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mps edited this page Jun 19, 2012 · 5 revisions

Getting Started

  1. Check out ReactiveXaml or download a tagged release – we include the corresponding version of the Reactive Extensions in the ‘ext’ folder
  2. Build the binaries – the default binary is for .NET 4.0, there will also be .NET 3.5, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7 binaries in the ‘v3.5’, ‘SL4’, and ‘WP7’ subfolders
  3. Read over the ReactiveXaml.Sample and ReactiveXaml.Sample.WP7 samples – the code explains a lot on how to do common tasks using ReactiveXaml
  4. Add references to the Reactive Extensions binaries and ReactiveXaml to your project, and get started!

Links For More Information

Introductory Page / What’s Included

Blog Series on using ReactiveXaml

Sample Application

Sample Windows Phone 7 Application

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