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A curated list of papers and open-source resources focused on 3D AIGC.

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Awesome 3D AIGC Resources

A curated list of papers and open-source resources focused on 3D AIGC, intended to keep pace with the anticipated surge of research in the coming months. If you have any additions or suggestions, feel free to contribute. Additional resources like blog posts, videos, etc. are also welcome.

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Table of contents

Update Log:

Jan 23, 2024: Update several ICLR 2024 papers.

Jan 19, 2024: Update several ICLR 2024 papers.

Jan 11, 2024: Add AGG and recent papers.

Jan 10, 2024: Add DreamGaussian (3D version) and several avatar papers.

Jan 6, 2024: Add recent papers.

Jan 2, 2024: Add papers to image to 3d generation.

Dec 29, 2023: Contribute to the section on text-to-3d by adding new papers with their publication years.

Dec 27, 2023: Initial list with first 15 papers.


1. Generative AI meets 3D: A Survey on Text-to-3D in AIGC Era [arxiv 2023.05]

Authors: Chenghao Li, Chaoning Zhang, Atish Waghwase, Lik-Hang Lee, Francois Rameau, Yang Yang, Sung-Ho Bae, Choong Seon Hong

Abstract Generative AI (AIGC, a.k.a. AI generated content) has made remarkable progress in the past few years, among which text-guided content generation is the most practical one since it enables the interaction between human instruction and AIGC. Due to the development in text-to-image as well 3D modeling technologies (like NeRF), text-to-3D has become a newly emerging yet highly active research field. Our work conducts the first yet comprehensive survey on text-to-3D to help readers interested in this direction quickly catch up with its fast development. First, we introduce 3D data representations, including both Euclidean data and non-Euclidean data. On top of that, we introduce various foundation technologies as well as summarize how recent works combine those foundation technologies to realize satisfactory text-to-3D. Moreover, we summarize how text-to-3D technology is used in various applications, including avatar generation, texture generation, shape transformation, and scene generation.

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2. Deep Generative Models on 3D Representations: A Survey [arxiv 2023.10]

Authors: Zifan Shi, Sida Peng, Yinghao Xu, Andreas Geiger, Yiyi Liao, Yujun Shen

Abstract Generative models aim to learn the distribution of observed data by generating new instances. With the advent of neural networks, deep generative models, including variational autoencoders (VAEs), generative adversarial networks (GANs), and diffusion models (DMs), have progressed remarkably in synthesizing 2D images. Recently, researchers started to shift focus from 2D to 3D space, considering that 3D data is more closely aligned with our physical world and holds immense practical potential. However, unlike 2D images, which possess an inherent and efficient representation (\textit{i.e.}, a pixel grid), representing 3D data poses significantly greater challenges. Ideally, a robust 3D representation should be capable of accurately modeling complex shapes and appearances while being highly efficient in handling high-resolution data with high processing speeds and low memory requirements. Regrettably, existing 3D representations, such as point clouds, meshes, and neural fields, often fail to satisfy all of these requirements simultaneously. In this survey, we thoroughly review the ongoing developments of 3D generative models, including methods that employ 2D and 3D supervision. Our analysis centers on generative models, with a particular focus on the representations utilized in this context. We believe our survey will help the community to track the field's evolution and to spark innovative ideas to propel progress towards solving this challenging task.

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3. A survey of deep learning-based 3D shape generation [Computational Visual Media 2023.05]

Authors: Qun-Ce Xu, Tai-Jiang Mu, Yong-Liang Yang

Abstract Deep learning has been successfully used for tasks in the 2D image domain. Research on 3D computer vision and deep geometry learning has also attracted attention. Considerable achievements have been made regarding feature extraction and discrimination of 3D shapes. Following recent advances in deep generative models such as generative adversarial networks, effective generation of 3D shapes has become an active research topic. Unlike 2D images with a regular grid structure, 3D shapes have various representations, such as voxels, point clouds, meshes, and implicit functions. For deep learning of 3D shapes, shape representation has to be taken into account as there is no unified representation that can cover all tasks well. Factors such as the representativeness of geometry and topology often largely affect the quality of the generated 3D shapes. In this survey, we comprehensively review works on deep-learning-based 3D shape generation by classifying and discussing them in terms of the underlying shape representation and the architecture of the shape generator. The advantages and disadvantages of each class are further analyzed. We also consider the 3D shape datasets commonly used for shape generation. Finally, we present several potential research directions that hopefully can inspire future works on this topic.

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4. Learning Generative Models of 3D Structures [Computer Graphics Forum 2020.05]

Authors: Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Daniel Ritchie, Jiajun Wu, Kai Xu, Hao Zhang

Abstract 3D models of objects and scenes are critical to many academic disciplines and industrial applications. Of particular interest is the emerging opportunity for 3D graphics to serve artificial intelligence: computer vision systems can benefit from synthetically-generated training data rendered from virtual 3D scenes, and robots can be trained to navigate in and interact with real-world environments by first acquiring skills in simulated ones. One of the most promising ways to achieve this is by learning and applying generative models of 3D content: computer programs that can synthesize new 3D shapes and scenes. To allow users to edit and manipulate the synthesized 3D content to achieve their goals, the generative model should also be structure-aware: it should express 3D shapes and scenes using abstractions that allow manipulation of their high-level structure. This state-of-the-art report surveys historical work and recent progress on learning structure-aware generative models of 3D shapes and scenes. We present fundamental representations of 3D shape and scene geometry and structures, describe prominent methodologies including probabilistic models, deep generative models, program synthesis, and neural networks for structured data, and cover many recent methods for structure-aware synthesis of 3D shapes and indoor scenes.

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5. A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Guikun Chen, Wenguan Wang

Abstract 3D Gaussian splatting (3D GS) has recently emerged as a transformative technique in the explicit radiance field and computer graphics landscape. This innovative approach, characterized by the utilization of millions of 3D Gaussians, represents a significant departure from the neural radiance field (NeRF) methodologies, which predominantly use implicit, coordinate-based models to map spatial coordinates to pixel values. 3D GS, with its explicit scene representations and differentiable rendering algorithms, not only promises real-time rendering capabilities but also introduces unprecedented levels of control and editability. This positions 3D GS as a potential game-changer for the next generation of 3D reconstruction and representation. In the present paper, we provide the first systematic overview of the recent developments and critical contributions in the domain of 3D GS. We begin with a detailed exploration of the underlying principles and the driving forces behind the advent of 3D GS, setting the stage for understanding its significance. A focal point of our discussion is the practical applicability of 3D GS. By facilitating real-time performance, 3D GS opens up a plethora of applications, ranging from virtual reality to interactive media and beyond. This is complemented by a comparative analysis of leading 3D GS models, evaluated across various benchmark tasks to highlight their performance and practical utility. The survey concludes by identifying current challenges and suggesting potential avenues for future research in this domain. Through this survey, we aim to provide a valuable resource for both newcomers and seasoned researchers, fostering further exploration and advancement in applicable and explicit radiance field representation.
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6. A Survey on Deep Generative 3D-aware Image Synthesis [ACM Computing Surveys 2023.11]


Abstract Recent years have seen remarkable progress in deep learning powered visual content creation. This includes deep generative 3D-aware image synthesis, which produces high-fidelity images in a 3D-consistent manner while simultaneously capturing compact surfaces of objects from pure image collections without the need for any 3D supervision, thus bridging the gap between 2D imagery and 3D reality. The field of computer vision has been recently captivated by the task of deep generative 3D-aware image synthesis, with hundreds of papers appearing in top-tier journals and conferences over the past few years (mainly the past two years), but there lacks a comprehensive survey of this remarkable and swift progress. Our survey aims to introduce new researchers to this topic, provide a useful reference for related works, and stimulate future research directions through our discussion section. Apart from the presented papers, we aim to constantly update the latest relevant papers along with corresponding implementations at

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Text to 3D Generation:

1. DreamFusion: Text-to-3D using 2D Diffusion [ICLR 2023]

Authors: Ben Poole, Ajay Jain, Jonathan T. Barron, Ben Mildenhall

Abstract Recent breakthroughs in text-to-image synthesis have been driven by diffusion models trained on billions of image-text pairs. Adapting this approach to 3D synthesis would require large-scale datasets of labeled 3D assets and efficient architectures for denoising 3D data, neither of which currently exist. In this work, we circumvent these limitations by using a pretrained 2D text-to-image diffusion model to perform text-to-3D synthesis. We introduce a loss based on probability density distillation that enables the use of a 2D diffusion model as a prior for optimization of a parametric image generator. Using this loss in a DeepDream-like procedure, we optimize a randomly-initialized 3D model (a Neural Radiance Field, or NeRF) via gradient descent such that its 2D renderings from random angles achieve a low loss. The resulting 3D model of the given text can be viewed from any angle, relit by arbitrary illumination, or composited into any 3D environment. Our approach requires no 3D training data and no modifications to the image diffusion model, demonstrating the effectiveness of pretrained image diffusion models as priors.

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2. Shapeglot: Learning Language for Shape Differentiation [CVPR 2019]

Authors: Panos Achlioptas* Judy Fan Robert Hawkins Noah Goodman Leonidas Guibas

Abstract In this work we explore how fine-grained differences between the shapes of common objects are expressed in language, grounded on images and 3D models of the objects. We first build a large scale, carefully controlled dataset of human utterances that each refers to a 2D rendering of a 3D CAD model so as to distinguish it from a set of shape-wise similar alternatives. Using this dataset, we develop neural language understanding (listening) and production (speaking) models that vary in their grounding (pure 3D forms via point-clouds vs. rendered 2D images), the degree of pragmatic reasoning captured (e.g. speakers that reason about a listener or not), and the neural architecture (e.g. with or without attention). We find models that perform well with both synthetic and human partners, and with held out utterances and objects. We also find that these models are amenable to zero-shot transfer learning to novel object classes (e.g. transfer from training on chairs to testing on lamps), as well as to real-world images drawn from furniture catalogs. Lesion studies indicate that the neural listeners depend heavily on part-related words and associate these words correctly with visual parts of objects (without any explicit network training on object parts), and that transfer to novel classes is most successful when known part-words are available. This work illustrates a practical approach to language grounding, and provides a case study in the relationship between object shape and linguistic structure when it comes to object differentiation.

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3. Text2Shape: Generating Shapes from Natural Language by Learning Joint Embeddings [ACCV 2018]

Authors: Kevin Chen, Christopher B. Choy, Manolis Savva, Angel X. Chang, Thomas Funkhouser, Silvio Savarese

Abstract We present a method for generating colored 3D shapes from natural language. To this end, we first learn joint embeddings of freeform text descriptions and colored 3D shapes. Our model combines and extends learning by association and metric learning approaches to learn implicit cross-modal connections, and produces a joint representation that captures the many-to-many relations between language and physical properties of 3D shapes such as color and shape. To evaluate our approach, we collect a large dataset of natural language descriptions for physical 3D objects in the ShapeNet dataset. With this learned joint embedding we demonstrate text-to-shape retrieval that outperforms baseline approaches. Using our embeddings with a novel conditional Wasserstein GAN framework, we generate colored 3D shapes from text. Our method is the first to connect natural language text with realistic 3D objects exhibiting rich variations in color, texture, and shape detail. See video at this https URL

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4. ShapeCrafter: A Recursive Text-Conditioned 3D Shape Generation Model [NeurIPS 2022]

Authors: Rao Fu, Xiao Zhan, Yiwen Chen, Daniel Ritchie, Srinath Sridhar

Abstract We present ShapeCrafter, a neural network for recursive text-conditioned 3D shape generation. Existing methods to generate text-conditioned 3D shapes consume an entire text prompt to generate a 3D shape in a single step. However, humans tend to describe shapes recursively---we may start with an initial description and progressively add details based on intermediate results. To capture this recursive process, we introduce a method to generate a 3D shape distribution, conditioned on an initial phrase, that gradually evolves as more phrases are added. Since existing datasets are insufficient for training this approach, we present Text2Shape++, a large dataset of 369K shape--text pairs that supports recursive shape generation. To capture local details that are often used to refine shape descriptions, we build on top of vector-quantized deep implicit functions that generate a distribution of high-quality shapes. Results show that our method can generate shapes consistent with text descriptions, and shapes evolve gradually as more phrases are added. Our method supports shape editing, extrapolation, and can enable new applications in human--machine collaboration for creative design.

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5. Magic3D: High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation [CVPR 2023]

Authors: Chen-Hsuan Lin, Jun Gao, Luming Tang, Towaki Takikawa, Xiaohui Zeng, Xun Huang, Karsten Kreis, Sanja Fidler, Ming-Yu Liu, Tsung-Yi Lin

Abstract DreamFusion has recently demonstrated the utility of a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model to optimize Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), achieving remarkable text-to-3D synthesis results. However, the method has two inherent limitations: (a) extremely slow optimization of NeRF and (b) low-resolution image space supervision on NeRF, leading to low-quality 3D models with a long processing time. In this paper, we address these limitations by utilizing a two-stage optimization framework. First, we obtain a coarse model using a low-resolution diffusion prior and accelerate with a sparse 3D hash grid structure. Using the coarse representation as the initialization, we further optimize a textured 3D mesh model with an efficient differentiable renderer interacting with a high-resolution latent diffusion model. Our method, dubbed Magic3D, can create high quality 3D mesh models in 40 minutes, which is 2x faster than DreamFusion (reportedly taking 1.5 hours on average), while also achieving higher resolution. User studies show 61.7% raters to prefer our approach over DreamFusion. Together with the image-conditioned generation capabilities, we provide users with new ways to control 3D synthesis, opening up new avenues to various creative applications.

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6. Dream3D: Zero-Shot Text-to-3D Synthesis Using 3D Shape Prior and Text-to-Image Diffusion Models [CVPR 2023]

Authors: Jiale Xu, Xintao Wang, Weihao Cheng, Yan-Pei Cao, Ying Shan, Xiaohu Qie, Shenghua Gao

Abstract Recent CLIP-guided 3D optimization methods, such as DreamFields and PureCLIPNeRF, have achieved impressive results in zero-shot text-to-3D synthesis. However, due to scratch training and random initialization without prior knowledge, these methods often fail to generate accurate and faithful 3D structures that conform to the input text. In this paper, we make the first attempt to introduce explicit 3D shape priors into the CLIP-guided 3D optimization process. Specifically, we first generate a high-quality 3D shape from the input text in the text-to-shape stage as a 3D shape prior. We then use it as the initialization of a neural radiance field and optimize it with the full prompt. To address the challenging text-to-shape generation task, we present a simple yet effective approach that directly bridges the text and image modalities with a powerful text-to-image diffusion model. To narrow the style domain gap between the images synthesized by the text-to-image diffusion model and shape renderings used to train the image-to-shape generator, we further propose to jointly optimize a learnable text prompt and fine-tune the text-to-image diffusion model for rendering-style image generation. Our method, Dream3D, is capable of generating imaginative 3D content with superior visual quality and shape accuracy compared to state-of-the-art methods.

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7. CLIP-Mesh: Generating textured meshes from text using pretrained image-text models [SIGGRAPH ASIA 2022]

Authors: Nasir Mohammad Khalid, Tianhao Xie, Eugene Belilovsky, Tiberiu Popa

Abstract We present a technique for zero-shot generation of a 3D model using only a target text prompt. Without any 3D supervision our method deforms the control shape of a limit subdivided surface along with its texture map and normal map to obtain a 3D asset that corresponds to the input text prompt and can be easily deployed into games or modeling applications. We rely only on a pre-trained CLIP model that compares the input text prompt with differentiably rendered images of our 3D model. While previous works have focused on stylization or required training of generative models we perform optimization on mesh parameters directly to generate shape, texture or both. To constrain the optimization to produce plausible meshes and textures we introduce a number of techniques using image augmentations and the use of a pretrained prior that generates CLIP image embeddings given a text embedding.

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8. Score Jacobian Chaining: Lifting Pretrained 2D Diffusion Models for 3D Generation [CVPR 2023]

Authors: Haochen Wang, Xiaodan Du, Jiahao Li, Raymond A. Yeh, Greg Shakhnarovich

Abstract A diffusion model learns to predict a vector field of gradients. We propose to apply chain rule on the learned gradients, and back-propagate the score of a diffusion model through the Jacobian of a differentiable renderer, which we instantiate to be a voxel radiance field. This setup aggregates 2D scores at multiple camera viewpoints into a 3D score, and repurposes a pretrained 2D model for 3D data generation. We identify a technical challenge of distribution mismatch that arises in this application, and propose a novel estimation mechanism to resolve it. We run our algorithm on several off-the-shelf diffusion image generative models, including the recently released Stable Diffusion trained on the large-scale LAION dataset.

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9. Dream Fields: Zero-Shot Text-Guided Object Generation with Dream Fields [CVPR 2022 and AI4CC 2022 (Best Poster)]

Authors: Ajay Jain, Ben Mildenhall, Jonathan T. Barron, Pieter Abbeel, Ben Poole

Abstract We combine neural rendering with multi-modal image and text representations to synthesize diverse 3D objects solely from natural language descriptions. Our method, Dream Fields, can generate the geometry and color of a wide range of objects without 3D supervision. Due to the scarcity of diverse, captioned 3D data, prior methods only generate objects from a handful of categories, such as ShapeNet. Instead, we guide generation with image-text models pre-trained on large datasets of captioned images from the web. Our method optimizes a Neural Radiance Field from many camera views so that rendered images score highly with a target caption according to a pre-trained CLIP model. To improve fidelity and visual quality, we introduce simple geometric priors, including sparsity-inducing transmittance regularization, scene bounds, and new MLP architectures. In experiments, Dream Fields produce realistic, multi-view consistent object geometry and color from a variety of natural language captions.

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10. RichDreamer: A Generalizable Normal-Depth Diffusion Model for Detail Richness in Text-to-3D [arxiv 2023.11]

Authors: Lingteng Qiu, Guanying Chen, Xiaodong Gu, Qi Zuo, Mutian Xu, Yushuang Wu, Weihao Yuan, Zilong Dong, Liefeng Bo, Xiaoguang Han

Abstract Lifting 2D diffusion for 3D generation is a challenging problem due to the lack of geometric prior and the com- plex entanglement of materials and lighting in natural im- ages. Existing methods have shown promise by first creat- ing the geometry through score-distillation sampling (SDS) applied to rendered surface normals, followed by appear- ance modeling. However, relying on a 2D RGB diffusion model to optimize surface normals is suboptimal due to the distribution discrepancy between natural images and nor- mals maps, leading to instability in optimization. In this paper, recognizing that the normal and depth information effectively describe scene geometry and be automatically estimated from images, we propose to learn a generaliz- able Normal-Depth diffusion model for 3D generation. We achieve this by training on the large-scale LAION dataset together with the generalizable image-to-depth and normal prior models. In an attempt to alleviate the mixed illumi- nation effects in the generated materials, we introduce an albedo diffusion model to impose data-driven constraints on the albedo component. Our experiments show that when in- tegrated into existing text-to-3D pipelines, our models sig- nificantly enhance the detail richness, achieving state-of- the-art results.

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11. SteinDreamer: Variance Reduction for Text-to-3D Score Distillation via Stein Identity [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Peihao Wang, Zhiwen Fan, Dejia Xu, Dilin Wang, Sreyas Mohan, Forrest Iandola, Rakesh Ranjan, Yilei Li, Qiang Liu, Zhangyang Wang, Vikas Chandra

Abstract Score distillation has emerged as one of the most prevalent approaches for text-to-3D asset synthesis. Essentially, score distillation updates 3D parameters by lifting and back-propagating scores averaged over different views. In this paper, we reveal that the gradient estimation in score distillation is inherent to high variance. Through the lens of variance reduction, the effectiveness of SDS and VSD can be interpreted as applications of various control variates to the Monte Carlo estimator of the distilled score. Motivated by this rethinking and based on Stein's identity, we propose a more general solution to reduce variance for score distillation, termed Stein Score Distillation (SSD). SSD incorporates control variates constructed by Stein identity, allowing for arbitrary baseline functions. This enables us to include flexible guidance priors and network architectures to explicitly optimize for variance reduction. In our experiments, the overall pipeline, dubbed SteinDreamer, is implemented by instantiating the control variate with a monocular depth estimator. The results suggest that SSD can effectively reduce the distillation variance and consistently improve visual quality for both object- and scene-level generation. Moreover, we demonstrate that SteinDreamer achieves faster convergence than existing methods due to more stable gradient updates.

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12. Taming Mode Collapse in Score Distillation for Text-to-3D Generation [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Peihao Wang, Dejia Xu, Zhiwen Fan, Dilin Wang, Sreyas Mohan, Forrest Iandola, Rakesh Ranjan, Yilei Li, Qiang Liu, Zhangyang Wang, Vikas Chandra

Abstract Despite the remarkable performance of score distillation in text-to-3D generation, such techniques notoriously suffer from view inconsistency issues, also known as "Janus" artifact, where the generated objects fake each view with multiple front faces. Although empirically effective methods have approached this problem via score debiasing or prompt engineering, a more rigorous perspective to explain and tackle this problem remains elusive. In this paper, we reveal that the existing score distillation-based text-to-3D generation frameworks degenerate to maximal likelihood seeking on each view independently and thus suffer from the mode collapse problem, manifesting as the Janus artifact in practice. To tame mode collapse, we improve score distillation by re-establishing in entropy term in the corresponding variational objective, which is applied to the distribution of rendered images. Maximizing the entropy encourages diversity among different views in generated 3D assets, thereby mitigating the Janus problem. Based on this new objective, we derive a new update rule for 3D score distillation, dubbed Entropic Score Distillation (ESD). We theoretically reveal that ESD can be simplified and implemented by just adopting the classifier-free guidance trick upon variational score distillation. Although embarrassingly straightforward, our extensive experiments successfully demonstrate that ESD can be an effective treatment for Janus artifacts in score distillation.

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13. DreamGaussian: Generative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Content Creation [arxiv 2023.09]

Authors: Jiaxiang Tang1, Jiawei Ren2, Hang Zhou3, Ziwei Liu2, Gang Zeng1

Abstract Recent advances in 3D content creation mostly leverage optimization-based 3D generation via score distillation sampling (SDS). Though promising results have been exhibited, these methods often suffer from slow per-sample optimization, limiting their practical usage. In this paper, we propose DreamGaussian, a novel 3D content generation framework that achieves both efficiency and quality simultaneously. Our key insight is to design a generative 3D Gaussian Splatting model with companioned mesh extraction and texture refinement in UV space. In contrast to the occupancy pruning used in Neural Radiance Fields, we demonstrate that the progressive densification of 3D Gaussians converges significantly faster for 3D generative tasks. To further enhance the texture quality and facilitate downstream applications, we introduce an efficient algorithm to convert 3D Gaussians into textured meshes and apply a fine-tuning stage to refine the details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency and competitive generation quality of our proposed approach. Notably, DreamGaussian produces high-quality textured meshes in just 2 minutes from a single-view image, achieving approximately 10 times acceleration compared to existing methods.

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Note: DreamGaussian also supports image-to-3d and text-to-image-to-3d.

14. HiFA: High-fidelity Text-to-3D Generation with Advanced Diffusion Guidanceγ€€[arxiv 2023.05]

Authors: Junzhe Zhu and Peiye Zhuang

Abstract Recent advances in 3D content creation mostly leverage optimization-based 3D generation via score distillation sampling (SDS). Though promising results have been exhibited, these methods often suffer from slow per-sample optimization, limiting their practical usage. In this paper, we propose DreamGaussian, a novel 3D content generation framework that achieves both efficiency and quality simultaneously. Our key insight is to design a generative 3D Gaussian Splatting model with companioned mesh extraction and texture refinement in UV space. In contrast to the occupancy pruning used in Neural Radiance Fields, we demonstrate that the progressive densification of 3D Gaussians converges significantly faster for 3D generative tasks. To further enhance the texture quality and facilitate downstream applications, we introduce an efficient algorithm to convert 3D Gaussians into textured meshes and apply a fine-tuning stage to refine the details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency and competitive generation quality of our proposed approach. Notably, DreamGaussian produces high-quality textured meshes in just 2 minutes from a single-view image, achieving approximately 10 times acceleration compared to existing methods.

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15. Triplane Meets Gaussian Splatting [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Zi-Xin Zou, Zhipeng Yu, Yuan-Chen Guo, Yangguang Li, Ding Liang, Yan-Pei Cao, Song-Hai Zhang

Abstract Recent advancements in 3D reconstruction from single images have been driven by the evolution of generative models. Prominent among these are methods based on Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) and the adaptation of diffusion models in the 3D domain. Despite their progress, these techniques often face limitations due to slow optimization or rendering processes, leading to extensive training and optimization times. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for single-view reconstruction that efficiently generates a 3D model from a single image via feed-forward inference. Our method utilizes two transformer-based networks, namely a point decoder and a triplane decoder, to reconstruct 3D objects using a hybrid Triplane-Gaussian intermediate representation. This hybrid representation strikes a balance, achieving a faster rendering speed compared to implicit representations while simultaneously delivering superior rendering quality than explicit representations. The point decoder is designed for generating point clouds from single images, offering an explicit representation which is then utilized by the triplane decoder to query Gaussian features for each point. This design choice addresses the challenges associated with directly regressing explicit 3D Gaussian attributes characterized by their non-structural nature. Subsequently, the 3D Gaussians are decoded by an MLP to enable rapid rendering through splatting. Both decoders are built upon a scalable, transformer-based architecture and have been efficiently trained on large-scale 3D datasets. The evaluations conducted on both synthetic datasets and real-world images demonstrate that our method not only achieves higher quality but also ensures a faster runtime in comparison to previous state-of-the-art techniques.

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16. DMV3D:Denoising Multi-View Diffusion using 3D Large Reconstruction Model [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Yinghao Xu, Hao Tan, Fujun Luan, Sai Bi, Peng Wang, Jiahao Li, Zifan Shi, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Gordon Wetzstein, Zexiang Xu, Kai Zhang

Abstract We propose \textbf{DMV3D}, a novel 3D generation approach that uses a transformer-based 3D large reconstruction model to denoise multi-view diffusion. Our reconstruction model incorporates a triplane NeRF representation and can denoise noisy multi-view images via NeRF reconstruction and rendering, achieving single-stage 3D generation in ∼30s on single A100 GPU. We train \textbf{DMV3D} on large-scale multi-view image datasets of highly diverse objects using only image reconstruction losses, without accessing 3D assets. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results for the single-image reconstruction problem where probabilistic modeling of unseen object parts is required for generating diverse reconstructions with sharp textures. We also show high-quality text-to-3D generation results outperforming previous 3D diffusion models. Our project website is at: this https URL .

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Note: DMV3D also supports image-to-3d and text-to-image-to-3d.

17. Instant3D: Fast Text-to-3D with Sparse-View Generation and Large Reconstruction Model [arxiv 2023.11]

Authors: Jiahao Li, Hao Tan, Kai Zhang, Zexiang Xu, Fujun Luan, Yinghao Xu, Yicong Hong, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Greg Shakhnarovich, Sai Bi

Abstract Text-to-3D with diffusion models has achieved remarkable progress in recent years. However, existing methods either rely on score distillation-based optimization which suffer from slow inference, low diversity and Janus problems, or are feed-forward methods that generate low quality results due to the scarcity of 3D training data. In this paper, we propose Instant3D, a novel method that generates high-quality and diverse 3D assets from text prompts in a feed-forward manner. We adopt a two-stage paradigm, which first generates a sparse set of four structured and consistent views from text in one shot with a fine-tuned 2D text-to-image diffusion model, and then directly regresses the NeRF from the generated images with a novel transformer-based sparse-view reconstructor. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method can generate high-quality, diverse and Janus-free 3D assets within 20 seconds, which is two order of magnitude faster than previous optimization-based methods that can take 1 to 10 hours.

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18. Instant3D: Instant Text-to-3D Generation [arxiv 2023.11]

Authors: Ming Li, Pan Zhou, Jia-Wei Liu, Jussi Keppo, Min Lin, Shuicheng Yan, Xiangyu Xu

Abstract Text-to-3D generation, which aims to synthesize vivid 3D objects from text prompts, has attracted much attention from the computer vision community. While several existing works have achieved impressive results for this task, they mainly rely on a time-consuming optimization paradigm. Specifically, these methods optimize a neural field from scratch for each text prompt, taking approximately one hour or more to generate one object. This heavy and repetitive training cost impedes their practical deployment. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for fast text-to-3D generation, dubbed Instant3D. Once trained, Instant3D is able to create a 3D object for an unseen text prompt in less than one second with a single run of a feedforward network. We achieve this remarkable speed by devising a new network that directly constructs a 3D triplane from a text prompt. The core innovation of our Instant3D lies in our exploration of strategies to effectively inject text conditions into the network. Furthermore, we propose a simple yet effective activation function, the scaled-sigmoid, to replace the original sigmoid function, which speeds up the training convergence by more than ten times. Finally, to address the Janus (multi-head) problem in 3D generation, we propose an adaptive Perp-Neg algorithm that can dynamically adjust its concept negation scales according to the severity of the Janus problem during training, effectively reducing the multi-head effect. Extensive experiments on a wide variety of benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively, while achieving significantly better efficiency. The project page is at this https URL.

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Note: two Instant3D papers :)

19. Progressive3D: Progressively Local Editing for Text-to-3D Content Creation with Complex Semantic Prompts [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Xinhua Cheng, Tianyu Yang, Jianan Wang, Yu Li, Lei Zhang, Jian Zhang, Li Yuan

Abstract Recent text-to-3D generation methods achieve impressive 3D content creation capacity thanks to the advances in image diffusion models and optimizing strategies. However, current methods struggle to generate correct 3D content for a complex prompt in semantics, i.e., a prompt describing multiple interacted objects binding with different attributes. In this work, we propose a general framework named Progressive3D, which decomposes the entire generation into a series of locally progressive editing steps to create precise 3D content for complex prompts, and we constrain the content change to only occur in regions determined by user-defined region prompts in each editing step. Furthermore, we propose an overlapped semantic component suppression technique to encourage the optimization process to focus more on the semantic differences between prompts. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed Progressive3D framework generates precise 3D content for prompts with complex semantics and is general for various text-to-3D methods driven by different 3D representations.

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20. DreamTime: An Improved Optimization Strategy for Diffusion-Guided 3D Generation [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Yukun Huang, Jianan Wang, Yukai Shi, Boshi Tang, Xianbiao Qi, Lei Zhang

Abstract Text-to-image diffusion models pre-trained on billions of image-text pairs have recently enabled 3D content creation by optimizing a randomly initialized differentiable 3D representation with score distillation. However, the optimization process suffers slow convergence and the resultant 3D models often exhibit two limitations: (a) quality concerns such as missing attributes and distorted shape and textures; (b) extremely low diversity comparing to text-guided image synthesis. In this paper, we show that the conflict between the 3D optimization process and uniform timestep sampling in score distillation is the main reason for these limitations. To resolve this conflict, we propose to prioritize timestep sampling with monotonically non-increasing functions, which aligns the 3D optimization process with the sampling process of diffusion model. Extensive experiments show that our simple redesign significantly improves 3D content creation with faster convergence, better quality and diversity.

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21. TextField3D: Towards Enhancing Open-Vocabulary 3D Generation with Noisy TextFields [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Tianyu Huang, Yihan Zeng, Bowen Dong, Hang Xu, Songcen Xu, Rynson W.H. Lau, Wangmeng Zuo

Abstract Recent works learn 3D representation explicitly under text-3D guidance. However, limited text-3D data restricts the vocabulary scale and text control of generations. Generators may easily fall into a stereotype concept for certain text prompts, thus losing open-vocabulary generation ability. To tackle this issue, we introduce a conditional 3D generative model, namely TextField3D. Specifically, rather than using the text prompts as input directly, we suggest to inject dynamic noise into the latent space of given text prompts, i.e., Noisy Text Fields (NTFs). In this way, limited 3D data can be mapped to the appropriate range of textual latent space that is expanded by NTFs. To this end, an NTFGen module is proposed to model general text latent code in noisy fields. Meanwhile, an NTFBind module is proposed to align view-invariant image latent code to noisy fields, further supporting image-conditional 3D generation. To guide the conditional generation in both geometry and texture, multi-modal discrimination is constructed with a text-3D discriminator and a text-2.5D discriminator. Compared to previous methods, TextField3D includes three merits: 1) large vocabulary, 2) text consistency, and 3) low latency. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves a potential open-vocabulary 3D generation capability.

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22. Sketch2NeRF: Multi-view Sketch-guided Text-to-3D Generation [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Minglin Chen, Longguang Wang, Weihao Yuan, Yukun Wang, Zhe Sheng, Yisheng He, Zilong Dong, Liefeng Bo, Yulan Guo

Abstract Recently, text-to-3D approaches have achieved high-fidelity 3D content generation using text description. However, the generated objects are stochastic and lack fine-grained control. Sketches provide a cheap approach to introduce such fine-grained control. Nevertheless, it is challenging to achieve flexible control from these sketches due to their abstraction and ambiguity. In this paper, we present a multi-view sketch-guided text-to-3D generation framework (namely, Sketch2NeRF) to add sketch control to 3D generation. Specifically, our method leverages pretrained 2D diffusion models (e.g., Stable Diffusion and ControlNet) to supervise the optimization of a 3D scene represented by a neural radiance field (NeRF). We propose a novel synchronized generation and reconstruction method to effectively optimize the NeRF. In the experiments, we collected two kinds of multi-view sketch datasets to evaluate the proposed method. We demonstrate that our method can synthesize 3D consistent contents with fine-grained sketch control while being high-fidelity to text prompts. Extensive results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of sketch similarity and text alignment.

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23. Consistent3D: Towards Consistent High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation with Deterministic Sampling Prior [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Zike Wu, Pan Zhou, Xuanyu Yi, Xiaoding Yuan, Hanwang Zhang

Abstract Score distillation sampling (SDS) and its variants have greatly boosted the development of text-to-3D generation, but are vulnerable to geometry collapse and poor textures yet. To solve this issue, we first deeply analyze the SDS and find that its distillation sampling process indeed corresponds to the trajectory sampling of a stochastic differential equation (SDE): SDS samples along an SDE trajectory to yield a less noisy sample which then serves as a guidance to optimize a 3D model. However, the randomness in SDE sampling often leads to a diverse and unpredictable sample which is not always less noisy, and thus is not a consistently correct guidance, explaining the vulnerability of SDS. Since for any SDE, there always exists an ordinary differential equation (ODE) whose trajectory sampling can deterministically and consistently converge to the desired target point as the SDE, we propose a novel and effective "Consistent3D" method that explores the ODE deterministic sampling prior for text-to-3D generation. Specifically, at each training iteration, given a rendered image by a 3D model, we first estimate its desired 3D score function by a pre-trained 2D diffusion model, and build an ODE for trajectory sampling. Next, we design a consistency distillation sampling loss which samples along the ODE trajectory to generate two adjacent samples and uses the less noisy sample to guide another more noisy one for distilling the deterministic prior into the 3D model. Experimental results show the efficacy of our Consistent3D in generating high-fidelity and diverse 3D objects and large-scale scenes, as shown in Fig. 1.

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24. InseRF: Text-Driven Generative Object Insertion in Neural 3D Scenes [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Mohamad Shahbazi, Liesbeth Claessens, Michael Niemeyer, Edo Collins, Alessio Tonioni, Luc Van Gool, Federico Tombari

Abstract We introduce InseRF, a novel method for generative object insertion in the NeRF reconstructions of 3D scenes. Based on a user-provided textual description and a 2D bounding box in a reference viewpoint, InseRF generates new objects in 3D scenes. Recently, methods for 3D scene editing have been profoundly transformed, owing to the use of strong priors of text-to-image diffusion models in 3D generative modeling. Existing methods are mostly effective in editing 3D scenes via style and appearance changes or removing existing objects. Generating new objects, however, remains a challenge for such methods, which we address in this study. Specifically, we propose grounding the 3D object insertion to a 2D object insertion in a reference view of the scene. The 2D edit is then lifted to 3D using a single-view object reconstruction method. The reconstructed object is then inserted into the scene, guided by the priors of monocular depth estimation methods. We evaluate our method on various 3D scenes and provide an in-depth analysis of the proposed components. Our experiments with generative insertion of objects in several 3D scenes indicate the effectiveness of our method compared to the existing methods. InseRF is capable of controllable and 3D-consistent object insertion without requiring explicit 3D information as input.

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Image to 3D Generation:

1. Zero-1-to-3: Zero-shot One Image to 3D Object [ICCV 2023]

Authors: Ruoshi Liu1, Rundi Wu1, Basile Van Hoorick1, Pavel Tokmakov2, Sergey Zakharov2, Carl Vondrick1

Abstract We introduce Zero-1-to-3, a framework for changing the camera viewpoint of an object given just a single RGB image. To perform novel view synthesis in this under-constrained setting, we capitalize on the geometric priors that large-scale diffusion models learn about natural images. Our conditional diffusion model uses a synthetic dataset to learn controls of the relative camera viewpoint, which allow new images to be generated of the same object under a specified camera transformation. Even though it is trained on a synthetic dataset, our model retains a strong zero-shot generalization ability to out-of-distribution datasets as well as in-the-wild images, including impressionist paintings. Our viewpoint-conditioned diffusion approach can further be used for the task of 3D reconstruction from a single image. Qualitative and quantitative experiments show that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art single-view 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis models by leveraging Internet-scale pre-training.

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2. Zero123++: a Single Image to Consistent Multi-view Diffusion Base Model [arxiv 2023.10]

Authors: Ruoxi Shi, Hansheng Chen, Zhuoyang Zhang, Minghua Liu, Chao Xu, Xinyue Wei, Linghao Chen, Chong Zeng, Hao Su

Abstract We report Zero123++, an image-conditioned diffusion model for generating 3D-consistent multi-view images from a single input view. To take full advantage of pretrained 2D generative priors, we develop various conditioning and training schemes to minimize the effort of finetuning from off-the-shelf image diffusion models such as Stable Diffusion. Zero123++ excels in producing high-quality, consistent multi-view images from a single image, overcoming common issues like texture degradation and geometric misalignment. Furthermore, we showcase the feasibility of training a ControlNet on Zero123++ for enhanced control over the generation process. The code is available at this https URL.

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3. One-2-3-45: Any Single Image to 3D Mesh in 45 Seconds without Per-Shape Optimization [arxiv 2023.06]

Authors: Minghua Liu1*, Chao Xu2*, Haian Jin3,4*, Linghao Chen1,4*, Mukund Varma T5, Zexiang Xu6, Hao Su1

Abstract Single image 3D reconstruction is an important but challenging task that requires extensive knowledge of our natural world. Many existing methods solve this problem by optimizing a neural radiance field under the guidance of 2D diffusion models but suffer from lengthy optimization time, 3D inconsistency results, and poor geometry. In this work, we propose a novel method that takes a single image of any object as input and generates a full 360-degree 3D textured mesh in a single feed-forward pass. Given a single image, we first use a view-conditioned 2D diffusion model, Zero123, to generate multi-view images for the input view, and then aim to lift them up to 3D space. Since traditional reconstruction methods struggle with inconsistent multi-view predictions, we build our 3D reconstruction module upon an SDF-based generalizable neural surface reconstruction method and propose several critical training strategies to enable the reconstruction of 360-degree meshes. Without costly optimizations, our method reconstructs 3D shapes in significantly less time than existing methods. Moreover, our method favors better geometry, generates more 3D consistent results, and adheres more closely to the input image. We evaluate our approach on both synthetic data and in-the-wild images and demonstrate its superiority in terms of both mesh quality and runtime. In addition, our approach can seamlessly support the text-to-3D task by integrating with off-the-shelf text-to-image diffusion models.

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4. One-2-3-45++: Fast Single Image to 3D Objects with Consistent Multi-View Generation and 3D Diffusion [arxiv 2023.11]

Authors: Minghua Liu, Ruoxi Shi, Linghao Chen, Zhuoyang Zhang, Chao Xu, Xinyue Wei, Hansheng Chen, Chong Zeng, Jiayuan Gu, Hao Su

Abstract Recent advancements in open-world 3D object generation have been remarkable, with image-to-3D methods offering superior fine-grained control over their text-to-3D counterparts. However, most existing models fall short in simultaneously providing rapid generation speeds and high fidelity to input images - two features essential for practical applications. In this paper, we present One-2-3-45++, an innovative method that transforms a single image into a detailed 3D textured mesh in approximately one minute. Our approach aims to fully harness the extensive knowledge embedded in 2D diffusion models and priors from valuable yet limited 3D data. This is achieved by initially finetuning a 2D diffusion model for consistent multi-view image generation, followed by elevating these images to 3D with the aid of multi-view conditioned 3D native diffusion models. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that our method can produce high-quality, diverse 3D assets that closely mirror the original input image. Our project webpage: this https URL.

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5. TextureDreamer: Image-guided Texture Synthesis through Geometry-aware Diffusion [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Yu-Ying Yeh, Jia-Bin Huang, Changil Kim, Lei Xiao, Thu Nguyen-Phuoc, Numair Khan, Cheng Zhang, Manmohan Chandraker, Carl S Marshall, Zhao Dong, Zhengqin Li

Abstract We present TextureDreamer, a novel image-guided texture synthesis method to transfer relightable textures from a small number of input images (3 to 5) to target 3D shapes across arbitrary categories. Texture creation is a pivotal challenge in vision and graphics. Industrial companies hire experienced artists to manually craft textures for 3D assets. Classical methods require densely sampled views and accurately aligned geometry, while learning-based methods are confined to category-specific shapes within the dataset. In contrast, TextureDreamer can transfer highly detailed, intricate textures from real-world environments to arbitrary objects with only a few casually captured images, potentially significantly democratizing texture creation. Our core idea, personalized geometry-aware score distillation (PGSD), draws inspiration from recent advancements in diffuse models, including personalized modeling for texture information extraction, variational score distillation for detailed appearance synthesis, and explicit geometry guidance with ControlNet. Our integration and several essential modifications substantially improve the texture quality. Experiments on real images spanning different categories show that TextureDreamer can successfully transfer highly realistic, semantic meaningful texture to arbitrary objects, surpassing the visual quality of previous state-of-the-art.

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6. Wonder3d: Single Image to 3D using Cross-Domain Diffusion [arxiv 2023.10]

Authors: Xiaoxiao Long1,3,6,, Yuan-Chen Guo2,3,, Cheng Lin1, Yuan Liu1, Zhiyang Dou1, Lingjie Liu4, Yuexin Ma5, Song-Hai Zhang2, Marc Habermann6, Christian Theobalt6, Wenping Wang7

Abstract In this work, we introduce Wonder3D, a novel method for efficiently generating high-fidelity textured meshes from single-view images.Recent methods based on Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) have shown the potential to recover 3D geometry from 2D diffusion priors, but they typically suffer from time-consuming per-shape optimization and inconsistent geometry. In contrast, certain works directly produce 3D information via fast network inferences, but their results are often of low quality and lack geometric details. To holistically improve the quality, consistency, and efficiency of image-to-3D tasks, we propose a cross-domain diffusion model that generates multi-view normal maps and the corresponding color images. To ensure consistency, we employ a multi-view cross-domain attention mechanism that facilitates information exchange across views and modalities. Lastly, we introduce a geometry-aware normal fusion algorithm that extracts high-quality surfaces from the multi-view 2D representations. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method achieves high-quality reconstruction results, robust generalization, and reasonably good efficiency compared to prior works.

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7. LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Yicong Hong1,2, Kai Zhang1, Jiuxiang Gu1, Sai Bi1, Yang Zhou1, Difan Liu1, Feng Liu1, Kalyan Sunkavalli1, Trung Bui1, Hao Tan1

Abstract We propose the first Large Reconstruction Model (LRM) that predicts the 3D model of an object from a single input image within just 5 seconds. In contrast to many previous methods that are trained on small-scale datasets such as ShapeNet in a category-specific fashion, LRM adopts a highly scalable transformer-based architecture with 500 million learnable parameters to directly predict a neural radiance field (NeRF) from the input image. We train our model in an end-to-end manner on massive multi-view data containing around 1 million objects, including both synthetic renderings from Objaverse and real captures from MVImgNet. This combination of a high-capacity model and large-scale training data empowers our model to be highly generalizable and produce high-quality 3D reconstructions from various testing inputs including real-world in-the-wild captures and images from generative models.

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8. Magic123: One Image to High-Quality 3D Object Generation Using Both 2D and 3D Diffusion Priors [arxiv 2023.06]

Authors: Qian, Guocheng and Mai, Jinjie and Hamdi, Abdullah and Ren, Jian and Siarohin, Aliaksandr and Li, Bing and Lee, Hsin-Ying and Skorokhodov, Ivan and Wonka, Peter and Tulyakov, Sergey and Ghanem, Bernard

Abstract We present "Magic123", a two-stage coarse-to-fine solution for high-quality, textured 3D meshes generation from a single unposed image in the wild using both 2D and 3D priors. In the first stage, we optimize a neural radiance field to produce a coarse geometry. In the second stage, we adopt a memory-efficient differentiable mesh representation to yield a high-resolution mesh with a visually appealing texture. In both stages, the 3D content is learned through reference view supervision and novel views guided by both 2D and 3D diffusion priors. We introduce a single tradeoff parameter between the 2D and 3D priors to control exploration (more imaginative) and exploitation (more precise) of the generated geometry. Additionally, We employ textual inversion and monocular depth regularization to encourage consistent appearances across views and to prevent degenerate solutions, respectively. Magic123 demonstrates a significant improvement over previous image-to-3D techniques, as validated through extensive experiments on synthetic benchmarks and diverse real-world images.

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9. DreamCraft3D: Hierarchical 3D Generation with Bootstrapped Diffusion Prior [arxiv 2023.10]

Authors: Jingxiang Sun 1, Bo Zhang 3, Ruizhi Shao 1, Lizhen Wang 1, Wen Liu 2, Zhenda Xie 2, Yebin Liu 1

Abstract We present DreamCraft3D, a hierarchical 3D content generation method that produces high-fidelity and coherent 3D objects. We tackle the problem by leveraging a 2D reference image to guide the stages of geometry sculpting and texture boosting. A central focus of this work is to address the consistency issue that existing works encounter. To sculpt geometries that render coherently, we perform score distillation sampling via a view-dependent diffusion model. This 3D prior, alongside several training strategies, prioritizes the geometry consistency but compromises the texture fidelity. We further propose Bootstrapped Score Distillation (BSD) to specifically boost the texture. We train a personalized diffusion model, Dreambooth, on the augmented renderings of the scene, imbuing it with 3D knowledge of the scene being optimized. The score distillation from this 3D-aware diffusion prior provides view-consistent guidance for the scene. Notably, through an alternating optimization of the diffusion prior and 3D scene representation, we achieve mutually reinforcing improvements: the optimized 3D scene aids in training the scene-specific diffusion model, which offers increasingly view-consistent guidance for 3D optimization. The optimization is thus bootstrapped and leads to substantial texture boosting. With tailored 3D priors throughout the hierarchical generation, DreamCraft3D generates coherent 3D objects with photorealistic renderings, advancing the state-of-the-art in 3D content generation.

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10. GD^2-NeRF: Generative Detail Compensation via GAN and Diffusion for One-shot Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Xiao Pan, Zongxin Yang, Shuai Bai, Yi Yang

Abstract In this paper, we focus on the One-shot Novel View Synthesis (O-NVS) task which targets synthesizing photo-realistic novel views given only one reference image per scene. Previous One-shot Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields (OG-NeRF) methods solve this task in an inference-time finetuning-free manner, yet suffer the blurry issue due to the encoder-only architecture that highly relies on the limited reference image. On the other hand, recent diffusion-based image-to-3d methods show vivid plausible results via distilling pre-trained 2D diffusion models into a 3D representation, yet require tedious per-scene optimization. Targeting these issues, we propose the GD2-NeRF, a Generative Detail compensation framework via GAN and Diffusion that is both inference-time finetuning-free and with vivid plausible details. In detail, following a coarse-to-fine strategy, GD2-NeRF is mainly composed of a One-stage Parallel Pipeline (OPP) and a 3D-consistent Detail Enhancer (Diff3DE). At the coarse stage, OPP first efficiently inserts the GAN model into the existing OG-NeRF pipeline for primarily relieving the blurry issue with in-distribution priors captured from the training dataset, achieving a good balance between sharpness (LPIPS, FID) and fidelity (PSNR, SSIM). Then, at the fine stage, Diff3DE further leverages the pre-trained image diffusion models to complement rich out-distribution details while maintaining decent 3D consistency. Extensive experiments on both the synthetic and real-world datasets show that GD2-NeRF noticeably improves the details while without per-scene finetuning.

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11. NeuralLift-360: Lifting An In-the-wild 2D Photo to A 3D Object with 360Β° Views [arxiv 2022.11]

Authors: Dejia Xu, Yifan Jiang, Peihao Wang, Zhiwen Fan, Yi Wang, Zhangyang Wang

Abstract Virtual reality and augmented reality (XR) bring increasing demand for 3D content. However, creating high-quality 3D content requires tedious work that a human expert must do. In this work, we study the challenging task of lifting a single image to a 3D object and, for the first time, demonstrate the ability to generate a plausible 3D object with 360Β° views that correspond well with the given reference image. By conditioning on the reference image, our model can fulfill the everlasting curiosity for synthesizing novel views of objects from images. Our technique sheds light on a promising direction of easing the workflows for 3D artists and XR designers. We propose a novel framework, dubbed NeuralLift-360, that utilizes a depth-aware neural radiance representation (NeRF) and learns to craft the scene guided by denoising diffusion models. By introducing a ranking loss, our NeuralLift-360 can be guided with rough depth estimation in the wild. We also adopt a CLIP-guided sampling strategy for the diffusion prior to provide coherent guidance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our NeuralLift-360 significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art baselines. Project page: this https URL

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12. Free3D: Consistent Novel View Synthesis without 3D Representation [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Chuanxia Zheng, Andrea Vedaldi

Abstract We introduce Free3D, a simple approach designed for open-set novel view synthesis (NVS) from a single image. Similar to Zero-1-to-3, we start from a pre-trained 2D image generator for generalization, and fine-tune it for NVS. Compared to recent and concurrent works, we obtain significant improvements without resorting to an explicit 3D representation, which is slow and memory-consuming or training an additional 3D network. We do so by encoding better the target camera pose via a new per-pixel ray conditioning normalization (RCN) layer. The latter injects pose information in the underlying 2D image generator by telling each pixel its specific viewing direction. We also improve multi-view consistency via a light-weight multi-view attention layer and multi-view noise sharing. We train Free3D on the Objaverse dataset and demonstrate excellent generalization to various new categories in several new datasets, including OminiObject3D and GSO. We hope our simple and effective approach will serve as a solid baseline and help future research in NVS with more accuracy pose. The project page is available at this https URL.

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13. AGG: Amortized Generative 3D Gaussians for Single Image to 3D [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Dejia Xu, Ye Yuan, Morteza Mardani, Sifei Liu, Jiaming Song, Zhangyang Wang, Arash Vahdat

Abstract Given the growing need for automatic 3D content creation pipelines, various 3D representations have been studied to generate 3D objects from a single image. Due to its superior rendering efficiency, 3D Gaussian splatting-based models have recently excelled in both 3D reconstruction and generation. 3D Gaussian splatting approaches for image to 3D generation are often optimization-based, requiring many computationally expensive score-distillation steps. To overcome these challenges, we introduce an Amortized Generative 3D Gaussian framework (AGG) that instantly produces 3D Gaussians from a single image, eliminating the need for per-instance optimization. Utilizing an intermediate hybrid representation, AGG decomposes the generation of 3D Gaussian locations and other appearance attributes for joint optimization. Moreover, we propose a cascaded pipeline that first generates a coarse representation of the 3D data and later upsamples it with a 3D Gaussian super-resolution module. Our method is evaluated against existing optimization-based 3D Gaussian frameworks and sampling-based pipelines utilizing other 3D representations, where AGG showcases competitive generation abilities both qualitatively and quantitatively while being several orders of magnitude faster. Project page: [this https URL](

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14. What You See is What You GAN: Rendering Every Pixel for High-Fidelity Geometry in 3D GANs [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Alex Trevithick, Matthew Chan, Towaki Takikawa, Umar Iqbal, Shalini De Mello, Manmohan Chandraker, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Koki Nagano

Abstract 3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown remarkable progress in learning to generate multi-view-consistent images and 3D geometries of scenes from collections of 2D images via neural volume rendering. Yet, the significant memory and computational costs of dense sampling in volume rendering have forced 3D GANs to adopt patch-based training or employ low-resolution rendering with post-processing 2D super resolution, which sacrifices multiview consistency and the quality of resolved geometry. Consequently, 3D GANs have not yet been able to fully resolve the rich 3D geometry present in 2D images. In this work, we propose techniques to scale neural volume rendering to the much higher resolution of native 2D images, thereby resolving fine-grained 3D geometry with unprecedented detail. Our approach employs learning-based samplers for accelerating neural rendering for 3D GAN training using up to 5 times fewer depth samples. This enables us to explicitly "render every pixel" of the full-resolution image during training and inference without post-processing superresolution in 2D. Together with our strategy to learn high-quality surface geometry, our method synthesizes high-resolution 3D geometry and strictly view-consistent images while maintaining image quality on par with baselines relying on post-processing super resolution. We demonstrate state-of-the-art 3D gemetric quality on FFHQ and AFHQ, setting a new standard for unsupervised learning of 3D shapes in 3D GANs.

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15. TOSS: High-quality Text-guided Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Yukai Shi, Jianan Wang, He Cao, Boshi Tang, Xianbiao Qi, Tianyu Yang, Yukun Huang, Shilong Liu, Lei Zhang, Heung-Yeung Shum

Abstract In this paper, we present TOSS, which introduces text to the task of novel view synthesis (NVS) from just a single RGB image. While Zero123 has demonstrated impressive zero-shot open-set NVS capabilities, it treats NVS as a pure image-to-image translation problem. This approach suffers from the challengingly under-constrained nature of single-view NVS: the process lacks means of explicit user control and often result in implausible NVS generations. To address this limitation, TOSS uses text as high-level semantic information to constrain the NVS solution space. TOSS fine-tunes text-to-image Stable Diffusion pre-trained on large-scale text-image pairs and introduces modules specifically tailored to image and camera pose conditioning, as well as dedicated training for pose correctness and preservation of fine details. Comprehensive experiments are conducted with results showing that our proposed TOSS outperforms Zero123 with higher-quality NVS results and faster convergence. We further support these results with comprehensive ablations that underscore the effectiveness and potential of the introduced semantic guidance and architecture design.

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16. Make-it-3D: high-fidelity 3d creation from a single image with diffusion prior [ICCV 2023]

Authors: Junshu Tang, Tengfei Wang, Bo Zhang, Ting Zhang, Ran Yi, Lizhuang Ma, Dong Chen

Abstract In this work, we investigate the problem of creating high-fidelity 3D content from only a single image. This is inherently challenging: it essentially involves estimating the underlying 3D geometry while simultaneously hallucinating unseen textures. To address this challenge, we leverage prior knowledge from a well-trained 2D diffusion model to act as 3D-aware supervision for 3D creation. Our approach, Make-It-3D, employs a two-stage optimization pipeline: the first stage optimizes a neural radiance field by incorporating constraints from the reference image at the frontal view and diffusion prior at novel views; the second stage transforms the coarse model into textured point clouds and further elevates the realism with diffusion prior while leveraging the high-quality textures from the reference image. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms prior works by a large margin, resulting in faithful reconstructions and impressive visual quality. Our method presents the first attempt to achieve high-quality 3D creation from a single image for general objects and enables various applications such as text-to-3D creation and texture editing.

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17. IRIS: Inverse Rendering of Indoor Scenes from Low Dynamic Range Images [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Zhi-Hao Lin, Jia-Bin Huang, Zhengqin Li, Zhao Dong, Christian Richardt, Tuotuo Li, Michael ZollhΓΆfer, Johannes Kopf, Shenlong Wang, Changil Kim

Abstract While numerous 3D reconstruction and novel-view synthesis methods allow for photorealistic rendering of a scene from multi-view images easily captured with consumer cameras, they bake illumination in their representations and fall short of supporting advanced applications like material editing, relighting, and virtual object insertion. The reconstruction of physically based material properties and lighting via inverse rendering promises to enable such applications. However, most inverse rendering techniques require high dynamic range (HDR) images as input, a setting that is inaccessible to most users. We present a method that recovers the physically based material properties and spatially-varying HDR lighting of a scene from multi-view, low-dynamic-range (LDR) images. We model the LDR image formation process in our inverse rendering pipeline and propose a novel optimization strategy for material, lighting, and a camera response model. We evaluate our approach with synthetic and real scenes compared to the state-of-the-art inverse rendering methods that take either LDR or HDR input. Our method outperforms existing methods taking LDR images as input, and allows for highly realistic relighting and object insertion.

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18. Sat2Scene: 3D Urban Scene Generation from Satellite Images with Diffusion [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Zuoyue Li, Zhenqiang Li, Zhaopeng Cui, Marc Pollefeys, Martin R. Oswald

Abstract Directly generating scenes from satellite imagery offers exciting possibilities for integration into applications like games and map services. However, challenges arise from significant view changes and scene scale. Previous efforts mainly focused on image or video generation, lacking exploration into the adaptability of scene generation for arbitrary views. Existing 3D generation works either operate at the object level or are difficult to utilize the geometry obtained from satellite imagery. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel architecture for direct 3D scene generation by introducing diffusion models into 3D sparse representations and combining them with neural rendering techniques. Specifically, our approach generates texture colors at the point level for a given geometry using a 3D diffusion model first, which is then transformed into a scene representation in a feed-forward manner. The representation can be utilized to render arbitrary views which would excel in both single-frame quality and inter-frame consistency. Experiments in two city-scale datasets show that our model demonstrates proficiency in generating photo-realistic street-view image sequences and cross-view urban scenes from satellite imagery.

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Audio to 3D Generation:

1. From Audio to Photoreal Embodiment: Synthesizing Humans in Conversations [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Evonne Ng1, 2, Javier Romero1, Timur Bagautdinov1, Shaojie Bai1, Trevor Darrell2, Angjoo Kanazawa2, Alexander Richard1

Abstract We present a framework for generating full-bodied photorealistic avatars that gesture according to the conversational dynamics of a dyadic interaction. Given speech audio, we output multiple possibilities of gestural motion for an individual, including face, body, and hands. The key behind our method is in combining the benefits of sample diversity from vector quantization with the high-frequency details obtained through diffusion to generate more dynamic, expressive motion. We visualize the generated motion using highly photorealistic avatars that can express crucial nuances in gestures (e.g. sneers and smirks). To facilitate this line of research, we introduce a first-of-its-kind multi-view conversational dataset that allows for photorealistic reconstruction. Experiments show our model generates appropriate and diverse gestures, outperforming both diffusion- and VQ-only methods. Furthermore, our perceptual evaluation highlights the importance of photorealism (vs. meshes) in accurately assessing subtle motion details in conversational gestures. Code and dataset will be publicly released.

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3D Editing:

1. DreamEditor: Text-Driven 3D Scene Editing with Neural Fields [arxiv 2023.06]

Authors: Zhuang, Jingyu and Wang, Chen and Liu, Lingjie and Lin, Liang and Li, Guanbin

Abstract Neural fields have achieved impressive advancements in view synthesis and scene reconstruction. However, editing these neural fields remains challenging due to the implicit encoding of geometry and texture information. In this paper, we propose DreamEditor, a novel framework that enables users to perform controlled editing of neural fields using text prompts. By representing scenes as mesh-based neural fields, DreamEditor allows localized editing within specific regions. DreamEditor utilizes the text encoder of a pretrained text-to-Image diffusion model to automatically identify the regions to be edited based on the semantics of the text prompts. Subsequently, DreamEditor optimizes the editing region and aligns its geometry and texture with the text prompts through score distillation sampling [Poole et al. 2022]. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that DreamEditor can accurately edit neural fields of real-world scenes according to the given text prompts while ensuring consistency in irrelevant areas. DreamEditor generates highly realistic textures and geometry, significantly surpassing previous works in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations.

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2. IDE-3D: Interactive Disentangled Editing For High-Resolution 3D-aware Portrait Synthesis [arxiv 2022.05]

Authors: Jingxiang Sun, Xuan Wang, Yichun Shi, Lizhen Wang, Jue Wang, Yebin Liu

Abstract Existing 3D-aware facial generation methods face a dilemma in quality versus editability: they either generate editable results in low resolution, or high quality ones with no editing flexibility. In this work, we propose a new approach that brings the best of both worlds together. Our system consists of three major components: (1) a 3D-semantics-aware generative model that produces view-consistent, disentangled face images and semantic masks; (2) a hybrid GAN inversion approach that initialize the latent codes from the semantic and texture encoder, and further optimized them for faithful reconstruction; and (3) a canonical editor that enables efficient manipulation of semantic masks in canonical view and producs high quality editing results. Our approach is competent for many applications, e.g. free-view face drawing, editing and style control. Both quantitative and qualitative results show that our method reaches the state-of-the-art in terms of photorealism, faithfulness and efficiency.

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3. DM-NeRF: 3D Scene Geometry Decomposition and Manipulation from 2D Images [ICLR 2023]

Authors: Bing Wang, Lu Chen, Bo Yang

Abstract In this paper, we study the problem of 3D scene geometry decomposition and manipulation from 2D views. By leveraging the recent implicit neural representation techniques, particularly the appealing neural radiance fields, we introduce an object field component to learn unique codes for all individual objects in 3D space only from 2D supervision. The key to this component is a series of carefully designed loss functions to enable every 3D point, especially in non-occupied space, to be effectively optimized even without 3D labels. In addition, we introduce an inverse query algorithm to freely manipulate any specified 3D object shape in the learned scene representation. Notably, our manipulation algorithm can explicitly tackle key issues such as object collisions and visual occlusions. Our method, called DM-NeRF, is among the first to simultaneously reconstruct, decompose, manipulate and render complex 3D scenes in a single pipeline. Extensive experiments on three datasets clearly show that our method can accurately decompose all 3D objects from 2D views, allowing any interested object to be freely manipulated in 3D space such as translation, rotation, size adjustment, and deformation.

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4. Image Sculpting: Precise Object Editing with 3D Geometry Control [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Jiraphon Yenphraphai, Xichen Pan, Sainan Liu, Daniele Panozzo, Saining Xie

Abstract We present Image Sculpting, a new framework for editing 2D images by incorporating tools from 3D geometry and graphics. This approach differs markedly from existing methods, which are confined to 2D spaces and typically rely on textual instructions, leading to ambiguity and limited control. Image Sculpting converts 2D objects into 3D, enabling direct interaction with their 3D geometry. Post-editing, these objects are re-rendered into 2D, merging into the original image to produce high-fidelity results through a coarse-to-fine enhancement process. The framework supports precise, quantifiable, and physically-plausible editing options such as pose editing, rotation, translation, 3D composition, carving, and serial addition. It marks an initial step towards combining the creative freedom of generative models with the precision of graphics pipelines.

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5. Code for SC-GS: Sparse-Controlled Gaussian Splatting for Editable Dynamic Scenes

Authors: Yi-Hua Huang1 *, Yang-Tian Sun1 *, Ziyi Yang3 *, Xiaoyang Lyu1, Yan-Pei Cao2 #, Xiaojuan Qi1 #

Abstract Novel view synthesis for dynamic scenes is still a challenging problem in computer vision and graphics. Recently, Gaussian splatting has emerged as a robust technique to represent static scenes and enable high-quality and real-time novel view synthesis. Building upon this technique, we propose a new representation that explicitly decomposes the motion and appearance of dynamic scenes into sparse control points and dense Gaussians, respectively. Our key idea is to use sparse control points, significantly fewer in number than the Gaussians, to learn compact 6 DoF transformation bases, which can be locally interpolated through learned interpolation weights to yield the motion field of 3D Gaussians. We employ a deformation MLP to predict time-varying 6 DoF transformations for each control point, which reduces learning complexities, enhances learning abilities, and facilitates obtaining temporal and spatial coherent motion patterns. Then, we jointly learn the 3D Gaussians, the canonical space locations of control points, and the deformation MLP to reconstruct the appearance, geometry, and dynamics of 3D scenes. During learning, the location and number of control points are adaptively adjusted to accommodate varying motion complexities in different regions, and an ARAP loss following the principle of as rigid as possible is developed to enforce spatial continuity and local rigidity of learned motions. Finally, thanks to the explicit sparse motion representation and its decomposition from appearance, our method can enable user-controlled motion editing while retaining high-fidelity appearances. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing approaches on novel view synthesis with a high rendering speed and enables novel appearance-preserved motion editing applications.

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6. SIGNeRF: Scene Integrated Generation for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors: Jan-Niklas Dihlmann, Andreas Engelhardt, Hendrik Lensch

Abstract We propose SIGNeRF, a novel approach for fast and controllable NeRF scene editing and scene-integrated object generation. We introduce a new generative update strategy that ensures 3D consistency across the edited images, without requiring iterative optimization. We find that depth-conditioned diffusion models inherently possess the capability to generate 3D consistent views by requesting a grid of images instead of single views. Based on these insights, we introduce a multi-view reference sheet of modified images. Our method updates an image collection consistently based on the reference sheet and refines the original NeRF with the newly generated image set in one go. By exploiting the depth conditioning mechanism of the image diffusion model, we gain fine control over the spatial location of the edit and enforce shape guidance by a selected region or an external mesh.

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7. InseRF: Text-Driven Generative Object Insertion in Neural 3D Scenes [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Mohamad Shahbazi, Liesbeth Claessens, Michael Niemeyer, Edo Collins, Alessio Tonioni, Luc Van Gool, Federico Tombari

Abstract We introduce InseRF, a novel method for generative object insertion in the NeRF reconstructions of 3D scenes. Based on a user-provided textual description and a 2D bounding box in a reference viewpoint, InseRF generates new objects in 3D scenes. Recently, methods for 3D scene editing have been profoundly transformed, owing to the use of strong priors of text-to-image diffusion models in 3D generative modeling. Existing methods are mostly effective in editing 3D scenes via style and appearance changes or removing existing objects. Generating new objects, however, remains a challenge for such methods, which we address in this study. Specifically, we propose grounding the 3D object insertion to a 2D object insertion in a reference view of the scene. The 2D edit is then lifted to 3D using a single-view object reconstruction method. The reconstructed object is then inserted into the scene, guided by the priors of monocular depth estimation methods. We evaluate our method on various 3D scenes and provide an in-depth analysis of the proposed components. Our experiments with generative insertion of objects in several 3D scenes indicate the effectiveness of our method compared to the existing methods. InseRF is capable of controllable and 3D-consistent object insertion without requiring explicit 3D information as input. Please visit our project page at [this https URL](

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8. GO-NeRF: Generating Virtual Objects in Neural Radiance Fields [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Peng Dai, Feitong Tan, Xin Yu, Yinda Zhang, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract Despite advances in 3D generation, the direct creation of 3D objects within an existing 3D scene represented as NeRF remains underexplored. This process requires not only high-quality 3D object generation but also seamless composition of the generated 3D content into the existing NeRF. To this end, we propose a new method, GO-NeRF, capable of utilizing scene context for high-quality and harmonious 3D object generation within an existing NeRF. Our method employs a compositional rendering formulation that allows the generated 3D objects to be seamlessly composited into the scene utilizing learned 3D-aware opacity maps without introducing unintended scene modification. Moreover, we also develop tailored optimization objectives and training strategies to enhance the model's ability to exploit scene context and mitigate artifacts, such as floaters, originating from 3D object generation within a scene. Extensive experiments on both feed-forward and 360o scenes show the superior performance of our proposed GO-NeRF in generating objects harmoniously composited with surrounding scenes and synthesizing high-quality novel view images. Project page at [this https URL](

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9. Exploration and Improvement of Nerf-based 3D Scene Editing Techniques [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Shun Fang, Ming Cui, Xing Feng, Yanan Zhang

Abstract NeRF's high-quality scene synthesis capability was quickly accepted by scholars in the years after it was proposed, and significant progress has been made in 3D scene representation and synthesis. However, the high computational cost limits intuitive and efficient editing of scenes, making NeRF's development in the scene editing field facing many challenges. This paper reviews the preliminary explorations of scholars on NeRF in the scene or object editing field in recent years, mainly changing the shape and texture of scenes or objects in new synthesized scenes; through the combination of residual models such as GaN and Transformer with NeRF, the generalization ability of NeRF scene editing has been further expanded, including realizing real-time new perspective editing feedback, multimodal editing of text synthesized 3D scenes, 4D synthesis performance, and in-depth exploration in light and shadow editing, initially achieving optimization of indirect touch editing and detail representation in complex scenes. Currently, most NeRF editing methods focus on the touch points and materials of indirect points, but when dealing with more complex or larger 3D scenes, it is difficult to balance accuracy, breadth, efficiency, and quality. Overcoming these challenges may become the direction of future NeRF 3D scene editing technology.

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Human-Avatar Generation:

1. AvatarBooth: High-Quality and Customizable 3D Human Avatar Generation [arxiv 2023.06]

Authors: Yifei Zeng1, Yuanxun Lu1, Xinya Ji1, Yao Yao1, Hao Zhu1, Xun Cao1,

Abstract We introduce AvatarBooth, a novel method for generating high-quality 3D avatars using text prompts or specific images. Unlike previous approaches that can only synthesize avatars based on simple text descriptions, our method enables the creation of personalized avatars from casually captured face or body images, while still supporting text-based model generation and editing. Our key contribution is the precise avatar generation control by using dual fine-tuned diffusion models separately for the human face and body. This enables us to capture intricate details of facial appearance, clothing, and accessories, resulting in highly realistic avatar generations. Furthermore, we introduce pose-consistent constraint to the optimization process to enhance the multi-view consistency of synthesized head images from the diffusion model and thus eliminate interference from uncontrolled human poses. In addition, we present a multi-resolution rendering strategy that facilitates coarse-to-fine supervision of 3D avatar generation, thereby enhancing the performance of the proposed system. The resulting avatar model can be further edited using additional text descriptions and driven by motion sequences. Experiments show that AvatarBooth outperforms previous text-to-3D methods in terms of rendering and geometric quality from either text prompts or specific images. Please check our project website at this https URL.

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2. SEEAvatar: Photorealistic Text-to-3D Avatar Generation with Constrained Geometry and Appearance [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Yuanyou Xu, Zongxin Yang, Yi Yang

Abstract Powered by large-scale text-to-image generation models, text-to-3D avatar generation has made promising progress. However, most methods fail to produce photorealistic results, limited by imprecise geometry and low-quality appearance. Towards more practical avatar generation, we present SEEAvatar, a method for generating photorealistic 3D avatars from text with SElf-Evolving constraints for decoupled geometry and appearance. For geometry, we propose to constrain the optimized avatar in a decent global shape with a template avatar. The template avatar is initialized with human prior and can be updated by the optimized avatar periodically as an evolving template, which enables more flexible shape generation. Besides, the geometry is also constrained by the static human prior in local parts like face and hands to maintain the delicate structures. For appearance generation, we use diffusion model enhanced by prompt engineering to guide a physically based rendering pipeline to generate realistic textures. The lightness constraint is applied on the albedo texture to suppress incorrect lighting effect. Experiments show that our method outperforms previous methods on both global and local geometry and appearance quality by a large margin. Since our method can produce high-quality meshes and textures, such assets can be directly applied in classic graphics pipeline for realistic rendering under any lighting condition. Project page at: this https URL.

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3. Text and Image Guided 3D Avatar Generation and Manipulation [arxiv 2023.08]

Authors: Zehranaz Canfes, M. Furkan Atasoy, Alara Dirik, Pinar Yanardag

Abstract The manipulation of latent space has recently become an interesting topic in the field of generative models. Recent research shows that latent directions can be used to manipulate images towards certain attributes. However, controlling the generation process of 3D generative models remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a novel 3D manipulation method that can manipulate both the shape and texture of the model using text or image-based prompts such as 'a young face' or 'a surprised face'. We leverage the power of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model and a pre-trained 3D GAN model designed to generate face avatars, and create a fully differentiable rendering pipeline to manipulate meshes. More specifically, our method takes an input latent code and modifies it such that the target attribute specified by a text or image prompt is present or enhanced, while leaving other attributes largely unaffected. Our method requires only 5 minutes per manipulation, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with extensive results and comparisons.

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4. En3D: An Enhanced Generative Model for Sculpting 3D Humans from 2D Synthetic Data [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Yifang Men1, Biwen Lei1, Yuan Yao1, Miaomiao Cui1, Zhouhui Lian2, Xuansong Xie1

Abstract We present En3D, an enhanced generative scheme for sculpting high-quality 3D human avatars. Unlike previous works that rely on scarce 3D datasets or limited 2D collections with imbalanced viewing angles and imprecise pose priors, our approach aims to develop a zero-shot 3D generative scheme capable of producing visually realistic, geometrically accurate and content-wise diverse 3D humans without relying on pre-existing 3D or 2D assets. To address this challenge, we introduce a meticulously crafted workflow that implements accurate physical modeling to learn the enhanced 3D generative model from synthetic 2D data. During inference, we integrate optimization modules to bridge the gap between realistic appearances and coarse 3D shapes. Specifically, En3D comprises three modules: a 3D generator that accurately models generalizable 3D humans with realistic appearance from synthesized balanced, diverse, and structured human images; a geometry sculptor that enhances shape quality using multi-view normal constraints for intricate human anatomy; and a texturing module that disentangles explicit texture maps with fidelity and editability, leveraging semantical UV partitioning and a differentiable rasterizer. Experimental results show that our approach significantly outperforms prior works in terms of image quality, geometry accuracy and content diversity. We also showcase the applicability of our generated avatars for animation and editing, as well as the scalability of our approach for content-style free adaptation.

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5. Make-A-Character: High Quality Text-to-3D Character Generation within Minutes [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Jianqiang Ren, Chao He, Lin Liu, Jiahao Chen, Yutong Wang, Yafei Song, Jianfang Li, Tangli Xue, Siqi Hu, Tao Chen, Kunkun Zheng, Jianjing Xiang, Liefeng Bo

Abstract There is a growing demand for customized and expressive 3D characters with the emergence of AI agents and Metaverse, but creating 3D characters using traditional computer graphics tools is a complex and time-consuming task. To address these challenges, we propose a user-friendly framework named Make-A-Character (Mach) to create lifelike 3D avatars from text descriptions. The framework leverages the power of large language and vision models for textual intention understanding and intermediate image generation, followed by a series of human-oriented visual perception and 3D generation modules. Our system offers an intuitive approach for users to craft controllable, realistic, fully-realized 3D characters that meet their expectations within 2 minutes, while also enabling easy integration with existing CG pipeline for dynamic expressiveness.

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6. Text2Avatar: Text to 3D Human Avatar Generation with Codebook-Driven Body Controllable Attribute [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Chaoqun Gong, Yuqin Dai, Ronghui Li, Achun Bao, Jun Li, Jian Yang, Yachao Zhang, Xiu Li

Abstract Generating 3D human models directly from text helps reduce the cost and time of character modeling. However, achieving multi-attribute controllable and realistic 3D human avatar generation is still challenging due to feature coupling and the scarcity of realistic 3D human avatar datasets. To address these issues, we propose Text2Avatar, which can generate realistic-style 3D avatars based on the coupled text prompts. Text2Avatar leverages a discrete codebook as an intermediate feature to establish a connection between text and avatars, enabling the disentanglement of features. Furthermore, to alleviate the scarcity of realistic style 3D human avatar data, we utilize a pre-trained unconditional 3D human avatar generation model to obtain a large amount of 3D avatar pseudo data, which allows Text2Avatar to achieve realistic style generation. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can generate realistic 3D avatars from coupled textual data, which is challenging for other existing methods in this field.

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7. DreamHuman: Animatable 3D Avatars from Text [NeurIPS 2023]

Authors: Nikos Kolotouros Thiemo Alldieck Andrei Zanfir Eduard Gabriel Bazavan Mihai Fieraru Cristian Sminchisescu

Abstract We present DreamHuman, a method to generate realistic animatable 3D human avatar models solely from textual descriptions. Recent text-to-3D methods have made considerable strides in generation, but are still lacking in important aspects. Control and often spatial resolution remain limited, existing methods produce fixed rather than animated 3D human models, and anthropometric consistency for complex structures like people remains a challenge. DreamHuman connects large text-to-image synthesis models, neural radiance fields, and statistical human body models in a novel modeling and optimization framework. This makes it possible to generate dynamic 3D human avatars with high-quality textures and learned, instance-specific, surface deformations. We demonstrate that our method is capable to generate a wide variety of animatable, realistic 3D human models from text. Our 3D models have diverse appearance, clothing, skin tones and body shapes, and significantly outperform both generic text-to-3D approaches and previous text-based 3D avatar generators in visual fidelity. For more results and animations please check our website at this https URL.

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8. Global-correlated 3D-decoupling Transformer for Clothed Avatar Reconstruction [NeurIPS 2023]

Authors: Zechuan Zhang, Li Sun, Zongxin Yang, Ling Chen, Yi Yang

Abstract Reconstructing 3D clothed human avatars from single images is a challenging task, especially when encountering complex poses and loose clothing. Current methods exhibit limitations in performance, largely attributable to their dependence on insufficient 2D image features and inconsistent query methods. Owing to this, we present the Global-correlated 3D-decoupling Transformer for clothed Avatar reconstruction (GTA), a novel transformer-based architecture that reconstructs clothed human avatars from monocular images. Our approach leverages transformer architectures by utilizing a Vision Transformer model as an encoder for capturing global-correlated image features. Subsequently, our innovative 3D-decoupling decoder employs cross-attention to decouple tri-plane features, using learnable embeddings as queries for cross-plane generation. To effectively enhance feature fusion with the tri-plane 3D feature and human body prior, we propose a hybrid prior fusion strategy combining spatial and prior-enhanced queries, leveraging the benefits of spatial localization and human body prior knowledge. Comprehensive experiments on CAPE and THuman2.0 datasets illustrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in both geometry and texture reconstruction, exhibiting high robustness to challenging poses and loose clothing, and producing higher-resolution textures. Codes will be available at this https URL.

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9. PV3D: A 3D Generative Model for Portrait Video Generation

Authors: Zhongcong Xu1 Jianfeng Zhang2 Jun Hao Liew2 Wenqing Zhang2 Song Bai2 Jiashi Feng2 Mike Zheng Shou1

Abstract Recent advances in generative adversarial networks (GANs) have demonstrated the capabilities of generating stunning photo-realistic portrait images. While some prior works have applied such image GANs to unconditional 2D portrait video generation and static 3D portrait synthesis, there are few works successfully extending GANs for generating 3D-aware portrait videos. In this work, we propose PV3D, the first generative framework that can synthesize multi-view consistent portrait videos. Specifically, our method extends the recent static 3D-aware image GAN to the video domain by generalizing the 3D implicit neural representation to model the spatio-temporal space. To introduce motion dynamics to the generation process, we develop a motion generator by stacking multiple motion layers to generate motion features via modulated convolution. To alleviate motion ambiguities caused by camera/human motions, we propose a simple yet effective camera condition strategy for PV3D, enabling both temporal and multi-view consistent video generation. Moreover, PV3D introduces two discriminators for regularizing the spatial and temporal domains to ensure the plausibility of the generated portrait videos. These elaborated designs enable PV3D to generate 3D-aware motion-plausible portrait videos with high-quality appearance and geometry, significantly outperforming prior works. As a result, PV3D is able to support many downstream applications such as animating static portraits and view-consistent video motion editing. Code and models will be released.

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10. GART: Gaussian Articulated Template Models [arxiv 2023.11]

Authors: Jiahui Lei1 Yufu Wang1 Georgios Pavlakos2 Lingjie Liu1 Kostas Daniilidis1,3

Abstract We introduce Gaussian Articulated Template Model GART, an explicit, efficient, and expressive representation for non-rigid articulated subject capturing and rendering from monocular videos. GART utilizes a mixture of moving 3D Gaussians to explicitly approximate a deformable subject's geometry and appearance. It takes advantage of a categorical template model prior (SMPL, SMAL, etc.) with learnable forward skinning while further generalizing to more complex non-rigid deformations with novel latent bones. GART can be reconstructed via differentiable rendering from monocular videos in seconds or minutes and rendered in novel poses faster than 150fps.

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11. Joint2Human: High-quality 3D Human Generation via Compact Spherical Embedding of 3D Joints [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Muxin Zhang1,†, Qiao Feng1,†, Zhuo Su2, Chao Wen2, Zhou Xue2, Kun Li1*

Abstract 3D human generation is increasingly significant in various applications. However, the direct use of 2D generative methods in 3D generation often results in significant loss of local details, while methods that reconstruct geometry from generated images struggle with global view consistency. In this work, we introduce Joint2Human, a novel method that leverages 2D diffusion models to generate detailed 3D human geometry directly, ensuring both global structure and local details. To achieve this, we employ the Fourier occupancy field (FOF) representation, enabling the direct production of 3D shapes as preliminary results using 2D generative models. With the proposed high-frequency enhancer and the multi-view recarving strategy, our method can seamlessly integrate the details from different views into a uniform global shape. To better utilize the 3D human prior and enhance control over the generated geometry, we introduce a compact spherical embedding of 3D joints. This allows for effective application of pose guidance during the generation process. Additionally, our method is capable of generating 3D humans guided by textual inputs. Our experimental results demonstrate the capability of our method to ensure global structure, local details, high resolution, and low computational cost, simultaneously.

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12. GaussianAvatars: Photorealistic Head Avatars with Rigged 3D Gaussians [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Shenhan Qian, Tobias Kirschstein, Liam Schoneveld, Davide Davoli, Simon Giebenhain, Matthias Nießner

Abstract We introduce GaussianAvatars, a new method to create photorealistic head avatars that are fully controllable in terms of expression, pose, and viewpoint. The core idea is a dynamic 3D representation based on 3D Gaussian splats that are rigged to a parametric morphable face model. This combination facilitates photorealistic rendering while allowing for precise animation control via the underlying parametric model, e.g., through expression transfer from a driving sequence or by manually changing the morphable model parameters. We parameterize each splat by a local coordinate frame of a triangle and optimize for explicit displacement offset to obtain a more accurate geometric representation. During avatar reconstruction, we jointly optimize for the morphable model parameters and Gaussian splat parameters in an end-to-end fashion. We demonstrate the animation capabilities of our photorealistic avatar in several challenging scenarios. For instance, we show reenactments from a driving video, where our method outperforms existing works by a significant margin.

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13. DreamWaltz: Make a Scene with Complex 3D Animatable Avatars [NeurIPS 2023]

Authors: Yukun Huang, Jianan Wang, Ailing Zeng, He CAO, Xianbiao Qi, Yukai Shi, Zheng-Jun Zha, Lei Zhang

Abstract We present DreamWaltz, a novel framework for generating and animating complex 3D avatars given text guidance and parametric human body prior. While recent methods have shown encouraging results for text-to-3D generation of common objects, creating high-quality and animatable 3D avatars remains challenging. To create high-quality 3D avatars, DreamWaltz proposes 3D-consistent occlusion-aware Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) to optimize implicit neural representations with canonical poses. It provides view-aligned supervision via 3D-aware skeleton conditioning which enables complex avatar generation without artifacts and multiple faces. For animation, our method learns an animatable 3D avatar representation from abundant image priors of diffusion model conditioned on various poses, which could animate complex non-rigged avatars given arbitrary poses without retraining. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that DreamWaltz is an effective and robust approach for creating 3D avatars that can take on complex shapes and appearances as well as novel poses for animation. The proposed framework further enables the creation of complex scenes with diverse compositions, including avatar-avatar, avatar-object and avatar-scene interactions. See for more vivid 3D avatar and animation results.

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14. UltrAvatar: A Realistic Animatable 3D Avatar Diffusion Model with Authenticity Guided Textures [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Mingyuan Zhou, Rakib Hyder, Ziwei Xuan, Guojun Qi

Abstract Recent advances in 3D avatar generation have gained significant attentions. These breakthroughs aim to produce more realistic animatable avatars, narrowing the gap between virtual and real-world experiences. Most of existing works employ Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) loss, combined with a differentiable renderer and text condition, to guide a diffusion model in generating 3D avatars. However, SDS often generates oversmoothed results with few facial details, thereby lacking the diversity compared with ancestral sampling. On the other hand, other works generate 3D avatar from a single image, where the challenges of unwanted lighting effects, perspective views, and inferior image quality make them difficult to reliably reconstruct the 3D face meshes with the aligned complete textures. In this paper, we propose a novel 3D avatar generation approach termed UltrAvatar with enhanced fidelity of geometry, and superior quality of physically based rendering (PBR) textures without unwanted lighting. To this end, the proposed approach presents a diffuse color extraction model and an authenticity guided texture diffusion model. The former removes the unwanted lighting effects to reveal true diffuse colors so that the generated avatars can be rendered under various lighting conditions. The latter follows two gradient-based guidances for generating PBR textures to render diverse face-identity features and details better aligning with 3D mesh geometry. We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin in the experiments.

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15. ZeroAvatar: Zero-shot 3D Avatar Generation from a Single Image [arxiv 2023.05]

Authors: Zhenzhen Weng, Zeyu Wang, Serena Yeung

Abstract Recent advancements in text-to-image generation have enabled significant progress in zero-shot 3D shape generation. This is achieved by score distillation, a methodology that uses pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models to optimize the parameters of a 3D neural presentation, e.g. Neural Radiance Field (NeRF). While showing promising results, existing methods are often not able to preserve the geometry of complex shapes, such as human bodies. To address this challenge, we present ZeroAvatar, a method that introduces the explicit 3D human body prior to the optimization process. Specifically, we first estimate and refine the parameters of a parametric human body from a single image. Then during optimization, we use the posed parametric body as additional geometry constraint to regularize the diffusion model as well as the underlying density field. Lastly, we propose a UV-guided texture regularization term to further guide the completion of texture on invisible body parts. We show that ZeroAvatar significantly enhances the robustness and 3D consistency of optimization-based image-to-3D avatar generation, outperforming existing zero-shot image-to-3D methods.

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16. PSAvatar: A Point-based Morphable Shape Model for Real-Time Head Avatar Creation with 3D Gaussian Splatting [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Zhongyuan Zhao, Zhenyu Bao, Qing Li, Guoping Qiu, Kanglin Liu

Abstract Despite much progress, achieving real-time high-fidelity head avatar animation is still difficult and existing methods have to trade-off between speed and quality. 3DMM based methods often fail to model non-facial structures such as eyeglasses and hairstyles, while neural implicit models suffer from deformation inflexibility and rendering inefficiency. Although 3D Gaussian has been demonstrated to possess promising capability for geometry representation and radiance field reconstruction, applying 3D Gaussian in head avatar creation remains a major challenge since it is difficult for 3D Gaussian to model the head shape variations caused by changing poses and expressions. In this paper, we introduce PSAvatar, a novel framework for animatable head avatar creation that utilizes discrete geometric primitive to create a parametric morphable shape model and employs 3D Gaussian for fine detail representation and high fidelity rendering. The parametric morphable shape model is a Point-based Morphable Shape Model (PMSM) which uses points instead of meshes for 3D representation to achieve enhanced representation flexibility. The PMSM first converts the FLAME mesh to points by sampling on the surfaces as well as off the meshes to enable the reconstruction of not only surface-like structures but also complex geometries such as eyeglasses and hairstyles. By aligning these points with the head shape in an analysis-by-synthesis manner, the PMSM makes it possible to utilize 3D Gaussian for fine detail representation and appearance modeling, thus enabling the creation of high-fidelity avatars. We show that PSAvatar can reconstruct high-fidelity head avatars of a variety of subjects and the avatars can be animated in real-time (β‰₯ 25 fps at a resolution of 512 Γ— 512 ).

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17. GPAvatar: Generalizable and Precise Head Avatar from Image(s) [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Xuangeng Chu, Yu Li, Ailing Zeng, Tianyu Yang, Lijian Lin, Yunfei Liu, Tatsuya Harada

Abstract Head avatar reconstruction, crucial for applications in virtual reality, online meetings, gaming, and film industries, has garnered substantial attention within the computer vision community. The fundamental objective of this field is to faithfully recreate the head avatar and precisely control expressions and postures. Existing methods, categorized into 2D-based warping, mesh-based, and neural rendering approaches, present challenges in maintaining multi-view consistency, incorporating non-facial information, and generalizing to new identities. In this paper, we propose a framework named GPAvatar that reconstructs 3D head avatars from one or several images in a single forward pass. The key idea of this work is to introduce a dynamic point-based expression field driven by a point cloud to precisely and effectively capture expressions. Furthermore, we use a Multi Tri-planes Attention (MTA) fusion module in the tri-planes canonical field to leverage information from multiple input images. The proposed method achieves faithful identity reconstruction, precise expression control, and multi-view consistency, demonstrating promising results for free-viewpoint rendering and novel view synthesis.

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18. Tri^2-plane: Volumetric Avatar Reconstruction with Feature Pyramid [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Luchuan Song, Pinxin Liu, Lele Chen, Celong Liu, Chenliang Xu

Abstract Recent years have witnessed considerable achievements in facial avatar reconstruction with neural volume rendering. Despite notable advancements, the reconstruction of complex and dynamic head movements from monocular videos still suffers from capturing and restoring fine-grained details. In this work, we propose a novel approach, named Tri2-plane, for monocular photo-realistic volumetric head avatar reconstructions. Distinct from the existing works that rely on a single tri-plane deformation field for dynamic facial modeling, the proposed Tri2-plane leverages the principle of feature pyramids and three top-to-down lateral connections tri-planes for details improvement. It samples and renders facial details at multiple scales, transitioning from the entire face to specific local regions and then to even more refined sub-regions. Moreover, we incorporate a camera-based geometry-aware sliding window method as an augmentation in training, which improves the robustness beyond the canonical space, with a particular improvement in cross-identity generation capabilities. Experimental outcomes indicate that the Tri2-plane not only surpasses existing methodologies but also achieves superior performance across both quantitative metrics and qualitative assessments through experiments.

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Autonomous Driving:

1. 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Survey [IJCV 2023]

Authors: Jiageng Mao, Shaoshuai Shi, Xiaogang Wang, Hongsheng Li

Abstract Autonomous driving, in recent years, has been receiving increasing attention for its potential to relieve drivers' burdens and improve the safety of driving. In modern autonomous driving pipelines, the perception system is an indispensable component, aiming to accurately estimate the status of surrounding environments and provide reliable observations for prediction and planning. 3D object detection, which intelligently predicts the locations, sizes, and categories of the critical 3D objects near an autonomous vehicle, is an important part of a perception system. This paper reviews the advances in 3D object detection for autonomous driving. First, we introduce the background of 3D object detection and discuss the challenges in this task. Second, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the progress in 3D object detection from the aspects of models and sensory inputs, including LiDAR-based, camera-based, and multi-modal detection approaches. We also provide an in-depth analysis of the potentials and challenges in each category of methods. Additionally, we systematically investigate the applications of 3D object detection in driving systems. Finally, we conduct a performance analysis of the 3D object detection approaches, and we further summarize the research trends over the years and prospect the future directions of this area.

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2. A Survey on Safety-Critical Driving Scenario Generation – A Methodological Perspective [IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS) 2023]

Authors: Wenhao Ding, Chejian Xu, Mansur Arief, Haohong Lin, Bo Li, Ding Zhao

Abstract Autonomous driving systems have witnessed a significant development during the past years thanks to the advance in machine learning-enabled sensing and decision-making algorithms. One critical challenge for their massive deployment in the real world is their safety evaluation. Most existing driving systems are still trained and evaluated on naturalistic scenarios collected from daily life or heuristically-generated adversarial ones. However, the large population of cars, in general, leads to an extremely low collision rate, indicating that the safety-critical scenarios are rare in the collected real-world data. Thus, methods to artificially generate scenarios become crucial to measure the risk and reduce the cost. In this survey, we focus on the algorithms of safety-critical scenario generation in autonomous driving. We first provide a comprehensive taxonomy of existing algorithms by dividing them into three categories: data-driven generation, adversarial generation, and knowledge-based generation. Then, we discuss useful tools for scenario generation, including simulation platforms and packages. Finally, we extend our discussion to five main challenges of current works -- fidelity, efficiency, diversity, transferability, controllability -- and research opportunities lighted up by these challenges.

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3. Street Gaussians for Modeling Dynamic Urban Scenes [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Yunzhi Yan, Haotong Lin, Chenxu Zhou, Weijie Wang, Haiyang Sun, Kun Zhan, Xianpeng Lang, Xiaowei Zhou, Sida Peng

Abstract This paper aims to tackle the problem of modeling dynamic urban street scenes from monocular videos. Recent methods extend NeRF by incorporating tracked vehicle poses to animate vehicles, enabling photo-realistic view synthesis of dynamic urban street scenes. However, significant limitations are their slow training and rendering speed, coupled with the critical need for high precision in tracked vehicle poses. We introduce Street Gaussians, a new explicit scene representation that tackles all these limitations. Specifically, the dynamic urban street is represented as a set of point clouds equipped with semantic logits and 3D Gaussians, each associated with either a foreground vehicle or the background. To model the dynamics of foreground object vehicles, each object point cloud is optimized with optimizable tracked poses, along with a dynamic spherical harmonics model for the dynamic appearance. The explicit representation allows easy composition of object vehicles and background, which in turn allows for scene editing operations and rendering at 133 FPS (1066Γ—1600 resolution) within half an hour of training. The proposed method is evaluated on multiple challenging benchmarks, including KITTI and Waymo Open datasets. Experiments show that the proposed method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods across all datasets. Furthermore, the proposed representation delivers performance on par with that achieved using precise ground-truth poses, despite relying only on poses from an off-the-shelf tracker. The code is available at this https URL.

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1. MinD-3D: Reconstruct High-quality 3D objects in Human Brain [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Jianxiong Gao, Yuqian Fu, Yun Wang, Xuelin Qian, Jianfeng Feng, Yanwei Fu

Abstract In this paper, we introduce Recon3DMind, a groundbreaking task focused on reconstructing 3D visuals from Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) signals. This represents a major step forward in cognitive neuroscience and computer vision. To support this task, we present the fMRI-Shape dataset, utilizing 360-degree view videos of 3D objects for comprehensive fMRI signal capture. Containing 55 categories of common objects from daily life, this dataset will bolster future research endeavors. We also propose MinD-3D, a novel and effective three-stage framework that decodes and reconstructs the brain's 3D visual information from fMRI signals. This method starts by extracting and aggregating features from fMRI frames using a neuro-fusion encoder, then employs a feature bridge diffusion model to generate corresponding visual features, and ultimately recovers the 3D object through a generative transformer decoder. Our experiments demonstrate that this method effectively extracts features that are valid and highly correlated with visual regions of interest (ROIs) in fMRI signals. Notably, it not only reconstructs 3D objects with high semantic relevance and spatial similarity but also significantly deepens our understanding of the human brain's 3D visual processing capabilities. Project page at:

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2. EndoGaussian: Gaussian Splatting for Deformable Surgical Scene Reconstruction [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Yifan Liu, Chenxin Li, Chen Yang, Yixuan Yuan

Abstract Reconstructing deformable tissues from endoscopic stereo videos is essential in many downstream surgical applications. However, existing methods suffer from slow inference speed, which greatly limits their practical use. In this paper, we introduce EndoGaussian, a real-time surgical scene reconstruction framework that builds on 3D Gaussian Splatting. Our framework represents dynamic surgical scenes as canonical Gaussians and a time-dependent deformation field, which predicts Gaussian deformations at novel timestamps. Due to the efficient Gaussian representation and parallel rendering pipeline, our framework significantly accelerates the rendering speed compared to previous methods. In addition, we design the deformation field as the combination of a lightweight encoding voxel and an extremely tiny MLP, allowing for efficient Gaussian tracking with a minor rendering burden. Furthermore, we design a holistic Gaussian initialization method to fully leverage the surface distribution prior, achieved by searching informative points from across the input image sequence. Experiments on public endoscope datasets demonstrate that our method can achieve real-time rendering speed (195 FPS real-time, 100Γ— gain) while maintaining the state-of-the-art reconstruction quality (35.925 PSNR) and the fastest training speed (within 2 min/scene), showing significant promise for intraoperative surgery applications.

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3. Deformable Endoscopic Tissues Reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Lingting Zhu, Zhao Wang, Zhenchao Jin, Guying Lin, Lequan Yu

Abstract Surgical 3D reconstruction is a critical area of research in robotic surgery, with recent works adopting variants of dynamic radiance fields to achieve success in 3D reconstruction of deformable tissues from single-viewpoint videos. However, these methods often suffer from time-consuming optimization or inferior quality, limiting their adoption in downstream tasks. Inspired by 3D Gaussian Splatting, a recent trending 3D representation, we present EndoGS, applying Gaussian Splatting for deformable endoscopic tissue reconstruction. Specifically, our approach incorporates deformation fields to handle dynamic scenes, depth-guided supervision to optimize 3D targets with a single viewpoint, and a spatial-temporal weight mask to mitigate tool occlusion. As a result, EndoGS reconstructs and renders high-quality deformable endoscopic tissues from a single-viewpoint video, estimated depth maps, and labeled tool masks. Experiments on DaVinci robotic surgery videos demonstrate that EndoGS achieves superior rendering quality.

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1. 4DGen: Grounded 4D Content Generation with Spatial-temporal Consistency [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Yuyang Yin, Dejia Xu, Zhangyang Wang, Yao Zhao, Yunchao Wei

Abstract Aided by text-to-image and text-to-video diffusion models, existing 4D content creation pipelines utilize score distillation sampling to optimize the entire dynamic 3D scene. However, as these pipelines generate 4D content from text or image inputs, they incur significant time and effort in prompt engineering through trial and error. This work introduces 4DGen, a novel, holistic framework for grounded 4D content creation that decomposes the 4D generation task into multiple stages. We identify static 3D assets and monocular video sequences as key components in constructing the 4D content. Our pipeline facilitates conditional 4D generation, enabling users to specify geometry (3D assets) and motion (monocular videos), thus offering superior control over content creation. Furthermore, we construct our 4D representation using dynamic 3D Gaussians, which permits efficient, high-resolution supervision through rendering during training, thereby facilitating high-quality 4D generation. Additionally, we employ spatial-temporal pseudo labels on anchor frames, along with seamless consistency priors implemented through 3D-aware score distillation sampling and smoothness regularizations. Compared to existing baselines, our approach yields competitive results in faithfully reconstructing input signals and realistically inferring renderings from novel viewpoints and timesteps. Most importantly, our method supports grounded generation, offering users enhanced control, a feature difficult to achieve with previous methods. Project page: this https URL

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2. DreamGaussian4D: Generative 4D Gaussian Splatting [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Jiawei Ren* Liang Pan* Jiaxiang Tang Chi Zhang Ang Cao Gang Zeng Ziwei Liu†

Abstract Remarkable progress has been made in 4D content generation recently. However, existing methods suffer from long optimization time, lack of motion controllability, and a low level of detail. In this paper, we introduce DreamGaussian4D, an efficient 4D generation framework that builds on 4D Gaussian Splatting representation. Our key insight is that the explicit modeling of spatial transformations in Gaussian Splatting makes it more suitable for the 4D generation setting compared with implicit representations. DreamGaussian4D reduces the optimization time from several hours to just a few minutes, allows flexible control of the generated 3D motion, and produces animated meshes that can be efficiently rendered in 3D engines.

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3. Learning 3D Animal Motions from Unlabeled Online Videos [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Keqiang Sun1*, Dor Litvak2,3*, Yunzhi Zhang2, Hongsheng Li1, Jiajun Wu2†, Shangzhe Wu2†

Abstract We introduce Ponymation, a new method for learning a generative model of articulated 3D animal motions from raw, unlabeled online videos. Unlike existing approaches for motion synthesis, our model does not require any pose annotations or parametric shape models for training, and is learned purely from a collection of raw video clips obtained from the Internet. We build upon a recent work, MagicPony, which learns articulated 3D animal shapes purely from single image collections, and extend it on two fronts. First, instead of training on static images, we augment the framework with a video training pipeline that incorporates temporal regularizations, achieving more accurate and temporally consistent reconstructions. Second, we learn a generative model of the underlying articulated 3D motion sequences via a spatio-temporal transformer VAE, simply using 2D reconstruction losses without relying on any explicit pose annotations. At inference time, given a single 2D image of a new animal instance, our model reconstructs an articulated, textured 3D mesh, and generates plausible 3D animations by sampling from the learned motion latent space.

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4. Fast Dynamic 3D Object Generation from a Single-view Video [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Zijie Pan, Zeyu Yang, Xiatian Zhu, Li Zhang

Abstract Generating dynamic three-dimensional (3D) object from a single-view video is challenging due to the lack of 4D labeled data. Existing methods extend text-to-3D pipelines by transferring off-the-shelf image generation models such as score distillation sampling, but they are slow and expensive to scale (e.g., 150 minutes per object) due to the need for back-propagating the information-limited supervision signals through a large pretrained model. To address this limitation, we propose an efficient video-to-4D object generation framework called Efficient4D. It generates high-quality spacetime-consistent images under different camera views, and then uses them as labeled data to directly train a novel 4D Gaussian splatting model with explicit point cloud geometry, enabling real-time rendering under continuous camera trajectories. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real videos show that Efficient4D offers a remarkable 10-fold increase in speed when compared to prior art alternatives while preserving the same level of innovative view synthesis quality. For example, Efficient4D takes only 14 minutes to model a dynamic object.

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5. WonderJourney: Going from Anywhere to Everywhere [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Hong-Xing Yu, Haoyi Duan, Junhwa Hur, Kyle Sargent, Michael Rubinstein, William T. Freeman, Forrester Cole, Deqing Sun, Noah Snavely, Jiajun Wu, Charles Herrmann

Abstract We introduce WonderJourney, a modularized framework for perpetual 3D scene generation. Unlike prior work on view generation that focuses on a single type of scenes, we start at any user-provided location (by a text description or an image) and generate a journey through a long sequence of diverse yet coherently connected 3D scenes. We leverage an LLM to generate textual descriptions of the scenes in this journey, a text-driven point cloud generation pipeline to make a compelling and coherent sequence of 3D scenes, and a large VLM to verify the generated scenes. We show compelling, diverse visual results across various scene types and styles, forming imaginary "wonderjourneys". Project website: [this https URL](

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6. Text-To-4D Dynamic Scene Generation [ICML 2023]

Authors: Uriel Singer, Shelly Sheynin, Adam Polyak, Oron Ashual, Iurii Makarov, Filippos Kokkinos, Naman Goyal, Andrea Vedaldi, Devi Parikh, Justin Johnson, Yaniv Taigman

Abstract We present MAV3D (Make-A-Video3D), a method for generating three-dimensional dynamic scenes from text descriptions. Our approach uses a 4D dynamic Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), which is optimized for scene appearance, density, and motion consistency by querying a Text-to-Video (T2V) diffusion-based model. The dynamic video output generated from the provided text can be viewed from any camera location and angle, and can be composited into any 3D environment. MAV3D does not require any 3D or 4D data and the T2V model is trained only on Text-Image pairs and unlabeled videos. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using comprehensive quantitative and qualitative experiments and show an improvement over previously established internal baselines. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first to generate 3D dynamic scenes given a text description.

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7. Consistent4D: Consistent 360Β° Dynamic Object Generation from Monocular Video [ICLR 2024]

Authors: Yanqin Jiang, Li Zhang, Jin Gao, Weimin Hu, Yao Yao

Abstract In this paper, we present Consistent4D, a novel approach for generating 4D dynamic objects from uncalibrated monocular videos. Uniquely, we cast the 360-degree dynamic object reconstruction as a 4D generation problem, eliminating the need for tedious multi-view data collection and camera calibration. This is achieved by leveraging the object-level 3D-aware image diffusion model as the primary supervision signal for training Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields (DyNeRF). Specifically, we propose a Cascade DyNeRF to facilitate stable convergence and temporal continuity under the supervision signal which is discrete along the time axis. To achieve spatial and temporal consistency, we further introduce an Interpolation-driven Consistency Loss. It is optimized by minimizing the discrepancy between rendered frames from DyNeRF and interpolated frames from a pre-trained video interpolation model. Extensive experiments show that our Consistent4D can perform competitively to prior art alternatives, opening up new possibilities for 4D dynamic object generation from monocular videos, whilst also demonstrating advantage for conventional text-to-3D generation tasks.

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8. Align Your Gaussians: Text-to-4D with Dynamic 3D Gaussians and Composed Diffusion Models [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Huan Ling, Seung Wook Kim, Antonio Torralba, Sanja Fidler, Karsten Kreis

Abstract Text-guided diffusion models have revolutionized image and video generation and have also been successfully used for optimization-based 3D object synthesis. Here, we instead focus on the underexplored text-to-4D setting and synthesize dynamic, animated 3D objects using score distillation methods with an additional temporal dimension. Compared to previous work, we pursue a novel compositional generation-based approach, and combine text-to-image, text-to-video, and 3D-aware multiview diffusion models to provide feedback during 4D object optimization, thereby simultaneously enforcing temporal consistency, high-quality visual appearance and realistic geometry. Our method, called Align Your Gaussians (AYG), leverages dynamic 3D Gaussian Splatting with deformation fields as 4D representation. Crucial to AYG is a novel method to regularize the distribution of the moving 3D Gaussians and thereby stabilize the optimization and induce motion. We also propose a motion amplification mechanism as well as a new autoregressive synthesis scheme to generate and combine multiple 4D sequences for longer generation. These techniques allow us to synthesize vivid dynamic scenes, outperform previous work qualitatively and quantitatively and achieve state-of-the-art text-to-4D performance. Due to the Gaussian 4D representation, different 4D animations can be seamlessly combined, as we demonstrate. AYG opens up promising avenues for animation, simulation and digital content creation as well as synthetic data generation.

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9. Animate124: Animating One Image to 4D Dynamic Scene [arxiv 2023.11]

Authors: Yuyang Zhao, Zhiwen Yan, Enze Xie, Lanqing Hong, Zhenguo Li, Gim Hee Lee

Abstract We introduce Animate124 (Animate-one-image-to-4D), the first work to animate a single in-the-wild image into 3D video through textual motion descriptions, an underexplored problem with significant applications. Our 4D generation leverages an advanced 4D grid dynamic Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) model, optimized in three distinct stages using multiple diffusion priors. Initially, a static model is optimized using the reference image, guided by 2D and 3D diffusion priors, which serves as the initialization for the dynamic NeRF. Subsequently, a video diffusion model is employed to learn the motion specific to the subject. However, the object in the 3D videos tends to drift away from the reference image over time. This drift is mainly due to the misalignment between the text prompt and the reference image in the video diffusion model. In the final stage, a personalized diffusion prior is therefore utilized to address the semantic drift. As the pioneering image-text-to-4D generation framework, our method demonstrates significant advancements over existing baselines, evidenced by comprehensive quantitative and qualitative assessments.

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10. A Unified Approach for Text- and Image-guided 4D Scene Generation [arxiv 2023.11]

Authors: Yufeng Zheng, Xueting Li, Koki Nagano, Sifei Liu, Karsten Kreis, Otmar Hilliges, Shalini De Mello

Abstract Large-scale diffusion generative models are greatly simplifying image, video and 3D asset creation from user-provided text prompts and images. However, the challenging problem of text-to-4D dynamic 3D scene generation with diffusion guidance remains largely unexplored. We propose Dream-in-4D, which features a novel two-stage approach for text-to-4D synthesis, leveraging (1) 3D and 2D diffusion guidance to effectively learn a high-quality static 3D asset in the first stage; (2) a deformable neural radiance field that explicitly disentangles the learned static asset from its deformation, preserving quality during motion learning; and (3) a multi-resolution feature grid for the deformation field with a displacement total variation loss to effectively learn motion with video diffusion guidance in the second stage. Through a user preference study, we demonstrate that our approach significantly advances image and motion quality, 3D consistency and text fidelity for text-to-4D generation compared to baseline approaches. Thanks to its motion-disentangled representation, Dream-in-4D can also be easily adapted for controllable generation where appearance is defined by one or multiple images, without the need to modify the motion learning stage. Thus, our method offers, for the first time, a unified approach for text-to-4D, image-to-4D and personalized 4D generation tasks.

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1. FMGS: Foundation Model Embedded 3D Gaussian Splatting for Holistic 3D Scene Understanding [arxiv 2024.01]

Authors: Xingxing Zuo, Pouya Samangouei, Yunwen Zhou, Yan Di, Mingyang Li

Abstract Precisely perceiving the geometric and semantic properties of real-world 3D objects is crucial for the continued evolution of augmented reality and robotic applications. To this end, we present \algfull{} (\algname{}), which incorporates vision-language embeddings of foundation models into 3D Gaussian Splatting (GS). The key contribution of this work is an efficient method to reconstruct and represent 3D vision-language models. This is achieved by distilling feature maps generated from image-based foundation models into those rendered from our 3D model. To ensure high-quality rendering and fast training, we introduce a novel scene representation by integrating strengths from both GS and multi-resolution hash encodings (MHE). Our effective training procedure also introduces a pixel alignment loss that makes the rendered feature distance of same semantic entities close, following the pixel-level semantic boundaries. Our results demonstrate remarkable multi-view semantic consistency, facilitating diverse downstream tasks, beating state-of-the-art methods by 10.2 percent on open-vocabulary language-based object detection, despite that we are 851Γ— faster for inference. This research explores the intersection of vision, language, and 3D scene representation, paving the way for enhanced scene understanding in uncontrolled real-world environments. We plan to release the code upon paper acceptance.

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2. Learning the 3D Fauna of the Web [arxiv 2401]

Authors: Zizhang Li, Dor Litvak, Ruining Li, Yunzhi Zhang, Tomas Jakab, Christian Rupprecht, Shangzhe Wu, Andrea Vedaldi, Jiajun Wu

Abstract Learning 3D models of all animals on the Earth requires massively scaling up existing solutions. With this ultimate goal in mind, we develop 3D-Fauna, an approach that learns a pan-category deformable 3D animal model for more than 100 animal species jointly. One crucial bottleneck of modeling animals is the limited availability of training data, which we overcome by simply learning from 2D Internet images. We show that prior category-specific attempts fail to generalize to rare species with limited training images. We address this challenge by introducing the Semantic Bank of Skinned Models (SBSM), which automatically discovers a small set of base animal shapes by combining geometric inductive priors with semantic knowledge implicitly captured by an off-the-shelf self-supervised feature extractor. To train such a model, we also contribute a new large-scale dataset of diverse animal species. At inference time, given a single image of any quadruped animal, our model reconstructs an articulated 3D mesh in a feed-forward fashion within seconds.

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3. M3DBench: Let's Instruct Large Models with Multi-modal 3D Prompts [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Mingsheng Li, Xin Chen, Chi Zhang, Sijin Chen, Hongyuan Zhu, Fukun Yin, Gang Yu, Tao Chen

Abstract Recently, 3D understanding has become popular to facilitate autonomous agents to perform further decisionmaking. However, existing 3D datasets and methods are often limited to specific tasks. On the other hand, recent progress in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Multimodal Language Models (MLMs) have demonstrated exceptional general language and imagery tasking performance. Therefore, it is interesting to unlock MLM's potential to be 3D generalist for wider tasks. However, current MLMs' research has been less focused on 3D tasks due to a lack of large-scale 3D instruction-following datasets. In this work, we introduce a comprehensive 3D instructionfollowing dataset called M3DBench, which possesses the following characteristics: 1) It supports general multimodal instructions interleaved with text, images, 3D objects, and other visual prompts. 2) It unifies diverse 3D tasks at both region and scene levels, covering a variety of fundamental abilities in real-world 3D environments. 3) It is a large-scale 3D instruction-following dataset with over 320k instruction-response pairs. Furthermore, we establish a new benchmark for assessing the performance of large models in understanding multi-modal 3D prompts. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our dataset and baseline, supporting general 3D-centric tasks, which can inspire future research.

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4. LERF: Language Embedded Radiance Fields [ICCV 2023]

Authors: Justin Kerr, Chung Min Kim, Ken Goldberg, Angjoo Kanazawa, Matthew Tancik

Abstract Humans describe the physical world using natural language to refer to specific 3D locations based on a vast range of properties: visual appearance, semantics, abstract associations, or actionable affordances. In this work we propose Language Embedded Radiance Fields (LERFs), a method for grounding language embeddings from off-the-shelf models like CLIP into NeRF, which enable these types of open-ended language queries in 3D. LERF learns a dense, multi-scale language field inside NeRF by volume rendering CLIP embeddings along training rays, supervising these embeddings across training views to provide multi-view consistency and smooth the underlying language field. After optimization, LERF can extract 3D relevancy maps for a broad range of language prompts interactively in real-time, which has potential use cases in robotics, understanding vision-language models, and interacting with 3D scenes. LERF enables pixel-aligned, zero-shot queries on the distilled 3D CLIP embeddings without relying on region proposals or masks, supporting long-tail open-vocabulary queries hierarchically across the volume. The project website can be found at this https URL .

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5. LangSplat: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting [arxiv 2023.12]

Authors: Minghan Qin, Wanhua Li, Jiawei Zhou, Haoqian Wang, Hanspeter Pfister

Abstract Human lives in a 3D world and commonly uses natural language to interact with a 3D scene. Modeling a 3D language field to support open-ended language queries in 3D has gained increasing attention recently. This paper introduces LangSplat, which constructs a 3D language field that enables precise and efficient open-vocabulary querying within 3D spaces. Unlike existing methods that ground CLIP language embeddings in a NeRF model, LangSplat advances the field by utilizing a collection of 3D Gaussians, each encoding language features distilled from CLIP, to represent the language field. By employing a tile-based splatting technique for rendering language features, we circumvent the costly rendering process inherent in NeRF. Instead of directly learning CLIP embeddings, LangSplat first trains a scene-wise language autoencoder and then learns language features on the scene-specific latent space, thereby alleviating substantial memory demands imposed by explicit modeling. Existing methods struggle with imprecise and vague 3D language fields, which fail to discern clear boundaries between objects. We delve into this issue and propose to learn hierarchical semantics using SAM, thereby eliminating the need for extensively querying the language field across various scales and the regularization of DINO features. Extensive experiments on open-vocabulary 3D object localization and semantic segmentation demonstrate that LangSplat significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art method LERF by a large margin. Notably, LangSplat is extremely efficient, achieving a {\speed} Γ— speedup compared to LERF at the resolution of 1440 Γ— 1080. We strongly recommend readers to check out our video results at this https URL

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6. Infinite Photorealistic Worlds using Procedural Generation [CVPR 2023]

Authors: Alexander Raistrick, Lahav Lipson, Zeyu Ma, Lingjie Mei, Mingzhe Wang, Yiming Zuo, Karhan Kayan, Hongyu Wen, Beining Han, Yihan Wang, Alejandro Newell, Hei Law, Ankit Goyal, Kaiyu Yang, Jia Deng

Abstract We introduce Infinigen, a procedural generator of photorealistic 3D scenes of the natural world. Infinigen is entirely procedural: every asset, from shape to texture, is generated from scratch via randomized mathematical rules, using no external source and allowing infinite variation and composition. Infinigen offers broad coverage of objects and scenes in the natural world including plants, animals, terrains, and natural phenomena such as fire, cloud, rain, and snow. Infinigen can be used to generate unlimited, diverse training data for a wide range of computer vision tasks including object detection, semantic segmentation, optical flow, and 3D reconstruction. We expect Infinigen to be a useful resource for computer vision research and beyond.

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Open Source Implementations

Unofficial Implementations

ThreeStudio is a unified framework for 3D content creation from text prompts, single images, and few-shot images, by lifting 2D text-to-image generation models.

Currenty supported 3D content generation methods (2023.12.29):

ProlificDreamer | DreamFusion | Magic3D | SJC | Latent-NeRF | Fantasia3D | TextMesh | Zero-1-to-3 | Magic123 | InstructNeRF2NeRF | Control4D


  • Thanks to MrNeRF for inspiring me to construct this repo.

Star History

Star History Chart


A curated list of papers and open-source resources focused on 3D AIGC.






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