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Forum-based Support Bot

A self-hosted forum-based support Discord bot for communities.

How to Use

This bot has only one command to use, for auto closing the posts from forum channels.

  • Make sure the forum post has tags that is required before posting.
  • Add proper permission to the bot to avoid unexpected issues.


To close thread using prefix command.


To close the thread and resolved by the username mentioned

!close @username


Config File

    "resolution_tag_name": "Solved",
    "command_prefix": "!",
    "utc_offset": -8,
    "datasheet_init": "init",
    "datasheet_response": "response",
    "datasheet_resolve": "resolve",
    "mention_message": "Hello there! If you need help, please read the information in <#1074862134284005396> and post your questions or issues in the <#1029543258822553680> channel. Our team and community members are always ready to help you out. Thank you for building with us!"
Config Name Description
resolution_tag_name The name of the tag to mark the post resolved.
command_prefix A prefix you want to use with close command to be recognized by the bot.
utc_offset Time and date UTC offset for recording the data.
datasheet_init Refers to the sheet name in your google spreadsheet. This should be the first sheet in the order.
datasheet_response Refers to the sheet name in your google spreadsheet. This should be the second sheet in the order.
datasheet_resolve Refers to the sheet name in your google spreadsheet. This should be the third sheet in the order.
mention_message The message bot will send if the bot mentioned by the user, you can use use the channel ids to mention it within the bot message.

Environment Variables



Install the packages

yarn install

Run the bot

yarn dev

📃 License

The Forum-based Support Discord Bot is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.

🍀 Sponsor

Love what I do? Send me some love or coffee!? 💖☕

Can't send love or coffees? 😥 Nominate me for a GitHub Star instead!

Note: Your support means a lot to me as it allows me to dedicate my time and energy to creating and maintaining open-source projects that benefit the community. Thank you for supporting my mission to make technology better, accessible, and inclusive for everyone.🙏😇

📝 Author

The Forum-based Support Bot (thirdweb support) is developed and maintained by Waren Gonzaga, with the help of awesome contributors.


💻💖☕ by Waren Gonzaga | He is Awesome 🙏


A self-hosted forum-based support Discord bot for your communities.



Code of conduct

Security policy





No releases published

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