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Where to watch Next Cycling Race

Here is a small project built by the community and for the community, to help us all watch our favorite race in the best condition. This is a community feed that indexes every broadcast of a race per country.

Please note that this project has gained higher interest since the fall of gnc+.



Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or bun install ), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open

Then start a webinterface to vizualize the database:

npx prisma studio 

Technologie Stack

  • SvelteKit + Tailwind (Front)
  • Primsa (ORM)
  • PlanetScale (Database)

here is a guide on how to setup a similar strcture


  Race ||--o{ Broadcast : "raceId"
  BroadcastType ||--o{ Broadcast : "broadcastTypeId"
  User ||--o{ Vote : "UserId"
  Broadcast ||--o{ Vote : "BroadcastId"
  User ||--o{ Session : "user_id"
  User ||--o{ Key : "user_id"

  Race {
    id Int
    name String
    contry String
    category String
    date DateTime

  BroadcastType {
    id Int
    code String
    label String

  Broadcast {
    id Int
    name String
    link String
    publishTime DateTime

  User {
    id String
    username String
    mail String
    score Int
    contry_code String

  Vote {
    UserId String
    BroadcastId Int
    possitive Boolean

  Session {
    id String
    user_id String
    active_expires BigInt
    idle_expires BigInt

  Key {
    id String
    hashed_password String
    user_id String
