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RPN.js is a .net library for Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). A easy way to include external logic into your projects.


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RPN.Net is a .NET library for Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).

A easy way to include external logic into your projects.


RPN.Net can be installed directly from NuGet Package.

To install, run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package RPN.Net

Or at .NET CLI

> dotnet add package RPN.Net


Full Evaluation

Full Evaluation function is able to process a full expression at once and returns its value:

Console.WriteLine(RPN.Evaluate("3 5 * 2 / 7.5 + 15 / 1 =="));



Basic Operations

Operation Operator Description Example Result
Addition + y + x 3 5 + 8
Subtraction - y - x 10 7 - 3
Multiplication * y * x 2 5 * 10
Division / y / x 20 2 / 10
Remainder % y % x 11 3 % 2
Percent num% x percent of y 500 10% + 550
Percentage perc The percentage x is from y 1000 670 perc 67
Floating Percentage percf Floating percentage x is from y 1000 670 percf 0.67
Percentage and Round percd Rounded value d decimals percentage x is from y 1000 675.38 2 percd 67.54

Math Operations

Operation Operator Description Example Result
π pi Constant value of π pi 3.141592653589793
Exponentiation pow y pow x 3 2 pow 9
Powers of 10 E y * 10x 3 3 E 3000
Absolute abs Absolute value of x -1 abs 1
Sign change +- Sign change 5 +- -5
Round round Rounds y at x decimal places pi 2 round
pi round
Ceiling ceiling Next greater integer 3.12534 ceiling 4
Floor floor Next lesser integer pi floor 3
Random rnd Random number between [0,1) rnd random decimal
Between 100 200 btw Random integer between [100,200] 100 200 btw random integer >= 100 and <= 200
Truncate truncate Ignore all decimal places pi truncate 3
Square root sqrt Square root of x 25 sqrt 5
Sum sum Sums the entire stack 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 sum 53
Sum x sumx Sums x items in stack 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 3 sumx 42
Log log Natural Log of x pi log 1.1447298858494002
Logb logb Log of y at base x 8 2 logb 3
Log10 log10 Log of x at base 10 pi log10 0.49714987269413385
Natural Log ln Natural log of x 1 exp ln 1
Euler exp exp Euler's exp pi exp 23.1406926327793

Trigonometric Operations

Operation Operator Description Example Result
Sine sin Sine of x radians pi sin 0
Hyperbolic Sine sinh Hyperbolic sine of x pi sinh 11.5487393572577
Arcsine asin The angle in radians which the sin is x 0.5 asin 0.523598775598299
Cosine cos Cosine of x radians pi cos -1
Hyperbolic Cosine cosh Hyperbolic cosine of x pi cosh 11.5919532755215
Arccosine acos The angle in radians which the cosine is x 0.5 acos 1.0471975511966
Tangent tan Tangent of x radians 0.5 tan 0.54630248984379
Hyperbolic Tangent tanh Hyperbolic tangent of x 0.5 tanh 0.46211715726001
Arctangent atan The angle in radians which the tangent is x 0.5 atan 0.463647609000806
Arctangent of y and x atan2 The angle whose tangent is the quotient y and x 0.6 0.7 atan2 0.70862627212767

Logic Operations

Operation Operator Description Example Result
Greater than > y > x 5 3 > True
Less than < y < x 5 3 < False
Equals = y = x 3 3 = True
Different != y != x 3 3 != False
<> y <> x 3 3 <> False
And & y & x true true & True
Or | y | x true false | True
Not ! ~x true ! False
Greater or equals to >= y >= x 5 3 >= True
Less or equals to <= y <= x 3 5 <= True

Other Math Operations

Operation Operator Description Example Result
Increment 1 ++ x + 1 5 ++ 6
Decrement 1 -- x - 1 5 -- 4
Increment x += y + x 5 2 += 7
Decrement x -= y - x 5 2 -= 3
Minimum min The minor number in stack 10 20 30 40 50 5 3 2 min 2
Maximum man The major number in stack 10 20 30 40 50 5 3 2 max 50

String Operations

String operations are some functions that can be applied to transform text and JSON.

Once RPN uses the whitespace character to split its stack items, a string with whitespace must be set inside ``, i.e. `easy peasy`.

Operation Operator Description Example Result
Uppercase ucase Set a string as uppercase bazinga ucase BAZINGA
Lowercase lcase Set a string as lowercase BAZINGA lcase bazinga
String Format strfmt Format a string based on a format string where positions are set between {} hel wor lo ld `{0}{2} {1}{3}` strfmt hello world
Date Format todate Convert a date object into a specific string format:
dd(day), MM(month), yyyy(year) HH(hours), mm(minutes), ss(seconds) fffff(seconds decimals) or default for yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff
2018 12 31 23 59 58 123 7 date `dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss` todate 31/12/2018 23:59:58
Stringify stringify Serializes a parameter into a JSON string $0 stringify $0 JSON
Parse JSON parse Parses a JSON into a object and store it `{"Name": "Bazinga"}` parse Stores a object parameter $0 into Data list with with property Name of value Bazinga
Line Count lines Count lines in a string $0 lines number of lines
Line Get line Retrieve a specific line from a string $0 3 line content of line 3

Date and Time Operations

Operation Operator Description Example Result
Date date Convert a set of n, where n is between 1 and 7, stack items into Datetime 2018 12 31 23 59 58 123 7 date Create the datetime object for 2018-12-31 23:59:58.123
Years TimeSpan year/years Convert a value into a year(s) TimeSpan 3 years 3 years Extended TimeSpan
Months TimeSpan month/months Convert a value into a month(s) TimeSpan 3 months 3 months Extended TimeSpan
Days TimeSpan day/days Convert a value into a day(s) TimeSpan 3 days 3 days TimeSpan
Hours TimeSpan hour/hours Convert a value into a hour(s) TimeSpan 3 hours 3 hours TimeSpan
Minutes TimeSpan minute/minutes Convert a value into a minute(s) TimeSpan 3 minutes 3 minutes TimeSpan
Seconds TimeSpan second/seconds Convert a value into a second(s) TimeSpan 3 seconds 3 seconds TimeSpan
Full TimeSpan ts Convert a set of 4 integer values into a TimeSpan (day, hour, minute, second) 3 5 7 9 ts 3 days 5 hours 7 minutes and 9 seconds TimeSpan
DateTime Sum + Sums a TimeSpan or Extended TimeSpan with a Date Time value 2020 1 date 1 hour + Date Time object 2020-01-01 01:00:00
DateTime Subtraction - Subtracts a TimeSpan or Extended TimeSpan with a Date Time value 2020 1 date 1 hour - Date Time object 2019-12-31 23:00:00

Control Operations

Operation Operator Description Example Result
Pop pop Discards the top stack item 3 5 pop 3
Pop X popx Discard the x index item from stack (0...n) 1 2 4 8 50 16 32 64 3 popx sum Discards the item indexed 3 (50) and sum all others → 127
Clear clr Clear stack 10 20 30 40 50 5 3 2 clr 1 1
Swap swap Swap past two stack entries 10 20 swap 20 10
Rotate rot Rotate past three stack entries 10 20 30 rot 30 10 20
Duplicate dup Duplicate past entry 100 dup + 200
Stack stack Return the stack JSON's 5 2 3 stack "[5,2,3]"
Data Push dpush Insert value into data stack 5 dpush data "[5]"
Data Pop dpop Get value from data stack 5 dpush dpop 5
Data Clear dclr Clear data stack 5 dpush dclr data "[]"
Return ret Return the top value in stack before the operator 10 20 30 40 50 5 3 20 ret 30 20
Return if retif Return the y if x 10 true ret 20 10
Function @<label> Creates a function that can be called later @a 10 20 + @a Function @a is stored
Call @@<label> Calls a stored function @@a 3 + 33
If if If y then x true 10 if 10
If-else ife If z then y else x false 10 20 ife 20
Case case Check N conditions in format a condition1 value1 case ... conditionN valueN case valueDefault end 3 1 one case 2 two case 3 three case 4 end three
From Index fromindex Return the x item (0..y) of y items and discard all others inside y 10 20 30 40 3 1 fromindex The item x=1 of next y=3 values (40 30 20) → 30


Parameters are complex objects that can be input to any RPN internally.

These parameters are stored into a different place called Data list.

The order which parameters are added is the same order they are stored.

Parameters can be accessed by $<index>, i.e. $0, $1, $2, etc.:

$0 $1 + is the sum of parameters $0 and $1

Complex parameter can have its attributes accessed as:

$0.NumA $0.NumB + is the sum of attributes NumA and NumB of a complex object parameter $0

For security reasons methods weren't implemented to be accessed via RPN

Array parameters can have its items retrieved by set the index between []:

$0[0] $0[1] + is the sum of item 0 and item 1 of an array parameter $0

For arrays there is also the spread operator that will get the same property for all array items and add them into the stack:

$0 Num ... sum the property Num of all items of $0 array will be stacked and sum

Dictionary parameters can have its items retrieved by set the dictionary key between []:

$0[a] $0[b] + is the sum of item a and item b of a dictionary parameter $0

Regex Operations

Regex Evaluator features are being analyzed. For now it only supports the match operator wich will add a System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection into Data list. After its evaluation, it can be accessed as any data object like $0[0].Value.

Console.WriteLine(RPN.Evaluate(@"Phones: 555-1234, 321-4001 and 667-9898 rx/\d{3}-\d{4}/ match $0[0].Value $0[1].Value $0[2].Value First: {0} Second: {1} Third: {2} strfmt"));


First: 555-1234 Second: 321-4001 Third: 667-9898


RPN.js is a .net library for Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). A easy way to include external logic into your projects.







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