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Ansible Role: Monit

| A role to install and configure Monit.

  • will do the basic configuration
  • adds some default checks
  • adds pam authentication for the Web Server


Monit is a simple and easy to use monitoring daemon. It can run locally to monitor daemons, files, logs and more. You can also use it to monitor remote ports.

You can add more checks with another role. Please see the example below.


Install from Ansible Galaxy

ansible-galaxy install while_true_do.monit

Install from Github

git clone while_true_do.monit


Used Modules:


The following dependencies are needed on the target host:

Role Variables

# defaults/main.yml for monit
# You can set the state to ["present"|"absent"|"latest"]
wtd_monit_state: "present"
wtd_monit_packages: ["monit"]

# Force reload monit (useful for roles, that are creating their own checks)
# or, if you are creating checks on your own.
wtd_monit_reload_checks: False

# Configure Monit
# For more information about the values, please consult the monitrc file.
# Set the check interval
wtd_monit_daemon: 30
wtd_monit_start_delay: 240

wtd_monit_logfile: "syslog"
wtd_monit_pidfile: ""
wtd_monit_idfile: ""
wtd_monit_statefile: ""

wtd_monit_mailserver: ""
wtd_monit_eventqueue: ""
wtd_monit_mmonit: ""
wtd_monit_alerts: []

# Configure Monit Webserver
wtd_monit_webserver_state: True

wtd_monit_webserver_port: 2812
wtd_monit_webserver_address: "localhost"
wtd_monit_webserver_signature: "disable"
wtd_monit_webserver_ssl: False
wtd_monit_webserver_pemfile: ""

# Allow sudoers to connect (works only, if pam is true)
# You can also use multiple options.
wtd_monit_webserver_allows: ["@wheel"]
# Write the pam config for monit webserver
# FIXME: A valid while_true_do.pam role might be an idea
wtd_monit_webserver_pam: True

# Preconfigure some default checks
wtd_monit_default_checks: True

Example Playbook

Simple Example:

- hosts: servers 
    - { role: while_true_do.monit }

Advanced Example:

- hosts: servers 
    - { role: while_true_do.monit, wtd_monit_default_checks: False, wtd_monit_webserver_state: False }

Usage in other roles:

# defaults/main.yml
# Vars for dependency role while_true_do.monit
wtd_monit_reload_checks: True
# tasks/main.yml
- name: Create Monit Check
    src: foo.j2
    dest: /etc/monit.d/foo
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0644
    - monit


All tests are located in test directory.

Basic testing:

bash ./tests/
bash ./tests/

Contribute / Bugs

Thank you so much for considering to contribute. Every contribution helps us. We are really happy, when somebody is joining the hard work. Please have a look at the links first.


This work is licensed under a BSD License.

Author Information

