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A lightweight extensible core for juju charming in python


`charmhelpers.core.hookenv` is a servicable organically grown
library/framework for doing charming.  Using it and charming in
general, I've desired to improve it in a few ways:

 - Have a single entry point to interacting with live hook execution

 - Have a syntonic environment I can explore and discover more about
   the possibilities of what I can do in charm.

 - Have an easy way to write tests without unexpected sideeffects.

 - Have a charming system that is naturally easy to extend to fit
   different usecases

Side effects (when you want them)

Charms currently require 3 forms of interaction with their
environment: filesystem, environmental variable, and jujud based
tools.  Charmer may add more subproccess or system calls atop these
basic dependencies, but charm.base aims to make it easy to avoid
sideeffects for testing and development outside of the context of a

Basic API

The entry point to the charm is the **execution context**.

Simple Creation

`charm.base` provides a convenience function.  If you give it no
environment, it will use `os.environment` and attempt to run as if it
were in an active charm hook.

    >>> from charmbase import execution_context

For the most simpe case, your hook file would look like so::

    >>> def main(xc):
    ...     print "important charm stuff with %s" % xc

    >>> if __name__ is "__main__":
    ...     xc = execution_context()
    ...     main(xc)
    important charm stuff with <charmbase.model.context.ExecutionContext object at ...>

In this way, your hook code could be imported and tested by passing in
a dummy object for xc.  The execution context itself though allows for
you to initial it with your own handrolled environment, charmdir and
other overrides.

So let it be your dummy!

    >>> from charmbase.model.tests import here
    >>> fake_env = dict(
    ...     JUJU_AGENT_SOCKET="@/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-test-0/agent.socket",
    ...     JUJU_API_ADDRESSES="",
    ...     JUJU_CHARM_DIR='ignore',
    ...     JUJU_CONTEXT_ID="test/0-install-1002841046484389285",
    ...     JUJU_DEBUG="/tmp/tmp.2esNGFMfdX",
    ...     JUJU_ENV_NAME="ec2-va-1",
    ...     JUJU_ENV_UUID="b8ba8824-16f2-43b0-8b10-5b1dfa063906",
    ...     JUJU_HOOK_NAME="install",
    ...     JUJU_MACHINE_ID="1",
    ...     JUJU_METER_INFO="",
    ...     JUJU_UNIT_NAME="test/0")
    >>> xc = execution_context(environment=fake_env, charmdir=here / 'basecharm')

The execution context provides direct access to any `JUJU` prefixed
environmental variables:

    >>> xc.hook_name

    >>> xc.machine_id

As well as conveniences derived from these vars:

    >>> xc.service_name

Filesystem isolation and manipulation

The creation of the exection context allows for us to pass in a
charmdir and rootdir (or it will use a temporary directory for both as
a convenience)::


    >>> xc.rootdir.startswith('/tmp')

This allows for non-destructive testing of filesystem operations such
as adding and remove files in `/etc`.

Both of these are path objects, giving easy access to a variety of
operations common to charming

    >>> sorted([str( for x in xc.charmdir.files()])
    ['README.example', 'config.yaml', 'icon.svg', 'metadata.yaml']

    >>> from pprint import pprint as pp
    >>> print (xc.charmdir / 'metadata.yaml').text()
    name: basecharm
    summary: <Fill in summary here>

Extension and inversion of control

The execution context is a root node of a simple tree data
structure. While a number of attributes are exposed as a convenience
to the root node, the root also serves as a reference to other
namespaces as a way of logical organizing charming tasks.

Namespaces are registered roughly around files concerns or tools:
config, metadata, juju (log and reboot), relation, unit, leader,
storage, status. Tool namespace may register specific functions that
wrap jujud calls, and if they implement the function signature
correctly, they may be automatically mocked.

Let's demonstrate a simple example.  We'll add `leader_yolo` to our
leader namespace::

    >>> from import Leader
    >>> import subprocess
    >>> @Leader.register_tool("leader_yolo")
    ... def is_leader(command="is-leader", runner=subprocess.check_output):
    ...     return runner([command])

We could also add a data namespace to `Leader` to manage getting and
setting data for the entire service::

    >>> from charmbase.model.namespace import ToolNamespace

    >>> @Leader.register_child("data")
    ... class LeaderData(ToolNamespace):
    ...     """ the service data """

    >>> from charmbase.model.config import config_get
    >>> from functools import partial
    >>> lg = LeaderData.register_tool('get_state')(partial(config_get, command="leader-get"))

Now, we will load our execution environment with an argument
`add_includes`.  This argument loads a special callable that will
replace all of our tools runners (ie subprocess calls) with mock

    >>> xc = execution_context(environment=fake_env,
    ...                        charmdir=here / 'basecharm',
    ...                        override_includes="charmbase.model.tests.runner_mocks")

We have the default leader namespace::

    >>> xc.leader
    < object ...>

And a LeaderData namespace::

    <__main__.LeaderData object at ...>

with a tool w/ a mocked runner.

    <functools.partial object at ...>

    <Mock name='data.get_state' id='...'>

We can now manipulate the output of the new tool:

    >>> xc.runner_mocks.leader.leader_yolo.return_value = "YOLO"
    >>> xc.leader.leader_yolo()

We can now manipulate the output of an implicitly added tool:

    >>> xc.runner_mocks.config.get_state.return_value = "1"
    >>> xc.config.get_state(key="wat")

We can clean up our class tree registrations so our tests are

    >>> xc.runner_mock_cleanup()

So in one example, we've seen:

 * how to simply manage "tool" subprocess mocking (avoid stacks of mock.patch decorator or sideeffect whackamole)
 * arbitrary alteration of the object structure at initialization time
 * simple extension of namespaces by decorator (to a sideeffecting function)
 * how to extend a namespace to have another level

Let talk a bit deeper what makes this possible.

Extension decorators

The current api provides decorators for register child namespaces to
existing namespaces (available to any subclass of
`charmbase.model.namespace`), and a decorator for registering tools
(available to any subclass of
charmbase.model.context.ExecutionContext` is a tool namespace and may
register both tools and child namespaces.

Defining an extension decorator for a namespace is twofold. Usually
this would come with creating a special namespace and defining an
`_iso_dict` class variable. This class variable used by a metaclass to
make sure all subclasses have unique copies.

ex. ::

    >>> from charmbase.model.meta import registrator
    >>> class HotNyan(ToolNamespace):
    ...     _iso_dicts = '_cats', '_rainbows'
    ...     class NyanError(RuntimeError):
    ...         """E_TOO_MUCH_NYAN"""
    ...     register_cats = registrator.factory('_cats', NyanError)
    ...     register_rainbow = registrator.factory('_rainbows', NyanError)

The `registrator` derived function will register type of python object
except strings.  If it gets a string, it will attempt to resolve and
load it as the registered object.

    >>> HotNyan.register_cats('putty')('path.path')
    <class 'path.Path'>

    >>> "putty" in HotNyan._cats

It will prevent overwriting though.

    >>> HotNyan.register_cats('putty')(object())
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    NyanError: <object object at ...> conflicts with putty: <class 'path.Path'>

If you feed it a function or a class, it will use a lowercased version
of __name__ as the key:

    >>> rbz = type("rainbow_Z", (), dict(pot="gold"))
    >>> HotNyan.register_rainbow(rbz)
    <class '__main__.rainbow_Z'>

    >>> HotNyan._rainbows
    {'rainbow_z': <class '__main__.rainbow_Z'>}

The simplest form of processing your registrations is to affix them as
attributes to your namespace (bag and tag so to speak) via the
`init_attrs` staticmethod.

    >>> ns = HotNyan()
    >>> HotNyan.init_attrs(ns, dict(ns._cats, **ns._rainbows))
    >>> ns.rainbow_z
    <class '__main__.rainbow_Z'>

    >>> ns.putty
    <class 'path.Path'>


The `include` idiom is derived from the `pyramid` web framework
project (as is the code for the dependency that powers it).  An
include is either a callable or an importable object of some sort with
the callable attribute `includeme`. This callable takes a namespace
(usually the execution context).

The execution context can take 3 kinds of includes:

 0. `base_includes`: define the default structure of the execution
     context by importing generally useful namespace and tool
     registrations.  Generally you don't need to change these unless
     you are doing something radical.  Are loaded before child

 1. `add_includes`: charmer specified includes allow for a charmer to
    add registrations to create their own special namespace or
    whatever floats their boat.

 2. `override_includes`: Are loaded after child initialization. These
    includes can effect the structure resulting from the previous
    include to do thigs like mock out tool calls (see `leader` example above).


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