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Adding Phil and Alvaro as speakers.
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maxmanders committed Mar 6, 2013
1 parent 87f65c7 commit d60ec8b
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33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions speakers.html
Expand Up @@ -171,5 +171,38 @@ <h2>Building Better Developers</h2>
<p>It's not just about improving your coding skill, it's understanding how to make all your abilities and those of your peers work together to keep you ahead of the game. We'll look at a combination of human hacks and hard work to help fine tune the most important machine you own.</p>

<div class="speaker clearfix">
<a name="phil"></a>

<img class="hidden-phone" src="/img/phil.jpg" alt="Phil Leggetter" />

<h1>Phil Leggetter</h1>
<div class="bio">
<p>Phil Leggetter is a Developer Evangelist at Pusher, a real-time web hosted API for quickly, easily and securely adding scalable real-time functionality to web and mobile apps . He’s been developing and using real-time web technologies for over 10 years. His focus is to help people use these technologies to build the next generation of interactive and engaging real-time web applications.</p>

<h2>Real Time Web and the Future of Client/Server Technologies</h2>
<div class="abstract">
<p>It’s been possible to instantly push information from a web server to a web browser for at least 10 years, but this technology has finally gone mainstream thanks to technologies like WebSockets and solutions like, Faye, SignalR and Pusher. In this sessions I'll cover the past, present and future of client/server communication technology, the realtime web and provide a number of use cases and demonstrations of how the technology is actually used today (it's not just chat and spaceship games).</p>

<div class="speaker yellow">
<a name="alvaro"></a>

<img class="hidden-phone" src="/img/alvaro.jpg" alt="Alvaro Videla" />

<h1>Alvaro Videla</h1>
<div class="bio">
<p>Alvaro Videla works at VMware as Developer Advocate for Cloud Foundry. Before moving to Europe he used to work in Shanghai where he helped with building one of Germany's biggest dating websites. He co-authored the book "RabbitMQ in Action" for Manning Publishing. Some of his open source projects can be found <a href="">on Github</a>. Apart from code related stuff he likes traveling with his wife, listening/playing music and reading books. You can find him on Twitter as <a href="">@old_sound</a>.</p>

<h2>Scaling Applications with RabbitMQ</h2>
<div class="abstract">
<p>Do you need to process thousands of images in the background for your web app? Do you need to share data across multiple applications, probably written in different languages and sitting at different servers? Your real time data feed is becoming slow because you are polling the database constantly for new data updates? Do you need to scale information processing during peek times? What about deploying new features with zero downtime? If any of these problems sound familiar then you probably need to use messaging in your application.</p>
<p>In this talk I will introduce RabbitMQ, a messaging and queue server that can help us tackle those problems. We will learn how to implement messaging into our applications, use Pub/Sub, RPC and give a new meaning to the term 'decoupling'.</p>


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