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activemq-broker-projects aka setting up activemq on openshift

There's a whole bunch of pre-reqs - including getting the CDK up and running and working with landrush for DNS resolution from your host to your vagrant CDK box.

Creating the keystore stuff

See the activemq page for this...

keytool -genkey -alias broker -keyalg RSA -keystore broker.ks
keytool -export -alias broker -keystore broker.ks -file broker_cert
keytool -genkey -alias client -keyalg RSA -keystore client.ks
keytool -import -alias broker -keystore client.ts -file broker_cert

Deploying the Broker Service Openshift

Please note that the keystore is embedded here, it shouldn't be - but this is just a POC to prove stuff. Please see the client stuff below to explain the secrets

#ensure docker variables etc are in your ENV
oc login -u admin -p 
oc new-project activemq-broker-ns
export KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE=activemq-broker-ns

#for the simple-spring-amq project...
#note that the keystores are actually embedded in the project
mvn -Pf8-local-deploy
#delete the default rc created with the project
oc delete rc/simple-spring-amq
#create the rc for the broker
oc create -f src/kube/simple-spring-amq-rc.yaml
#confirm the new pod is running... oc get pods etc.
#create the service to expose the amq pod
oc create -f src/kube/simple-spring-amq-svc.yaml

Creating the secrets for the client (on OSE)

To be executed at the simple-amq-client project level:

oc secrets new client-truststore src/main/resources/client.ts

Creating the client application (on OSE)

Note that the fabric8.env properties in the pom.xml will populate the environment, however, we will need to use the simple-amq-client.yaml so the app has access to the truststore secret To be executed at the simple-amq-client project level:

oc create -f src/kube/simple-amq-client.yaml
#confirm the logs and see that the camel is sending and receiving messages
oc get pods
oc logs -f pods/${newpodname}

Creating a route and checking that the AMQ is accessible externally

#remove the rc for the internal client...
oc delete rc/simple-amq-client
#create a route on openshift to expose AMQ over ssl   
oc create -f ../simple-spring-amq/src/kube/simple-spring-amq-route.yaml
#now the route is created you can confirm by hitting url https://simple-spring-amq-activemq-broker-ns.ose.cdk.vm/

If you can access the URL as above, then you should be able to run the simple-amq-client application with that as the broker URL, i.e. change the in the simple-amq-client.


Run the project locally with

mvn camel:run

and you should be able to confirm that you are connected from the app to your pod running in your openshift CDK.


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