

The Maven plugin communicates with Tomcat over HTTP, so it doesn't care
Expand All @@ -237,16 +221,7 @@ hostname of localhost and port `8080`. The `readme.txt` file in the
example directory has information about how to modify the Maven settings
to accommodate a different setup.

To allow Maven to communicate with Tomcat over HTTP, edit the
`conf/tomcat-users.xml` file in your Tomcat installation. For Tomcat 7
and higher add the following line:

[source.XML, xml]
<user username="admin" password="" roles="manager-script"/>

Next, start Tomcat. You can either start Tomcat from a Linux shell:
You can either start Tomcat from a Linux shell:

[source, console]
Expand All @@ -264,116 +239,18 @@ $> start

or you can start the server using an IDE, like Eclipse.

Now you're ready to deploy the numberguess example to Tomcat!

Change to the `examples/jsf/numberguess` directory again and run the
following Maven command:

[source, console]
$> cd examples/jsf/numberguess
$> mvn clean compile war:exploded tomcat7:deploy -Ptomcat
$> mvn clean package -Ptomcat

Once the application is deployed, you can redeploy it using this

[source, console]
$> mvn tomcat7:redeploy -Ptomcat

The `-Ptomcat` argument activates the `tomcat` profile defined in the
Maven POM (`pom.xml`). Among other things, this profile activates the
Tomcat plugin.

Rather than shipping the container off to a standalone Tomcat
installation, you can also execute the application in an embedded Tomcat
6 container:

[source, console]
$> mvn war:inplace tomcat7:run -Ptomcat

The advantage of using the embedded server is that changes to assets in
`src/main/webapp` take effect immediately. If a change to a webapp
configuration file is made, the application may automatically redeploy
(depending on the plugin configuration). If you make a change to a
classpath resource, you need to execute a build:

[source, console]
$> mvn compile war:inplace -Ptomcat

Finally, you can run the functional tests:

[source, console]
$> mvn verify -Darquillian=tomcat-embedded-7 -Ptomcat

There are several other Maven goals that you can use if you are hacking
on the example, which are documented in the example's `` file.

=== Deploying to Jetty

WARNING: Jetty Maven plugin is temporarily unsupported in Weld examples.

If you've read through the entire Tomcat section, then you're all ready
to go. The Maven build parallels the embedded Tomcat deployment. If not,
don't worry. We'll still go over everything that you need to know again
in this section.

The Maven POM (`pom.xml`) includes a profile named `jetty` that
activates the Maven Jetty plugin, which you can use to start Jetty in
embedded mode and deploy the application in place. You don't need
anything else installed except to have the Maven command (`mvn`) on your
path. The rest will be downloaded from the internet when the build is

To run the `weld-numberguess` example on Jetty, switch to the example
directory and execute the `inplace` goal of the Maven war plugin
followed by the `run` goal of the Maven Jetty plugin with the `jetty`
profile enabled, as follows:

[source, console]
$> cd examples/jsf/numberguess
$> mvn war:inplace jetty:run -Pjetty

The log output of Jetty will be shown in the console. Once Jetty reports
that the application has deployed, you can access it at the following
local URL: http://localhost:9090/weld-numberguess. The port is defined
in the Maven Jetty plugin configuration within the `jetty` profile.

Any changes to assets in `src/main/webapp` take effect immediately. If a
change to a webapp configuration file is made, the application may
automatically redeploy. The redeploy behavior can be fined-tuned in the
plugin configuration. If you make a change to a classpath resource, you
need to execute a build and the `inplace` goal of the Maven war plugin,
again with the `jetty` profile enabled.

[source, console]
$> mvn compile war:inplace -Pjetty

The `war:inplace` goal copies the compiled classes and jars inside
`src/main/webapp`, under `WEB-INF/classes` and `WEB-INF/lib`,
respectively, mixing source and compiled files. However, the build does
work around these temporary files by excluding them from the packaged
war and cleaning them during the Maven clean phase.

Finally, you can run the functional tests:
Now you're ready to deploy the numberguess example to Tomcat!

[source, console]
$> mvn verify -Darquillian=jetty-embedded-7 -Pjetty

Now that you have gotten the starter applications deployed on the server
of your choice, you probably want to know a little bit about how they
actually work.
$> cp examples/jsf/numberguess/target/weld-numberguess.war apache-tomcat/webapps/
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions examples/
Expand Up @@ -67,11 +67,5 @@ The` jsf/numberguess` example can also be tested in a cluster. Follow these step

-Dnode1.contextPath= -Dnode2.contextPath=

The `jsf/numberguess` and `jsf/permalink` examples can be also tested with Tomcat and Jetty embedded containers. The following command will execute functional tests with embedded Tomcat container:

mvn -Ptomcat -Darquillian=tomcat-embedded-6 clean verify

The following command will execute functional tests with embedded Jetty container:

mvn -Pjetty -Darquillian=jetty-embedded-7 clean verify

82 changes: 7 additions & 75 deletions examples/jsf/numberguess/
Expand Up @@ -45,82 +45,14 @@ Make sure you have assigned the absolute path of your installation to the

3. Now you can view the application at <http://localhost:8080/weld-numberguess>.

Deploying to GlassFish

Firstly, verify that the `GLASSFISH_HOME` environment variable points to your
GlassFish installation.

Then, create a new domain for the application:

mvn glassfish:create-domain

Finally, deploy the application using:

mvn package glassfish:deploy

The application becomes available at <http://localhost:7070/weld-numberguess>

Deploying to standalone Tomcat 7
Deploying to standalone Tomcat 8

If you want to run the application on a standalone Tomcat, first download and
extract Tomcat. This build assumes you will be running Tomcat in its default
configuration, with a hostname of localhost and port 8080. Before starting
Tomcat, add the following line to `conf/tomcat-users.xml` to allow the Maven
Tomcat plugin to access the manager application, then start Tomcat:

<user username="admin" password="" roles="standard,manager-script"/>

To override this username and password, add a `<server>` with id `tomcat` in your
Maven `settings.xml` file, set the `<username>` and `<password>` elqements to the
appropriate values and uncomment the `<server>` element inside the
tomcat-maven-plugin configuration in the `pom.xml`.

You can deploy it as an exploded archive immediately after the war goal is
finished assembling the exploded structure:

mvn clean compile war:exploded tomcat7:deploy -Ptomcat

Once the application is deployed, you can redeploy it using this command:

mvn tomcat7:redeploy -Ptomcat

But likely you want to run one or more build goals first before you redeploy:

mvn compile tomcat7:redeploy -Ptomcat
mvn war:exploded tomcat7:redeploy -Ptomcat
mvn compile war:exploded tomcat7:redeploy -Ptomcat

Now you can view the application at <http://localhost:8080/weld-numberguess>.

To undeploy, use:

mvn tomcat7:undeploy -Ptomcat

Deploying to embedded Jetty

Simply run:

mvn war:inplace jetty:run -Pjetty

The application will be running at <http://localhost:9090/weld-numberguess>

NOTE: This configuration currently does not work on Maven 3.1.x due to class loading conflicts regarding JSR-330

Using Google App Engine

First, set up the Eclipse environment:

mvn clean eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -Pgae

Make sure you have the Google App Engine Eclipse plugin installed.

Next, put all the needed resources into the `src/main/webapp`

mvn war:inplace -Pgae

Now, in Eclipse, you can either run the app locally, or deploy it to Google App Engine.
configuration, with a hostname of localhost and port 8080. Build example using

mvn clean package -Ptomcat

and deploy created WAR to Tomcat.

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