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whoami-plugins edited this page Jul 24, 2011 · 1 revision


# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                  DataController                      | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # This Cache saves registration details like username and password
    # Change it to false, if you want edit the datasource under runtime
    # Otherwise let it to true!
    CacheEnabled: true

    # Possible datasources are 'flatfile' or 'mysql'
    Datasource: flatfile

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Misc                           | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Set it to false, if you want let the player decide, if he should register or not
    ForceRegistration: true

    # If it's enabled, it will kick non-registered players before they could join
    # Make sure to edit the Kick.NotRegistered message in message file!
    KickNonRegistered: false

    # What has to be done, if a player typed a wrong password?
    # Kick him (true) or only warn him with a simple chat message (false)
    KickOnWrongPassword: true

    # Kick a non-loggedin player after he has reached a certain timeout (in seconds)
    # To disable this, set it to 0
    LoginTimeout: 90

    # The intervall between Alert.Login and Alert.Registration messages (in seconds)
    AlertInterval: 5

    # What should we allow unregistered players?
        Chat: false
        # Following commands are allowed to use
        # Be warned: Additionally every subcommand gets allowed, e.g. '/uptime today'
        - uptime
            Enabled: false
            Radius: 20

    # What should we allow players, that are not logged in?
        # Following commands are allowed to use (and every subcommand!)
        # Be warned: Additionally every subcommand gets allowed, e.g. '/uptime today'
        - uptime

    # Following players get unrestricted access without the force to log in
    # Use this function, if you use plugins, that create bots (NPCs)!
    - Bot01

    # Algorithm hash (MD5, SHA256, SHA1).
    Hash: SHA256

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |              Playername Restrictions                 | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # The name of a player should have the following maximum and minimum length
    PlayerNameMaxLength: 20
    PlayerNameMinLength: 3

    # The characters in the name can be restricted by RegEx
    # For more informatiom about RegEx visit
    PlayerNameRegex: '[a-zA-Z0-9_?]*'

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   Login Sessions                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # This function automatically logs players in, if they were already logged
    # in before their last disconnect
    Enabled: false

    # Maximum timeout between last logout and new connection (in seconds)
    MaximalTimePeriod: 5

    # Be warned: Only disable this, if you know what you are doing!
    # Disabling this makes AuthMe not comparing old and new IPs and maybe
    # grants access to name spoofers (in case you are in offline-mode)
    IPCheckEnabled: true

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                     Commands                         | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
        ChangePasswordEnabled: true
        RegisterEnabled: true
        UnregisterEnabled: true
        LoginEnabled: true
        LogoutEnabled: true
        ReloadAuthsEnabled: true
        ResetAuthEnabled: true

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                  MySQL Settings                      | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # Connection details
        Host: localhost
        Port: 3306
        Database: test
        Username: root
        Password: pass

    # Settings for a custom user table
    # Do not change this, if you don't have any scripts reqiring this
        TableName: authme
        ColumnUsername: username
        ColumnPassword: password
        # Custom information, that a player has to type on /register command
        # This function is only available for MySQL as datasource!
        # Make sure that you have a column with the right name in your database!
        # The information gets checked, if it complies to the given RegEx string
        # If the check was successfull, the information get stored in the respective column
        # A line must be built up like following:
        #   columnname: 'regexstring'
        # For good RegEx strings visit
        # If you are still unsure, check the given example below (email)
#            email: '^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$'


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