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eventualbuddha edited this page Aug 13, 2010 · 94 revisions

Wesabe Install

You need Mac OS X or Linux (Ubuntu good, but others will work). On Mac OS X you’ll want to install homebrew. It will keep you sane. On Linux (assuming Ubuntu, translate yourself as necessary) you already have good package managers.

WARNING: This guide is missing things and may be unclear. It assumes you know quite a bit. I’d like to make it easier to follow, so if you encounter something that isn’t clear or is missing altogether, create an issue in this project or find eventualbuddha, indirect, or bgreenlee in #openwesabe on Freenode and tell us what is wrong and, hopefully, how you fixed it.

If you encounter what you believe to be a bug, please file an issue with the appropriate project (most likely you’ll want pfc’s issues page).

Get the Source

Create a directory for the code to live. This should be a permanent place for them.

~ $ mkdir ~/wesabe
~ $ cd ~/wesabe

Use git to clone pfc and brcm-accounts-api.
If you get an error using git you may need to install it $ sudo apt-get install git-core

~/wesabe $ git clone
~/wesabe $ git clone

If the git clone command gives you an error (for example, “Unable to get pack file”) try using git:// or git:// as the URL instead.


Install MySQL 5. If you’re on OS X you can use brew:

$ brew install mysql

Or use aptitude if you’re on Ubuntu:

$ sudo aptitude install mysql-server-5.1

Or install a binary package from

Create two databases:

$ mysql -u root -p
> create database pfc_development;
> create database pfc_test;

Set up whatever access restrictions you want.



  • Java 6 (not the runtime) $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
  • Maven 2 (291 MB) $ sudo apt-get install maven2

Change directory to brcm-accounts-api.

Create a file to let BRCM connect to your newly-created database:
To create a new document type vi you’ll want to add the following information:


Modify it to fit your database configuration.

To exit the file type :wq

In your wesabe directory, create a mvn directory, and copy shore-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar, shore-0.2-SNAPSHOT.pom, xmlson-1.5.2.jar, and xmlson-1.5.2.pom to that directory. Then cd to the mvn directory and install those files with Maven 2 by running:

$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=xmlson-1.5.2.jar -DpomFile=xmlson-1.5.2.pom
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=shore-0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar -DpomFile=shore-0.2-SNAPSHOT.pom

Maven will copy them to the appropriate places as needed.

Now attempt to run BRCM’s tests from the brcm-accounts-api directory. This will pull down a lot of software from the internet:
You may need to install rake sudo apt-get install rake

$ rake test

If all’s well, you’ll see a bunch of passing tests at the end.



  • Ruby 1.8.7 $ sudo apt-get install ruby-full
  • Bundler 0.9.x
  • Build tools for your platform (e.g. Xcode/gcc)

You’ll need access to the root, set the password, to enter root $ su

$ sudo passwd root
$ su

On Mac OS X you should already have Ruby 1.8.7, and you’ll need Xcode installed, then use homebrew to install oniguruma:

$ brew install oniguruma

On Ubuntu you’ll want to install stuff via aptitude

$ aptitude install g++ libruby1.8 libopenssl-ruby libmysqlclient-dev libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libonig-dev ruby1.8-dev

If you are using Ubuntu/Debian, you will want to manually install RubyGems as you need version 1.3.6+ to install Bundler while the Debian repositories maintain v1.3.5. Follow these steps to do so:

$ cd /tmp
$ wget
$ tar zxf rubygems-1.3.7.tgz
$ cd rubygems-1.3.7
$ sudo ruby setup.rb
$ sudo ln -sfv /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem

Change directory to pfc. Install the required gems:

$ bundle install

NOTE: You may need to run bundle install with this environment variable if your MySQL version is 64-bit:

$ export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"
$ bundle install

Those running OSX Snow Leopard, for example, will have to do this otherwise you will encounter a strange ‘unitialized constant Mysql::Error’ when running rake db:setup.

Copy all files named config/*.example.yml to just config/*.yml. Modify config/database.yml as needed. Now set up the database:

$ rake db:setup

This will take a minute or two and will import some necessary data.

Upload Support


  • Python 2.6+

At the moment only manual uploading is available, and to support that you’ll need to clone fixofx. Put it at the same level as pfc and brcm-accounts-api.

$ cd ~/wesabe
$ git clone git://

Get This Thing Online Already

In pfc:

$ script/rails server

In brcm-accounts-api:

$ script/server

Go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. Done!

If you have a snapshot to restore, do not create an account with the same email address that you had at But if you missed this warning and created the account in the rush of seeing a successful installation, you can use a MySQL management application like PHPMyAdmin to empty the user tables.

A NOTE ABOUT PORTS: PFC will run on port 3000 by default. If that doesn’t work for you, add -p 4000 (or whatever port you want) to the rails server command above. Similarly, BRCM will run on port 8080. If that doesn’t work for you then change pfc/config/services.yml’s development entry for BRCM to use a different port, say 8090, then add -p 8090 when you run BRCM.

Signing up

Now, go ahead and sign up for a new account on your very own Wesabe! After you’ve signed up, you’ll be able to upload your bank statements and chart your finances using the tools that were available in the Accounts tab at

Import snapshot (optional)

If you had an account at and downloaded a snapshot before it shut down on 1 August 2010, you can import that snapshot.

Run this command in the pfc directory:

$ bundle exec thor snapshot:import ~/path/to/

Then, go to http://localhost:3000/ again and log in with the same email address you used to log into, but with the password changeme!.

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