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Containerized Prettier

This exists because I greatly dislike installing and running tools on my local system. Dependencies are a mess, versions are ugly, keeping things up to date is tiring. It's all distasteful.

Therefore, because my linters (shout out to MegaLinter!) want me to keep my YAML, JSON, etc. files nice and pretty, I use prettier fairly regularly. Because I don't want to install and manage Node, npm, nvm, etc., this containerized version of Prettier now exists.

While searching around DockerHub, I found that several folks did the same thing; however, I also saw that they hadn't been updated in months or years. However, I also saw the most recent version of Prettier was released (as of the time of this writing) three days ago. So, the old Prettier images are out of date.

Because I can automate the building and pushing of images to DockerHub and GHCR and I can automate the updating of the Docker and npm configurations (via Dockerfile and package.json, respectively) via the Pull Request process initiated by Dependabot, my hope is that this image will be rebuilt regularly and remain reasonably current, particularly with regards to potential security concerns.


Building the image requires a container engine such as Docker or Podman.

docker build \
  --tag prettier:latest \


Running a container, like building the image, requires a container engine. This example shows how to run a container with the current directory and a style cache bind-mounted to it. If the cache directory doesn't exist, it'll be created.

docker run \
  --interactive \
  --rm \
  --tty \
  --user "$(id --user)" \
  --volume "${PWD}:${PWD}" \
  --workdir "${PWD}" \

Public registries

The image is built and published to several public registries for your convenience:

  • DockerHub:
  • GitHub Container Registry:

Running as an alias

Including this line in your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc) will set an alias of prettier that'll run the containerized image without installing Prettier on your local system.

alias prettier='docker run -it --rm -u "$(id --user)" -v "${PWD}:${PWD}" -w "${PWD}"'


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