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translatewiki committed May 24, 2021
1 parent 5ea6c51 commit 2fe43e7
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Showing 3 changed files with 115 additions and 43 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions i18n/de.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"title": "Wikimedia OCR",
"image-url": "Bild-URL:",
"image-url-help": "Diese muss mit einem der folgenden Domainnamen beginnen und eine vollständige URL zu einer tatsächlichen Bilddatei sein: $1",
"image-url-error": "Die Bild-URL muss mit {{PLURAL:$1|dem folgende Domainnamen|einer der folgenden Domainnamen}} beginnen und mit einer gültigen Dateierweiterung enden: $2",
"image-alt-text": "Das Originalbild",
"language-code": "Zwei-Buchstaben-Sprachcode (optional):",
"language-code-help": "Der ISO639-Code der Sprache des Textes im Bild.",
"engine": "OCR-Modul:",
"engine-help": "Wähle zwischen dem von Wikimedia gehosteten Open-Source-Programm Tesseract und der Cloud Vision API von Google.",
"submit": "Suche",
"copy-to-clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"copied-to-clipboard": "Kopiert!",
"google-error": "Der Google-Dienst gab einen Fehler zurück: $1",
"image-retrieval-failed": "Bildabruf fehlgeschlagen: $1",
"documentation": "Dokumentation",
"version": "Version $1",
"report-issue": "Ein Problem melden",
"langs-param-error": "Die {{PLURAL:$1|folgende Sprache wird|folgenden Sprachen werden}} von der OCR-Engine nicht unterstützt: $2",
"tesseract-options": "Tesseract-Optionen",
"tesseract-psm-label": "Verfahren zur Seitensegmentierung",
"tesseract-psm-0": "Nur Orientierungs- und Schrifterkennung (OSD).",
"tesseract-psm-1": "Automatische Seitensegmentierung mit OSD.",
"tesseract-psm-2": "Automatische Seitensegmentierung, aber kein OSD, oder OCR. (nicht implementiert)",
"tesseract-psm-3": "Vollautomatische Seitensegmentierung, aber kein OSD. (Standard)",
"tesseract-psm-4": "Eine einzelne Textspalte mit variabler Größe vorausgesetzt.",
"tesseract-psm-5": "Es wird ein einzelner einheitlicher Block mit vertikal ausgerichtetem Text angenommen.",
"tesseract-psm-6": "Es wird ein einzelner einheitlicher Textblock angenommen.",
"tesseract-psm-7": "Behandelt das Bild wie eine einzelne Textzeile.",
"tesseract-psm-8": "Behandelt das Bild wie ein einzelnes Wort.",
"tesseract-psm-9": "Behandelt das Bild wie ein einzelnes Wort in einem Kreis.",
"tesseract-psm-10": "Behandelt das Bild als ein einzelnes Zeichen.",
"tesseract-psm-11": "Wenig Text. Möglichst viel Text in keiner bestimmten Reihenfolge finden.",
"tesseract-psm-12": "Knapper Text mit OSD.",
"tesseract-psm-13": "Rohzeile. Behandelt das Bild wie eine einzelne Textzeile und umgeht damit Tesseract-spezifische Hacks.",
"tesseract-oem-label": "Modi der OCR-Engine",
"tesseract-oem-0": "Nur Legacy-Engine.",
"tesseract-oem-1": "Nur neuronale Netze LSTM-Engine.",
"tesseract-oem-2": "Legacy + LSTM Engines.",
"tesseract-oem-3": "Standard, basierend auf dem, was verfügbar ist.",
"tesseract-param-error": "Die Option „$1“ mit einem Wert von $2 wird von Tesseract nicht unterstützt. Maximaler Wert: $3"
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions i18n/mk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"title": "ОПЗ на Викимедија",
"image-url": "URL на сликата:",
"image-alt-text": "Изворната слика.",
"language-code": "Двобуквен јазичен код (незадолж.):",
"language-code-help": "ISO639-код на јазикот на кој е напишан текстот на сликата.",
"engine": "ОПЗ-погон:",
"submit": "Дај",
"copy-to-clipboard": "Копирај во меѓускладот",
"copied-to-clipboard": "Ископирано!",
"report-issue": "Пријави проблем",
"tesseract-psm-0": "Само препознавање на насока и писмо (ПНП).",
"tesseract-psm-1": "Автоматско разделување на страницата со ПНП.",
"tesseract-psm-2": "Автоматско разделување на страницата, но без ПНП или ОПЗ. (не е спроведено)",
"tesseract-psm-3": "Наполно автоматско разделување на страницата, но без ПНП. (По основно)",
"tesseract-psm-11": "Разреден текст. Најди што повеќе текст по било кој редослед.",
"tesseract-psm-12": "Разреден текст со ПНП.",
"tesseract-psm-13": "Сиров рд. Сметај ја сликата за еден ред текст, заобиколувајќи ги можностите особени за Tesseract.",
"tesseract-oem-label": "Режими на ОПЗ-погонот"
88 changes: 45 additions & 43 deletions i18n/qqq.json
@@ -1,45 +1,47 @@
"@metadata": {},
"title": "App title",
"image-url": "Form label for the 'image' field.",
"image-url-help": "Help text for the 'image' field.",
"image-url-error": "Error message shown when the 'image' field is not valid.",
"image-alt-text": "Alt text for the displayed image, next to the OCR text box.",
"language-code": "Form label for the 'language' field.",
"language-code-help": "Help text for the 'language' field.",
"engine": "Form label for the 'engine' field.",
"engine-help": "Help text for the 'engine' field.",
"engine-name-google": "Option text for the 'google' engine.",
"engine-name-tesseract": "Option text for the 'tesseract' engine.",
"submit": "Submit button text.",
"copy-to-clipboard": "Button text for the copy-to-clipboard button.",
"copied-to-clipboard": "Button text shown after the copy-to-clipboard button is clicked.",
"google-error": "Error message prefix for the Google engine.\n\nParameter:\n* $1 – the error message.",
"image-retrieval-failed": "Error message displayed when the image could not be found.\n\nParameter:\n* $1 – the error message.",
"documentation": "Link text in the footer for the documentation link",
"version": "Link text in the footer for the source code link.\n\nParameter:\n* $1 – the current application version number.",
"report-issue": "Link text in the footer for the issue-reporting link.",
"langs-param-error": "Error message displayed when invalid language(s) are submitted.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 – number of invalid languages\n* $2 - the list of invalid languages",
"tesseract-options": "Heading for Tesseract-specific options.",
"tesseract-psm-label": "Form label for the Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-0": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-1": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-2": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-3": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-4": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-5": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-6": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-7": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-8": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-9": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-10": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-11": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-12": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-13": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-oem-label": "Form label for the Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-oem-0": "Form option for Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-oem-1": "Form option for Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-oem-2": "Form option for Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-oem-3": "Form option for Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-param-error": "Error message displayed when invalid values for Tesseract options are submitted.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 – the form label for the option. This will either be {{msg-wm|tesseract-psm-label}} or {{msg-wm|tesseract-oem-label}}.\n* $2 – The value that was given.\n* $3 – the maximum value for the option (this will be an integer)."
"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"title": "App title",
"image-url": "Form label for the 'image' field.",
"image-url-help": "Help text for the 'image' field.",
"image-url-error": "Error message shown when the 'image' field is not valid.",
"image-alt-text": "Alt text for the displayed image, next to the OCR text box.",
"language-code": "Form label for the 'language' field.",
"language-code-help": "Help text for the 'language' field.",
"engine": "Form label for the 'engine' field.",
"engine-help": "Help text for the 'engine' field.",
"engine-name-google": "Option text for the 'google' engine.",
"engine-name-tesseract": "Option text for the 'tesseract' engine.",
"submit": "Submit button text.",
"copy-to-clipboard": "Button text for the copy-to-clipboard button.",
"copied-to-clipboard": "Button text shown after the copy-to-clipboard button is clicked.",
"google-error": "Error message prefix for the Google engine.\n\nParameter:\n* $1 – the error message.",
"image-retrieval-failed": "Error message displayed when the image could not be found.\n\nParameter:\n* $1 – the error message.",
"documentation": "Link text in the footer for the documentation link",
"version": "Link text in the footer for the source code link.\n\nParameter:\n* $1 – the current application version number.",
"report-issue": "Link text in the footer for the issue-reporting link.",
"langs-param-error": "Error message displayed when invalid language(s) are submitted.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 – number of invalid languages\n* $2 - the list of invalid languages",
"tesseract-options": "Heading for Tesseract-specific options.",
"tesseract-psm-label": "Form label for the Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-0": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-1": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-2": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-3": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-4": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-5": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-6": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-7": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-8": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-9": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-10": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-11": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-12": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-psm-13": "Form option for Tesseract page segmentation mode.",
"tesseract-oem-label": "Form label for the Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-oem-0": "Form option for Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-oem-1": "Form option for Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-oem-2": "Form option for Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-oem-3": "Form option for Tesseract OCR engine mode.",
"tesseract-param-error": "Error message displayed when invalid values for Tesseract options are submitted.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 – the form label for the option. This will either be {{msg-wm|tesseract-psm-label}} or {{msg-wm|tesseract-oem-label}}.\n* $2 – The value that was given.\n* $3 – the maximum value for the option (this will be an integer)."

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