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Alejandro Montes García edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 5 revisions

Usability Report

General information
Institution Web Foundation
Evaluators Alejandro Montes García and Juan Castro Fernández
Date 20th June, 2013
Score 6.15 out of 10
Indicator Score
Usability 8.35
Accesibility 3.19
45% Usability 8.35
35% Global website comprehensibility 6.71
Global schema 4.33
  Sitemap 0
  Main menu classification 10
  Mechanismns that ease navegability (i.e) breadcrumbs 3 There are no such mechanisms in the visualizator
Main page 6.5
  Main page navigation 3 The map, that is the main element cannot be accesed without a pointing device and no alternative is provided
  Main page impact 10
    The page reflects the idea of the website 10
    The page shows what can be done on the website 10
    The page can be seen without flash 10
Secondary webpages 6
  Secondary webpages navigation 3 The map and the charts cannot be accesed without a pointing device and no alternative is provided
  Pages impact 9
    Pages reflect the idea of the website 10
    Pages show what can be done on the website 7 Some charts are not clear
    Pages can be seen without flash 10
Navigation consistency 10
20% Aesthetic aspects 10
Cohesive agrupations 10
Stability in the main controls 10
Mobile elements 10
Proper aesthetic 10
Uniform style 10
10% Miscellaneous 5
Support to foreign languages 0
Intrusive advertisments 10
20% Text usability 10
Short texts 10
Texts well positioned 10
Texts are concise 10
15% Information classification 10
Categories are clear 10
Categories are cohesive 10
25% Acessibility 3.19
70% Users with disabilities 4.13
Visual disabilities 7.25
  Posibility to modify the fontsize 10
  Colour combinations 8 Disabled countries are hard to read
  ALT texts for images 10
  Well identified links 1 SVG navigational elements are not properly identified
Accessibility without pointing devices 1 Map and charts are not accesible without a pointing device
10% Non graphical browsers 1 Map and charts information is not represented
10% Multidevice access 2 The webpage does not render properly on a mobile phone
10% HTML structure 0 HTML is not valid
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