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Higher Order Components

Will Hawker edited this page May 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

React JSX Highcharts exposes powerful Higher Order Components that allow you to create your own components that interact with the chart instance.

These are:

  • withHighcharts
  • provideChart
  • provideAxis
  • provideSeries

These components inject functions into your component via props, that allow you to interact with the Highcharts chart instance directly.

withHighcharts (version 2.0.0+)

This is the only required HOC for normal usage, this is used to inject the Highcharts global into your chart. This allows you to modify the Highcharts global with custom functionality, or use a specific import path for Highcharts - for instance to use Highcharts in "styled mode" (example)

This HOC can be used at the component level, or the application root to provide your Chart components with a Highcharts object to interact with.

Example 1 - Component Level

import { withHighcharts, HighchartsChart, Chart, /* etc... */ } from 'react-jsx-highcharts';
import Highcharts from 'highcharts/js/highcharts'; // Highcharts styled mode

const MyChart = ({ data }) => (
    <Chart />
    // etc
export default withHighcharts(MyChart, Highcharts);

Example 2 - At application root

import { withHighcharts } from 'react-jsx-highcharts';
import Highcharts from 'highcharts/highstock'; // Highstock

const App = () => (
    <Header />
    // etc
export default withHighcharts(App, Highcharts);

This HOC injects the following props:

  • getHighcharts - Returns the Highcharts global, provided via with withHighcharts.


Version 3+

Version 2 and below


Note A component wrapped with this HOC must be rendered with an axisId prop - referring to the id of the axis you wish to interact with.

Version 3+

Version 2 and below


Note A component wrapped with this HOC must be rendered with a seriesId prop - referring to the id of the series you wish to interact with.

Version 3+

Version 2 and below


See the Custom Components example - taking note of the last line provideAxis(DateRangePickers)