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implement binary format of date and time types
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wg committed Jan 20, 2009
1 parent e22ae59 commit a777ba5
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Showing 5 changed files with 216 additions and 54 deletions.
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion README
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ Erlang PostgreSQL Database Client
the unnamed prepared statement and portal. PostgreSQL's binary format
is used to return integers as Erlang integers, floats as floats,
bytea/text/varchar columns as binaries, bools as true/false, etc.
For details see pgsql_binary.erl.

For details see pgsql_binary.erl and the Data Representation section

* Parse/Bind/Execute

Expand All @@ -56,3 +58,22 @@ Erlang PostgreSQL Database Client
ok = pgsql:close(C, Statement).
ok = pgsql:close(C, statement | portal, Name).
ok = pgsql:sync(C).

* Data Representation

null = null
bool = true | false
char = $A
intX = 1
floatX = 1.0
date = {Year, Month, Day}
time = {Hour, Minute, Second.Microsecond}
timetz = {time, Timezone}
timestamp = {date, time}
timestamptz = {date, time}
interval = {time, Days, Months}
text = <<"a">>
varchar = <<"a">>
bytea = <<1, 2>>

record = {int2, time, text, ...} (decode only)
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions src/pgsql_binary.erl
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ encode(int4, N) -> <<4:?int32, N:1/big-signed-unit:32>>;
encode(int8, N) -> <<8:?int32, N:1/big-signed-unit:64>>;
encode(float4, N) -> <<4:?int32, N:1/big-float-unit:32>>;
encode(float8, N) -> <<8:?int32, N:1/big-float-unit:64>>;
encode(Type, B) when Type == time; Type == timetz -> pgsql_datetime:encode(Type, B);
encode(Type, B) when Type == date; Type == timestamp -> pgsql_datetime:encode(Type, B);
encode(Type, B) when Type == timestamptz; Type == interval -> pgsql_datetime:encode(Type, B);
encode(bytea, B) when is_binary(B) -> <<(byte_size(B)):?int32, B/binary>>;
encode(text, B) when is_binary(B) -> <<(byte_size(B)):?int32, B/binary>>;
encode(varchar, B) when is_binary(B) -> <<(byte_size(B)):?int32, B/binary>>;
Expand All @@ -30,7 +33,10 @@ decode(int8, <<N:1/big-signed-unit:64>>) -> N;
decode(float4, <<N:1/big-float-unit:32>>) -> N;
decode(float8, <<N:1/big-float-unit:64>>) -> N;
decode(record, <<_:?int32, Rest/binary>>) -> list_to_tuple(decode_record(Rest, []));
decode(_Other, Bin) -> Bin.
decode(Type, B) when Type == time; Type == timetz -> pgsql_datetime:decode(Type, B);
decode(Type, B) when Type == date; Type == timestamp -> pgsql_datetime:decode(Type, B);
decode(Type, B) when Type == timestamptz; Type == interval -> pgsql_datetime:decode(Type, B);
decode(_Other, Bin) -> Bin.

decode_record(<<>>, Acc) ->
Expand All @@ -51,4 +57,10 @@ supports(bytea) -> true;
supports(text) -> true;
supports(varchar) -> true;
supports(record) -> true;
supports(_Type) -> false.
supports(date) -> true;
supports(time) -> true;
supports(timetz) -> true;
supports(timestamp) -> true;
supports(timestamptz) -> true;
supports(interval) -> true;
supports(_Type) -> false.
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions src/pgsql_datetime.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
%%% Copyright (C) 2008 - Will Glozer. All rights reserved.


-export([decode/2, encode/2]).

-define(int16, 1/big-signed-unit:16).
-define(int32, 1/big-signed-unit:32).

-define(postgres_epoc_jdate, 2451545).

-define(mins_per_hour, 60).
-define(secs_per_day, 86400.0).
-define(secs_per_hour, 3600.0).
-define(secs_per_minute, 60.0).

decode(date, <<J:1/big-signed-unit:32>>) -> j2date(?postgres_epoc_jdate + J);
decode(time, <<N:1/big-float-unit:64>>) -> f2time(N);
decode(timetz, <<N:1/big-float-unit:64, TZ:?int32>>) -> {f2time(N), TZ};
decode(timestamp, <<N:1/big-float-unit:64>>) -> f2timestamp(N);
decode(timestamptz, <<N:1/big-float-unit:64>>) -> f2timestamp(N);
decode(interval, <<N:1/big-float-unit:64, D:?int32, M:?int32>>) -> {f2time(N), D, M}.

encode(date, D) -> <<4:?int32, (date2j(D) - ?postgres_epoc_jdate):1/big-signed-unit:32>>;
encode(time, T) -> <<8:?int32, (time2f(T)):1/big-float-unit:64>>;
encode(timetz, {T, TZ}) -> <<12:?int32, (time2f(T)):1/big-float-unit:64, TZ:?int32>>;
encode(timestamp, TS) -> <<8:?int32, (timestamp2f(TS)):1/big-float-unit:64>>;
encode(timestamptz, TS) -> <<8:?int32, (timestamp2f(TS)):1/big-float-unit:64>>;
encode(interval, {T, D, M}) -> <<16:?int32, (time2f(T)):1/big-float-unit:64, D:?int32, M:?int32>>.

j2date(N) ->
J = N + 32044,
Q1 = J div 146097,
Extra = (J - Q1 * 146097) * 4 + 3,
J2 = J + 60 + Q1 * 3 + Extra div 146097,
Q2 = J2 div 1461,
J3 = J2 - Q2 * 1461,
Y = J3 * 4 div 1461,
case Y of
0 -> J4 = ((J3 + 306) rem 366) + 123;
_ -> J4 = ((J3 + 305) rem 365) + 123
Year = (Y + Q2 * 4) - 4800,
Q3 = J4 * 2141 div 65536,
Day = J4 - 7834 * Q3 div 256,
Month = (Q3 + 10) rem 12 + 1,
{Year, Month, Day}.

date2j({Y, M, D}) ->
case M > 2 of
true ->
M2 = M + 1,
Y2 = Y + 4800;
false ->
M2 = M + 13,
Y2 = Y + 4799
C = Y2 div 100,
J1 = Y2 * 365 - 32167,
J2 = J1 + (Y2 div 4 - C + C div 4),
J2 + 7834 * M2 div 256 + D.

f2time(N) ->
{R1, Hour} = tmodulo(N, ?secs_per_hour),
{R2, Min} = tmodulo(R1, ?secs_per_minute),
{R3, Sec} = tmodulo(R2, 1.0),
case timeround(R3) of
US when US >= 1.0 -> f2time(ceiling(N));
US -> {Hour, Min, Sec + US}

time2f({H, M, S}) ->
((H * ?mins_per_hour + M) * ?secs_per_minute) + S.

f2timestamp(N) ->
case tmodulo(N, ?secs_per_day) of
{T, D} when T < 0 -> f2timestamp2(D - 1 + ?postgres_epoc_jdate, T + ?secs_per_day);
{T, D} -> f2timestamp2(D + ?postgres_epoc_jdate, T)

f2timestamp2(D, T) ->
{_H, _M, S} = Time = f2time(T),
Date = j2date(D),
case tsround(S - trunc(S)) of
N when N >= 1.0 ->
case ceiling(T) of
T2 when T2 > ?secs_per_day -> f2timestamp2(D + 1, 0.0);
T2 -> f2timestamp2(T2, D)
_ -> ok
{Date, Time}.

timestamp2f({Date, Time}) ->
D = date2j(Date) - ?postgres_epoc_jdate,
D * ?secs_per_day + time2f(Time).

tmodulo(T, U) ->
case T < 0 of
true -> Q = ceiling(T / U);
false -> Q = floor(T / U)
case Q of
0 -> {T, Q};
_ -> {T - rint(Q * U), Q}

rint(N) -> round(N) * 1.0.
timeround(J) -> rint(J * 10000000000.0) / 10000000000.0.
tsround(J) -> rint(J * 1000000.0) / 1000000.0.

floor(X) ->
T = erlang:trunc(X),
case (X - T) of
N when N < 0 -> T - 1;
N when N > 0 -> T;
_ -> T

ceiling(X) ->
T = erlang:trunc(X),
case (X - T) of
N when N < 0 -> T;
N when N > 0 -> T + 1;
_ -> T
97 changes: 47 additions & 50 deletions test_src/pgsql_tests.erl
Expand Up @@ -331,53 +331,24 @@ parameter_set_test() ->
{ok, _Cols, [{<<"02.01.2000">>}]} = pgsql:squery(C, "select '2000-01-02'::date")

decode_binary_format_test() ->
fun(C) ->
{ok, [#column{type = unknown}], [{null}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select null"),
{ok, [#column{type = bool}], [{true}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select true"),
{ok, [#column{type = bool}], [{false}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select false"),
{ok, [#column{type = bpchar}], [{$A}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select 'A'::char"),
{ok, [#column{type = int2}], [{1}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select 1::int2"),
{ok, [#column{type = int2}], [{-1}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select -1::int2"),
{ok, [#column{type = int4}], [{1}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select 1::int4"),
{ok, [#column{type = int4}], [{-1}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select -1::int4"),
{ok, [#column{type = int8}], [{1}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select 1::int8"),
{ok, [#column{type = int8}], [{-1}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select -1::int8"),
{ok, [#column{type = float4}], [{1.0}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select 1.0::float4"),
{ok, [#column{type = float4}], [{-1.0}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select -1.0::float4"),
{ok, [#column{type = float8}], [{1.0}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select 1.0::float8"),
{ok, [#column{type = float8}], [{-1.0}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select -1.0::float8"),
{ok, [#column{type = bytea}], [{<<1, 2>>}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select E'\001\002'::bytea"),
{ok, [#column{type = text}], [{<<"hi">>}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select 'hi'::text"),
{ok, [#column{type = varchar}], [{<<"hi">>}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select 'hi'::varchar"),
{ok, [#column{type = record}], [{{1, null, <<"hi">>}}]} = pgsql:equery(C, "select (1, null, 'hi')")

encode_binary_format_test() ->
fun(C) ->
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_bool) values ($1)", [null]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_bool) values ($1)", [true]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_bool) values ($1)", [false]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_char) values ($1)", [$A]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_int2) values ($1)", [1]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_int2) values ($1)", [-1]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_int4) values ($1)", [1]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_int4) values ($1)", [-1]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_int8) values ($1)", [1]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_int8) values ($1)", [-1]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_float4) values ($1)", [1.0]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_float4) values ($1)", [-1.0]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_float8) values ($1)", [1.0]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_float8) values ($1)", [-1.0]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_bytea) values ($1)", [<<1, 2>>]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_bytea) values ($1)", [[1, 2]]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_text) values ($1)", [<<"hi">>]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_text) values ($1)", ["hi"]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_varchar) values ($1)", [<<"hi">>]),
{ok, 1} = pgsql:equery(C, "insert into test_table2 (c_varchar) values ($1)", ["hi"])
type_test() ->
check_type(bool, "true", true, [true, false]),
check_type(bpchar, "'A'", $A, [1, $1, 255], "c_char"),
check_type(int2, "1", 1, [0, 256, -32768, +32767]),
check_type(int4, "1", 1, [0, 512, -2147483648, +2147483647]),
check_type(int8, "1", 1, [0, 1024, -9223372036854775808, +9223372036854775807]),
check_type(float4, "1.0", 1.0, [0.0, 1.23456, -1.23456]),
check_type(float8, "1.0", 1.0, [0.0, 1.23456789012345, -1.23456789012345]),
check_type(bytea, "E'\001\002'", <<1,2>>, [<<>>, <<0,128,255>>]),
check_type(text, "'hi'", <<"hi">>, [<<"">>, <<"hi">>]),
check_type(varchar, "'hi'", <<"hi">>, [<<"">>, <<"hi">>]),
check_type(date, "'2008-01-02'", {2008,1,2}, [{-4712,1,1}, {5874897,1,1}]),
check_type(time, "'00:01:02'", {0,1,2.0}, [{0,0,0.0}, {24,0,0.0}]),
check_type(timetz, "'00:01:02-01'", {{0,1,2.0},1*60*60}, [{{0,0,0.0},0}, {{24,0,0.0},-13*60*60}]),
check_type(timestamp, "'2008-01-02 03:04:05'", {{2008,1,2},{3,4,5.0}},
[{{-4712,1,1},{0,0,0.0}}, {{5874897,12,31}, {23,59,59.0}}]),
check_type(interval, "'1 hour 2 minutes 3.1 seconds'", {{1,2,3.1},0,0},
[{{0,0,0.0},0,-178000000 * 12}, {{0,0,0.0},0,178000000 * 12}]).

text_format_test() ->
Expand All @@ -388,9 +359,7 @@ text_format_test() ->
{ok, _Cols, [{V2}]} = pgsql:equery(C, Query, [V]),
{ok, _Cols, [{V2}]} = pgsql:equery(C, Query, [V2])
Select("timestamp", "2000-01-02 03:04:05"),
Select("date", "2000-01-02"),
Select("time", "03:04:05"),
Select("inet", ""),
Select("numeric", "123456")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,6 +398,34 @@ with_rollback(F) ->

check_type(Type, In, Out, Values) ->
Column = "c_" ++ atom_to_list(Type),
check_type(Type, In, Out, Values, Column).

check_type(Type, In, Out, Values, Column) ->
fun(C) ->
Select = io_lib:format("select ~s::~w", [In, Type]),
{ok, [#column{type = Type}], [{Out}]} = pgsql:equery(C, Select),
Sql = io_lib:format("insert into test_table2 (~s) values ($1) returning ~s", [Column, Column]),
{ok, #statement{columns = [#column{type = Type}]} = S} = pgsql:parse(C, Sql),
Insert = fun(V) ->
pgsql:bind(C, S, [V]),
{ok, 1, [{V2}]} = pgsql:execute(C, S),
case compare(Type, V, V2) of
true -> ok;
false -> ?debugFmt("~p =/= ~p~n", [V, V2]), ?assert(false)
ok = pgsql:sync(C)
lists:foreach(Insert, [null | Values])

compare(_Type, null, null) -> true;
compare(float4, V1, V2) -> abs(V2 - V1) < 0.000001;
compare(float8, V1, V2) -> abs(V2 - V1) < 0.000000000000001;
compare(_Type, V1, V2) -> V1 =:= V2.

%% flush mailbox
flush() ->
?assertEqual([], flush([])).
Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion test_src/test_schema.sql
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,13 @@ CREATE TABLE test_table2 (
c_float8 float8,
c_bytea bytea,
c_text text,
c_varchar varchar(64));
c_varchar varchar(64),
c_date date,
c_time time,
c_timetz timetz,
c_timestamp timestamp,
c_timestamptz timestamptz,
c_interval interval);


Expand Down

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