Siboney is a clean, modern theme with beautiful fonts designed and developed by Wenmin Chen. It is built to be part of a personal portfolio and it's not intented to be released for public use.
Siboney is built using the bootstrap framework and is therefore responsive. Specifically, the developer utilized the responsive, mobile first design concept.
Posts and pages can have Featured Images.
- Front Sidebar - sidebar for home page
- Blog Sidebar - sidebar for blog listing page
IMPORTANT NOTE: Siboney is part of a personal portfolio and is not intended to be released for public use.
Siboney's code base started out as _tk starter theme ( as it were on February 25, 2016 (version 1.1.9). _tk is a starter theme that integrates Twitter Bootstrap Framework with the _s starter theme from Automattic.
The theme features four custom fonts:
- Amatic SC: SIL Open Font Licence 1.1
- Josefin Sans: SIL Open Font Licence 1.1
- Open Sans: Apache License, version 2.0
- Icons from FontAwesome: Published under various licenses
Siboney is named after a Cuban song.