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ifbyol edited this page May 27, 2013 · 3 revisions

Freedom House

Freedom House has released the subcategory scores from Freedom in the World for the past seven years, as well as the aggregate scores from the previous 10 editions of the survey. Freedom in the World is an annual comparative assessment of political rights and civil liberties that this year covers 195 countries and 14 related and disputed territories. Data is provided in Excel format.

United Nations

I didn´t find any data that we can dowload or access. In the web portal given by the web index I only found publications and documents, but nothing that we can process programatically, in order to verify the integrity of the data. We need to know which data is given by this provider and how to acces it.

World Economic Forum

I didn’t find any data to Access. In the web portal given by the web index, I only found publications and articles about global issues in order to improve the state of the world. In the web page there is an user login, maybe we need an user and a password to access to the data.

World Bank

This provider has a lot of information about differents indicators in Excel format. In total, it have 331 indicators from World Development Indicators covering 214 countries from 1960 to 2011. We need to know which indicators are available in WebIndex.

International Energy Agency

This provider has some excel sheets that contains information about differents energy topics. We need to know what information is used in the web index in order to verify the integrity of the data when data are published.


This provider contains a lot of statistics about wikimedia but I don’t know how to access to these data. Ask to web index.

Reporter without Borders

This provider constains information about world press freedom index, but I don’t know how to access to the data. Ask to web index.

International Comunications Union

This provider has some excel sheets with information aobut comunications in the world in the period 2006-2013.

Web Foundation

This provider must give usa ll information that we have to publish. We can obtain information about the last versión of web index querying their sparql endpoint.


This providers contains information about all languages that are speaking in the world and in which region. They identifies each languages with a three-letter code. Data are available in three .tab files.

CIA Factbook

The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities. They have a lot information, but I don’t know how to Access them. Is possible that web index have access?