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Arithmetic Operators

Michael edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 2 revisions

Arithmetic Operators

As written, AVBEEL only supports integers, although this can be easily changed. To make an integer, just write it!

Enter Code: 1
Time: <11ms
Result: 1

There are four integer operators: +, -, *, and / There are no parentheses, as AVBEEL uses Polish Notation:

Enter Code: + 1 1
Time: <0ms
Result: 2

In AVBEEL, functions run from right to left, so * is triggered before -. The following statement means: The product of 2 and 3, minus 1.

- * 2 3 1 ==-> - (* 2 3) 1 -> - 6 1 -> 5 (parentheses added for clarity)

Enter Code: - * 2 3 1
Time: <5ms
Result: 5

As these are integer operators, integer division is used:

Enter Code: / 5 2
Time: <5ms
Result: 2
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