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A MEAN web application that allows employees to submit feedback toward each other's as a performance review.

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MEAN Example

Web application that allows employees to submit feedback toward each other's as a performance review.

Backoffice view

  • Add/remove/update/view employees
  • Add/update/view performance reviews
  • Assign employees to participate in another employee's performance review

Employee view

  • List of performance reviews requiring feedback
  • Submit feedback

Assumptions made:

  • admin user is an employee with a isAdmin property flagged
  • user authentication with JWT, the signed token is stored in the localstorage
  • at start server check if an admin exists, if not it creates an employee with the property isAdmin flagged. username and password are "admin"
  • performance review questions are hardcoded for simplicity

Technology stack


  • Angular 7.2.0
  • Bootstrap 4.3.1

Angular-cli 7.3.9 has been used for code genaration/task execution


  • NodeJs 8.11.4
  • express 4.17.1
  • MongoDB Community Edition 4.0.10

Node/Mongo integration with mongoose

Server API:

Under the /employees path:

  • GET:

    • / get the list of all employees
    • /get/:id get employee by id
    • /delete/:id remove the employee and all its assignments
  • POST:

    • /authenticate authenticate user and if OK return the signed token
    • /add add an employee
    • /update/:id update an employee with the given id

Under the /reviews path:

  • GET:

    • / get all the reviews with populated assignments
    • /get/:id get a review with the given id
  • POST:

    • /add add a review
    • /update/:id update a review with the given id

Under the /assignments path:

  • GET:

    • /reviewers/:id get all assignments of a review with given id

    • /by-reviewer/:id.:todo get all performance reviews assigned to an employee with a given id, filtered as done or not

    • /delete/:id.:from remove an assignment and pull it from review.assignments

  • POST:

    • /add add a new assignment and push it into review.assignments


  • feedback submission
  • tests

Installation and execution

Run MongoDB:

// windows
& 'C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongod.exe' --dbpath=".\data\db"

Open a new prompt and run the server

cd server

// do 'npm install' only once
npm install

npm run server

Open a new prompt and run the client

cd client

// do 'npm install' only once
npm install

npm run start

Login as Admin: username: admin password: admin


A MEAN web application that allows employees to submit feedback toward each other's as a performance review.




