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Metalsmith Sections


This website provides the documentation of the section components that are available with ms-start.

Overview of the Sections Sandbox System

The "sections sandbox" serves as an interactive platform to visualize and customize different sections available when using ms-start in the browser. This platform provides a user-friendly interface where each section's default appearance and behavior can be experienced and modified.

Image of the sections sandbox here

Components of the Sections Sandbox System

Sidebar Menu

This menu provides a list of section components. Users can choose from this menu to view a particular section.

Section Display

Upon selecting a section component from the sidebar, the section is rendered in the upper half of the viewport using the Nunjucks templating system.

  • The templates for these sections are compiled into JavaScript and stored within precompiledTemplates.js.
  • The default content for each section is fetched from initialSectionStates.js.
  • Each section is styled with its default CSS files to present it with its default look and feel.

Code Editor

The code editor is a toggleable panel that allows users to add styles for the selected section. These styles may be copied to the clipboard for use in the project.

  • The code editor uses CodeMirror, a JavaScript library that provides a code editor component.
  • When the user makes changes to the code editor, the changes are reflected in real-time in the section rendering above.

Section Properties Form

The lower half of the viewport displays a dynamically generated form. This form is based on the propsTemplates.js file and represents all the content properties of the chosen section component. Form values may be copied to the clipboard for use in the project.

  • Users can adjust various content properties using this form, which then reflects the changes in real-time in the section rendering above, demonstrating the customization potential.

Connecting Form Data with Deep Object Content Properties

To bridge the visual representation (section component) with the underlying data (form fields), a mapping mechanism is required. The data structure used to represent the section's content properties is a deep javascript object, which can nest properties within properties. In contrast, the form data representation is flat, offering a straightforward key-value pairing.

Deep Object vs. Flat Object

A deep object may look like this:

  "container": "section",
  "name": "audio",
  "containerFields": {
    "isDisabled": false,
    "isAnimated": false,
    "containerId": "",
    "containerClass": "",
    "inContainer": true,
    "isNarrow": false,
    "background": {
      "color": "",
      "image": "",
      "isDark": false
  "hasImage": false,
  "audio": {
    "ogg": "",
    "mpeg": ""
  "image": {
    "src": "",
    "alt": "my alt text",
    "caption": ""

Conversely, a flat object representation of the same data would be:

  "container": "section",
  "name": "audio",
  "containerFields.containerId": "",
  "containerFields.containerClass": "",
  "containerFields.inContainer": true,
  "containerFields.background.color": "",
  "containerFields.background.image": "",
  "audio.ogg": "",
  "audio.mpeg": "",
  "image.src": "",
  "image.alt": "my alt text",
  "image.caption": "",
  "containerFields.isDisabled": false,
  "containerFields.isAnimated": false,
  "containerFields.isNarrow": false,
  "containerFields.background.isDark": false,
  "hasImage": false

Here, the flat object uses dot notation to represent nested properties.

Mapping Mechanism

To effectively link the form fields to the deep object's content properties, the name form element attribute is used, such as containerFields.background.color. The attribute acts as marker, indicating the position or path to the respective property in the deep object. For eample:

<input type="text" name="containerFields.background.color" value="">

When a form field is updated, the change propagates to the correct nested property in the deep object. Additionally, any new properties added via the form are included in the deep object, and properties removed from the form are deleted.

Various helper functions are implemented to facilitate this mapping mechanism:

  1. updateDeepObject: Accepts a deep object and flat form values as arguments. It updates the deep object based on the form's input, ensuring that any new properties from the form are added and existing ones updated.

  2. flattenObject: Converts the deep object into a flat structure to facilitate comparison between the form's state and the deep object.

  3. deleteProps: After identifying properties that no longer exist in the form but are present in the deep object, this function removes these properties.


The code uses an event-driven approach. It listens to the form submission event to get the updated form values, then updates the section object, and then re-renders the section using Nunjucks. By using custom events and decoupling event listeners, the code is modular and easy to maintain. This event-driven approach ensures that different parts of the system remain decoupled and can be easily extended in the future.

The code is wrapped inside an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) to encapsulate logic and create a private scope.

Variable Declarations

let section = {};
let env = nunjucks.configure({ autoescape: true });
let editor = null;
  • section: Represents the current section object.
  • env: Initializes the Nunjucks environment, setting it up with the configuration of autoescape set to true. This means Nunjucks will automatically escape output for safety.
  • editor: A placeholder for the CodeMirror instance.

Function Definitions

  • getAdditionalStyles: Retrieves additional styles.
  • updatePropsDisplay: Updates the properties display to reflect the current state of the section props object.
  • updateDeepObject: A helper function that synchronizes the flat form values with the deep section object.
  • dispatchYpdate: A helper function that processes the form data and dispatches a custom sectionUpdated event.
  • handleFormSubmit: A function that handles the form submission, extracting form data, and calling dispatchUpdate
  • initScripts: A function that initializes various scripts based on the template (videos, lists, CTAs).
  • handleSectionUpdated: A function that handles the custom sectionUpdated event, updating the section object and re-rendering the section.
  • getSectionContent: Retrieves and renders a section based on the given template name.
  • initSection: Initializes the display of the section in the viewport.
  • copyToClipboard: Copies the given text to the clipboard.
  • init: The initialization function. Sets up the initial state and event listeners:
    • Sets the initial template.
    • Initializes the CodeMirror editor.
    • Adds click handlers to all templates.
    • Handles toggling the code editor view.
    • Handles events for copying styles and section YAML configurations.

Event Handlers and Interactivity

A significant portion of the init function is dedicated to attaching event handlers to various DOM elements, allowing users to interact with the sandbox, select sections, update properties, copy styles, and more.

For instance:

  • Section Selection: When a user clicks on a section template from the sidebar, the active section is updated, and its properties form is displayed.
  • Code Editor: A toggle mechanism shows or hides the CodeMirror code editor where additional styles can be edited.
  • Clipboard Actions: Several clipboard-related actions allow users to copy the current section's YAML configuration or additional styles directly to their clipboard.


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