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executable file
136 lines (97 loc) · 4.33 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
136 lines (97 loc) · 4.33 KB


Go package for indexing GeoJSON features in a Spatialite (SQLite) database.


You will need to have both Go (specifically a version of Go more recent than 1.6 so let's just assume you need Go 1.8 or higher) and the make programs installed on your computer. Assuming you do just type:

make bin

All of this package's dependencies are bundled with the code in the vendor directory.



CREATE TABLE geojson (
	properties JSON

SELECT InitSpatialMetaData();
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('geojson', 'geometry', 4326, 'GEOMETRY', 'XY');
SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('geojson', 'geometry');

In order to index geometries you will need to have the Spatialite extension already installed. Installation details are outside the scope of this document.

This package also assumes you if you are accessing the resulting database using a sqlite3 binary or language-specific SQLite3 library (other than this package) that the JSON1 extension is available and loaded. If you are creating an application in Go that uses this library make sure to go build it (your application) with the --tags json1 flag to tell the underlying go-sqlite3 package to enable support for the JSON1 extension. For example:

$> go build --tags json1 -o bin/wof-sqlite-index-geojson cmd/wof-sqlite-index-geojson.go

Custom tables

Sure. You just need to write a per-table package that implements the Table interface as described in go-whosonfirst-sqlite.



./bin/wof-sqlite-index-geojson -h
Usage of ./bin/wof-sqlite-index-geojson:
	Index all tables (except the 'search' and 'geometries' tables which you need to specify explicitly)
  -dsn string
        (default ":memory:")
	Index the 'geojson' table (default true)
	Enable various performance-related pragmas at the expense of possible (unlikely) database corruption (default true)
  -mode string
    	The mode to use importing data. Valid modes are: directory,feature,feature-collection,files,geojson-ls,meta,path,repo,sqlite. (default "files")
  -processes int
    	     The number of concurrent processes to index data with (default 8)
	Display timings during and after indexing

Please finish writing me...

Querying the data

There isn't a general purpose query tool as of this writing. Every GeoJSON record's properties dictionary is stored as a SQLite JSON database column and it is assumed you will query them using the json_extract function.

Let's say that you've indexed the whosonfirst-data-constituency-ca repo like this:

./bin/wof-sqlite-index-geojson -dsn test.db -mode repo /usr/local/data/whosonfirst-data-constituency-ca/

You might then query the data (in a Go program or anything else that can talk to SQLite) like this:

package main

import (

func main (){

	db, _ := database.NewDBWithDriver("spatialite", "test.db")
        defer db.Close()

        conn, _ := db.Conn()

	sql := "SELECT json_extract(properties, '$.ebc:ed_abbrev') AS ed FROM geojson WHERE json_extract(properties, '$.ebc:ed_abbrev') = 'ABM'"
        row := conn.QueryRow(sql)

	var eb string


Error handling has been removed for the sake of brevity.


This package can index any input source supported by the go-whosonfirst-index package.


Unknown. On the face of it, it seems certain that having to call json_extract all the time wouldn't be terribly performant. Think of it as a cheap-and-easy tool for spelunking data until proven otherwise and/or working with small datasets where the extra cost doesn't matter.

See also