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wesm committed Mar 1, 2011
1 parent 73ecbfd commit 24e7297
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Showing 19 changed files with 223 additions and 110 deletions.
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion westharrison/ → examples/
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import statlib.dlm as dlm
from statlib.dlm import *
from statlib.components import *
import datasets

gas = datasets.table_81()

p = 12
var_prior = (1, 0.05)
model = Polynomial(1) + FullEffectsFourier(12, harmonics=[1, 4])
model = Polynomial(1) + FullEffectsFourier(12)
# model = Polynomial(1) + FullEffectsFourier(12)
k = model.F.shape[1]
mean_prior = (np.zeros(k), np.eye(k))
dlm = ConstantDLM(gas, model.F, G=model.G, mean_prior=mean_prior,
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File renamed without changes.
109 changes: 4 additions & 105 deletions statlib/
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from pandas.util.testing import set_trace as st

import scipy.stats as stats

from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.arima import ARMA as sm_arma
from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf, acovf
from scikits.statsmodels.tsa.stattools import acf
from import cache_readonly
from import chain_dot as cdot

import scikits.statsmodels.api as sm

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,8 +89,8 @@ def decomp(self):

return waves, mods, decomp

def plot_acf(self, lags=50):
plotting.plot_acf(, lags)
def plot_acf(self, lags=50, partial=True):
plotting.plot_acf(, lags, partial=partial)

class TestARModel(object):

Expand All @@ -110,105 +107,6 @@ def _prep_arvars(x, p):

return y, X.T

class BayesLM(object):
Bayesian linear model with independent errors
Normal-InverseGamma prior
Y : ndarray (length n)
response variable
X : ndarray (n x p)
independent variables
beta_prior : (mean, cov)
Prior for coefficients: Normal(mean, cov)
var_prior : (df, df * var_0)
Prior for error variance: InverseGamma(df /2, df * var_0 / 2)
y = X'b + e
e ~ N(0, v * I_n)
b | v ~ N(m_0, v * C_0)
v ~ IG(n0 / 2, d0 / 2)
def __init__(self, Y, X, beta_prior, var_prior):
self.y = Y
self.x = X

self.nobs = len(Y)

self.m0, self.c0 = beta_prior
self.n0, self.d0 = var_prior

def beta_post_params(self):
X = self.x

Q = self.Q
Qinv = inv(Q)

A = cdot(self.c0, X.T, Qinv)

m = self.m0 +
C = self.c0 - cdot(A, Q, A.T)

return m, C

def Q(self):
return cdot(X, self.c0, X.T) + np.eye(self.nobs)

def var_post_params(self):
post_n = self.nobs + self.n0

resid = self.prior_resid
post_d =, LA.solve(self.Q, resid)) + self.d0

return post_n, post_d

def precision_post_dist(self):
post_n, post_d = self.var_post_params
return stats.gamma(post_n, scale=2. / post_d)

def var_post_dist(self):
post_n, post_d = self.var_post_params
return stats.invgamma(post_n, scale=post_d / 2.)

def prior_resid(self):
return self.y -, self.m0)

def sample(self, samples=1000):
Generate Monte Carlo samples of posterior distribution of parameters
Samples v, then b | v, with standard normal-inverse-gamma full
conditional distributions.
samples : int
precision_samples = self.precision_post_dist.rvs(samples)
var_samples = 1 / precision_samples

# sample beta condition on v
beta_samples = []

m, C = self.beta_post_params

for v in var_samples:
rv = np.random.multivariate_normal(m, v * C)

return var_samples, np.array(beta_samples)

def ma_coefs(coefs, maxn=10):
p = len(coefs)
phis = np.zeros(maxn+1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,6 +156,7 @@ def ar_simulate(phi, s, n, dist='normal'):
return out

if __name__ == '__main__':
from statlib.linmod import BayesLM
import statlib.datasets as ds
eeg = ds.eeg_data()

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201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions statlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
from __future__ import division

from numpy.linalg import inv
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import scipy.stats as stats

from import cache_readonly
from import chain_dot as cdot

import statlib.plotting as plotting

from pandas.util.testing import set_trace as st

class BayesLM(object):
Bayesian linear model with independent errors
Normal-InverseGamma prior
Y : ndarray (length n)
response variable
X : ndarray (n x p)
independent variables
beta_prior : (mean, cov)
Prior for coefficients: Normal(mean, cov)
var_prior : (df, df * phi_0)
df degrees of freedom
phi_0 = 1 / var_0^2 (prior precision)
Prior for error variance: InverseGamma(df /2, df * phi_0 / 2)
y = X'b + e
e ~ N(0, v * I_n)
b | v ~ N(m_0, v * C_0)
v ~ IG(n0 / 2, d0 / 2)
def __init__(self, Y, X, beta_prior, var_prior):
self.y = Y
self.x = X

self.nobs = len(Y)

self.m0, self.c0 = beta_prior
self.n0, self.d0 = var_prior

def beta_post_params(self):
X = self.x

Q = self.Q
Qinv = inv(Q)

A = cdot(self.c0, X.T, Qinv)

m = self.m0 +, self.prior_resid)
C = self.c0 - cdot(A, Q, A.T)

return m, C

def sigma2(self):
mean posterior estimate of error variance
n, d = self.var_post_params
return d / n

def params(self):
Mode of posterior t distribution for params
return self.beta_post_params[0]

def beta_ci(self, alpha=0.05):
df, _ = self.var_post_params
mode, scale = self.beta_post_params

std = np.sqrt(self.sigma2 * np.diag(scale))

q = stats.t(df).ppf(1 - alpha / 2)

ci_lower = mode - q * std
ci_upper = mode + q * std

return ci_lower, ci_upper

def prec_ci(self, alpha=0.05, hpd=True, hpd_draws=100000):
Computes HPD or regular frequentist interval
from import quantile

if hpd:
n, d = self.var_post_params
prec_post = stats.gamma(n / 2., scale=2./d)
prec_draws = prec_post.rvs(hpd_draws)
qs = quantile(prec_draws, [alpha / 2, 0.5, 1 - alpha / 2])
hpd_lower, median, hpd_upper = qs

return hpd_lower, median, hpd_upper
raise NotImplementedError

def Q(self):
return cdot(self.x, self.c0, self.x.T) + np.eye(self.nobs)

def var_post_params(self):
post_n = self.nobs + self.n0

resid = self.prior_resid
post_d =, LA.solve(self.Q, resid)) + self.d0

return post_n, post_d

def precision_post_dist(self):
post_n, post_d = self.var_post_params
return stats.gamma(post_n, scale=2. / post_d)

def var_post_dist(self):
post_n, post_d = self.var_post_params
return stats.invgamma(post_n, scale=post_d / 2.)

def prior_resid(self):
return self.y -, self.m0)

def sample(self, samples=1000):
Generate Monte Carlo samples of posterior distribution of parameters
Samples v, then b | v, with standard normal-inverse-gamma full
conditional distributions.
samples : int
precision_samples = self.precision_post_dist.rvs(samples)
var_samples = 1 / precision_samples

# sample beta condition on v
beta_samples = []

m, C = self.beta_post_params

for v in var_samples:
rv = np.random.multivariate_normal(m, v * C)

return var_samples, np.array(beta_samples)

def plot_forecast(self, x, ax=None, label=None, **kwds):
Plot posterior predictive distribution for input predictor values
y ~ N(Xb, s^2)
x : 1d
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()

mode, scale = self.beta_post_params

s2 = self.sigma2
# forecast variance
rQ = np.sqrt(s2 * (,, x)) + 1))
m =, self.params)

dist = stats.norm(m, scale=rQ)

plotting.plot_support(dist.pdf, m - 5 * rQ, m + 5 * rQ, ax=ax)

if label is not None:
y = dist.pdf(m)
x = m
ax.text(x, y, label, **kwds)

def posterior_pred_dist(self, x):
mode, scale = self.beta_post_params

s2 = self.sigma2
# forecast variance
rQ = np.sqrt(s2 * (,, x)) + 1))
m =, self.params)

return stats.norm(m, scale=rQ)

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions statlib/
Expand Up @@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ def mix_pdf(x):
return tot

# plot mixture
mix = plotting.plot_support(mix_pdf, hi, lo,
mix = plotting.plot_support(mix_pdf, lo, hi,

for _, dist in dists.iteritems():
comp = plotting.plot_support(dist.pdf, hi, lo,
comp = plotting.plot_support(dist.pdf, lo, hi,
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions statlib/
Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ def density_plot(y, thresh=1e-10, style='k', ax=None):
Make kernel density plot of input data
kde = stats.kde.gaussian_kde(y)
plot_support(kde.evaluate, y.max(), y.min(),
plot_support(kde.evaluate, y.min(), y.max(),
thresh=thresh, style=style, ax=ax)

def plot_support(f, hi, lo, thresh=1e-10, style='k', N=5000, ax=None):
def plot_support(f, lo, hi, thresh=1e-10, style='k', N=5000, ax=None):
Attempt to plot input function (e.g. a probability density) over its support
(places where its value exceeds a certain threshold)
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