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To help browse/edit bookmarks in different area, I wrote an electron app, backed with a nedb format.

In this repo, I share any d3js related bookmark that points to some online resource (I have removed any bookmarks that points to my file system). Data have been converted to a tsv format, to reduce file size.

An explorer app is provided -

app preview

For convenience, tags and terms can be specified in the queryString. Keys must be separated by ';'.;algo:bundle

I gave a shot to coding with es6 without dependencies, without the need to transpile or hot reload during development. The only dependency is babel-cli to convert es6 code to es5 to support older browsers. Run yarn run bundle or npm run bundle to generate a es5 version of the code. (Note that the latest versions of Chrome and Safari can run the es6 code without any pre- or post-processing).


  • Limit tags and terms to the one still available for the items selected so far.
  • Clicking on a tag or term in the item list should add that tag or term to the query options.
  • Find the way to get display:flex to work in all browsers with thumbnails of varying sizes.
  • use typescript