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6. Filters

Whilein edited this page May 22, 2021 · 3 revisions

Some expressions inside values, conditions or loops may be filtered, for example you may to sort an array or list inside the template, using ":sorted" filter:

{% for element : unsorted_array:sorted %}
 {{ element }}
{% endfor %}

There are many other filters, see the following table:

Name Description Applicables to Output
:average Get average number of numeric array or collection Any numerical array or collection of numbers double
:capitalize Set first character to uppercase String String
:byte, :short, :int and etc Cast to primitive Any object Any primitive
:ceil Math.ceil Any number double
:floor Math.floor Any number double
:round Math.round Any number double if applies to double, else float
:escapetags Escapes xml/html tags String String
:striptags Removes xml/html tags String String
:trim Removes spaces from start and end of string String String
:lower String.toLowerCase String String
:upper String.toUpperCase String String
:tostr Arrays.toString Any array String
:hex String to hex String or byte[] String
:sorted Sort an array Any array or collection of Comparable<T> That collection or array
:shuffle Shuffle an array Any array or collection That collection or array
:wrap Cast primitive to wrapper, e.g int -> Integer Any primitive Wrapper
:sum Get sum of array/collection elements Any array or collection of numbers int if array and component type is byte, short or int, else double
:max Get max element of array/collection Any array or collection of Comparable<T> T
:min Get min element of array/collection Any array or collection of Comparable<T> T

See filter implementations: Click me

You can set filters to parentheses, strings, numbers or values, i.e. (1 + 1):<filter>, "":<filter>, 1:<filter> or name:<filter>.

If you want to specify multiple filters just use value:<filter1>:<filter2>:<filter3>

Also you can add your own filters if you want, just use Te4j.getFilters().add(Filter).

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