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76 lines (65 loc) · 3.06 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (65 loc) · 3.06 KB

##Complex Function in Lua#

###Listener App enter Background/Foreground# In default cocos2d-x project, in AppDelegate.cpp, applicationDidEnterBackground() and applicationDidEnterForeground() should contains SimpleAudioEngine control. You may replace it with those lines:

// enter background
// enter foreground

And add the listener in your lua initialize function:

if e == kLuaEventAppEnterBackground then -- Do something like pause music
elseif e == kLuaEventAppEnterForeground then -- Do something like resume music when music option on

###CCScale9Sprite and CCScrollView# Simple add those and add they into your layer.

local s9 = CCScale9Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame(spFrameWasLoaded, CCReckMake(5,5,3,3))
local sv = CCScrollView:create()

###CCTableView# You may not control CCTableView in Lua, so I created a sub class LuaTableView, it can add a LuaEventHandler with delegate and data source. Firstly, create a handler:

-- @param fn string Callback type
-- @param table LuaTableView
-- @param a1 & a2 mixed Difference means for every "fn"
local h = LuaEventHandler:create(function(fn, table, a1, a2)
local r
if fn == "cellSize" then
-- Return cell size
r = CCSizeMake(320,100)
elseif fn == "cellAtIndex" then
-- Return CCTableViewCell, a1 is cell index, a2 is dequeued cell (maybe nil)
-- Do something to create cell and change the content
if not a2 then
a2 = CCTableViewCell:create()
-- Build cell struct, just like load ccbi or add sprite
-- Change content

	r = a2
elseif fn == "numberOfCells" then  
	-- Return number of cells  
	r = 100  
elseif fn == "cellTouched" then  
	-- A cell was touched, a1 is cell that be touched. This is not necessary.  
return r  


Next we can create the table:

local table = LuaTableView:createWithHandler(h, CCSizeMake(320,480))
-- Set table properties, referrence CCTableView API, and add into layer.

###Http Get/Post# Just add those lines in lua:

CCHttpRequest:open("", kHttpGet):sendWithHandler(function(res, hnd)
print(res:getResponseData(), res:getResponseCode())

If you want do a post http request, change arguments in open:

CCHttpRequest:open("", kHttpPost, "query=param1&other=params"):sendWithHandler(function(res, hnd) end)

Arguments to the call back function, first is CCHttpResponse, 2nd is LuaEventHandler.


Call function multi times in duration seconds, useful just like animation change contentSize or preferredSize or other.

local s = layer:getContentSize() layer:runAction(LuaCallFunction:create(1, function(t, n)
-- Change layer width larger 100 pixel
n:setContentSize(CCSizeMake(s.width + 100 * t, s.height))