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Carlos Roldan edited this page Apr 12, 2019 · 11 revisions

Lightning Network Simulation


This repository is a majors dissertation project for Aberystwyth University developed by Carlos Roldan.

Current Status

  • Simulation tool: Stable ✅
  • Analysis tool: Stable ✅

Get Started

Create a Lightning Network

  1. Click File>Create to create a lightning network
  2. Type the number of Nodes
  3. Type the number of channels per node
  4. Click start to display a lightning network
  5. When a network is loaded. You can start the simulation by clicking Edit>Start and random nodes start to generate transactions along the network.

Load a Lightning Network

  1. Click File>Load to create a lightning network
  2. Select a network between the following options:
  • Tiny (10 nodes)
  • Small (25 nodes)
  • Medium (50 nodes)
  • Big (500 nodes)
  1. Click on the file to display the network.
  2. When a network is loaded. You can start the simulation by clicking Edit>Start and random nodes start to generate transactions along the network.

If you experience any issues please create an issue ticket.